Fatherhood Essay

Fatherhood has changed over the years, and fathers now play a more active role in their children’s lives than ever before. Studies have shown that children who have a close relationship with their fathers are more likely to do well in school, have better relationships with their peers, and be less likely to get involved … Read more

Family Trip Essay

Family trips are a great way to bond with your loved ones. It can be a fun and exciting experience, but it is also important to be prepared. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your next family trip: 1. Choose your destination carefully. Make sure everyone in the family is … Read more

Sixteen By Jessamyn West

“Sixteen” by Jessamyn West is a heartwarming story about a young girl’s relationship with her grandparents. Despite the generational differences between them, the two bond over their shared love of family. This touching story is sure to resonate with readers of all ages. Outside in the orchard, the man from the smudge company was refilling … Read more

My Favorite Place Essay

I’ve always loved sitting in my front yard. My overall favorite location is sitting in my front yard, which I love to do because it is a relaxing and peaceful area. This essay is about my favorite place, and I’ll tell you why it’s so special to me. The chair I’m sitting in right now … Read more

My Mom Is My Inspiration

There are many people that have had an impact on my life and influenced me in many different ways. My mother, however, has had the biggest impact on my life, and influenced me more than anyone else. She has had an impact on me since the day I was born, and she still does today. … Read more

Little Miss Sunshine Family Assessment

Family might bring love and joy, but it may also cause depression, betrayal, pain, and suffering. Family isn’t always created by genetics; rather, it’s based on a bond between people. A family can be made up of friends, colleagues, classmates, residents of a neighborhood or any other group of individuals. The Pritchett-Dunne family, from the … Read more

My Dad Is My Hero Essay

My dad is my hero. He’s always been there for me, no matter what. He’s a great father and an even better friend. I can’t imagine my life without him. When I consider what my hero means to me, I realize that the majority of my favorite memories and sentiments toward him are derived from … Read more

Sunday In The Park Bel Kaufman

Bel Kaufman’s Sunday in the Park is a warm and funny story about family life. It’s a great read for anyone who wants to laugh and learn about what it means to be part of a family. On Sunday, the focus shifts to Larry’s mother and father, who are enjoying a picnic while watching their … Read more

Still Alice Psychology

Dying is not the conclusion to anyone’s story. We will never be done exploring the wonder of who we are. While following along on Alice’s journey in the movie “Still Alice,” we become a part of an experience through a unique style the movie is made in, the emergence of all forms of love within … Read more

Motherhood In American Culture

In the Western society I was raised in, a mother is usually understood as one of two ways. A mother is either a selfless and hardworking nurturer, or a protective and “helicoptering” figure that will do anything for her child. While numerous mothers, in actuality, encompass neither or both of these roles along with several … Read more

Ordinary People Personal Response

I feel the most related toward Conrad. As he has problems with being social and has some built up anger from over the years. To me Conrad plays a roll of a person who fights and struggles. Not with just his friends and other people, but with his family. Conrad feels apart from his mom … Read more

An Analysis Of Washington Irving’s The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow

Alexander Isayevich Solzhenitsyn once said “Literature transmits incontrovertible condensed experience… from generation to generation. In this way literature becomes the living memory of a nation. ” Literature was not created “in a vacuum. ” Literature was created in an open environment, it expands and reaches places that not everyone believes it will. Literature is made … Read more

Social Group Analysis Essay

Social Group Analysis on the Bradshaw Family The group I have chosen to study is my family. Several of my family members live in the same house, these members are who I will be focusing on. The group consist of thirteen people, between the ages of 13 months and eighty-five years old. I’ve chosen five … Read more

The Necklace Literary Analysis

Mathilde and Loisel had no luxury at all, but Mathilde still wished for the good things in life. Her husband, whom would do anything for his wife, got an invitation for a party where all the “important people” (177) would be. Not everyone was given an invitation to the party, so Loisel thought his wife … Read more

Indigenous Australian Aboriginal Culture

In this report the Indigenous Australian/Aborigine culture was studied over a course of three weeks to learn the significance of the Sun and astronomy to those people. Covered in this report is the indigenous perspectives on the Sun and Moon, the Australian Aborigine creation myth, and the story of the Aboriginal Flag with the Sun … Read more

Dominican Republic Experience

You never realize how much you have until you see someone who has very little. I got to really see that when i got to go to the Dominican Republic. It was a great experience not just to see the historic places and the perfect blue ocean like the ones you see in pictures but … Read more

Good Bye Daddy Dear Ben Black Analysis

As diplomatic relations in Europe began to crumble early in the 20th century war began to seem more and more imminent for America, despite Wilson’s isolation policy. The war ran from 1914 to 1918 and set a precedent for gruesome warfare and achieving victory by any means necessary including: machine guns, chemicals, and trench warfare. … Read more

Cost Of Childcare

“According to the U. S. Department of Health, between the years 2011 and 2012, 38 states and the District of Columbia, child-care costs exceed their recommendation of no more than 10 percent of a family’s income (Blair 4). ” However for many parents child care is a must. Child care expenses are at a premium, … Read more

When Chadwin Was Born Essay

Should a person ever believe that they were cursed? Well this was my belief before Chadwin was born. As a teenager on a summer revival night, our pastor called all the young childbearing girls to the front of the church and had us vow that we will never become pregnant before we were married. Being … Read more

Eye Of The Tiger-Personal Narrative

After school I was driving home in my black V6 Ford Mustang. Eye of The Tiger by Survivor was blasting through the speakers. My family owned a huge land in the forest near the lake called Otter Bay. The land was big enough to house all the pack and their families. They all had their … Read more

High School Dropout Rate Among Low-Income Students

“The high school dropout rate among persons 16-24 years old was highest in low-income families (16. 7 percent) as compared to high-income families (3. 2 percent)” (National Center for Education Statistics). The National Center for Education Statistics is one of many organizations that study high school dropout rates. The dropout rate among low-income families is … Read more

The Perfect Stranger

I’ll be looking at the physiological approach and mainly focusing on the emotional problems. In the book, Disclaimer, Catherine Ravenscroft hides her secret for 20 years, after which a self-published book The Perfect Stranger appears on her nightstand and it is about her and her long kept secret. The secret itself is an emotional problem … Read more

Personal Narrative: Rainbow Play Systems, Inc.

As a child, I was never denied a single thing I ever wanted. I was raised by my maternal grandparents, who I love more than life itself. They have been married for fifty-two years, amazingly. When I say I was never denied anything, I mean it quite literally. I asked my grandfather for a pony, … Read more

Nemesister Music Analysis

The last studio album Nemesister was released on May 9, 1995. In consideration of their past albums, this one was quite different. There are other songs before this album; that was more of head banging, deep, dark sound that you could not really understand. The album Nemesister was different, it was more understanding, slower and … Read more

Rhonda’s Spring Break-Personal Narrative

It was the smell of food that woke me up. When I looked at the clock, I realized I’d been allowed to sleep in until almost noon. The previous night’s nightmare felt like a dream within a dream. I could hear Hannah and Rhonda talking in the kitchen so I slipped away and into the … Read more

Examples Of Selfish In A Thousand Steps

When a child begins to age and grow up their parents being to teach and practice the thought of sharing with their friends and family. Often, the child resents this idea and only wants everything to themselves. However, overtime as the child matures and ages they begin realize it is only right and fair to … Read more

Wound’s Room: A Narrative Fiction

Roland’s glass door swing open, the man walks through is the very epitome of authority with his gun hanging idly at his hip, the party guest reflected in his over-large sunglasses. Everyone seems not to notice, they are not scared. What can he do? Arrest them all for underage drinking. Maybe if a soldier walked … Read more

The August Heat

There have many occurrences in the world we live in today, which not even science can explain how it happened. One of the most common events is Deja Vu, where someone dreams of seeing something and later that day, sees what he had dreamt. However for some reason there is another sort of rare and … Read more

Example Of A Satire Essay

In our studies of literature, we have came across satiric essays. We have read some essays that were written by the artists Swift, and Pope. Through these readings, we were able to gather a better understanding as to how satire is typically used. We understand that satire is saying one thing, but meaning something else. … Read more

Short Biography: Ted Bundy

Ted Bundy was born at the Elizabeth Lund Home for Unwed Mothers which is now known as the Lund Family Center in Burlington, Vermont on November 24th 1946 to Eleanor Louise Cowell. His father’s identity was never fully determined but his birth certificate says his dad is was a salesman and an Air Force veteran … Read more

Mark Twain’s Life

Mark Twain, toward the end of his life, was characterized as . . . speaking candidly in his last years but still with a vitality and ironic detachment that kept his work from being merely the fulminations of an old and angry man. 1 Growing up around slavery, discrimination, and loss, Mark Twain was bombarded … Read more

Family History Project

My 10th grade U.S. History class at Center Point High School was presented with the challenge of producing a digital family history project. The digital device could be anyone they choose. Any point-of-view was acceptable, as long as it was relevant to their family. The rationale of this assessment was to allow my students to … Read more

Katie Rees

On May 24 1952 a baby girl was born into the world in Sparrow Hospital, Lansing Michigan and her name is Katie Rees. Her parents didn’t know how soon to go to the hospital so they drove around Lansing in their car until they were sure it was time and they stopped at a little … Read more

Pecola Effect On The Community

During the 1940’s; an American time of depression, 83% of children were living in a two parent functional home. These children had a higher chance of academic achievement, better emotional health, and most importantly, fewer behavioral problems. What about the other children who lacked not just one parent,but two? Children are additionally influenced by their … Read more

Analysis Of Alzheimer’s Disease

In the picture, there is a brain made out of sand inside an hourglass on a black background that fades down to white. The heading “Alzheimer’s Disease” in big font and all capitalized is above the smaller words “The 5th leading cause of death in adults over 65. ” This image comes from the Alzheimer’s … Read more

Interview With Egline Cherono

First I interviewed my mother: Egline Cherono. She was born in Pemwai, Kenya, but currently lives in Georgia. Her favorite childhood memory was having plenty of time (between an 1 to 2 hours) for recess as a child, which is different from America because children have recess from elementary school to high school. She got … Read more

Boyfriend: A Narrative Fiction

Brian remained surprisingly calm throughout her phone call. “The child is yours,” she said. “I’m sure of it. Which means you’re going to be a dad soon, because I’m having this baby, Brian. ” “I know the child is mine,” he said. “And I intend to take care of it. Any help you need, I’m … Read more

Lelia Monologue

With Lelia’s constant companion away at school she appreciated the extra hours at work. Not only for the money, but it kept her busy, filling the void of vulnerability and loneliness she suffered without Samuel by her side. Writing the letters to Sam helped, except they didn’t ease the loneliness in Lelia’s heart. To fill … Read more

California Drought Analysis

This is not an article about a hike covering huge chunks of miles, deep in the wilderness, but rather, this is an article about the contrasts of living in an urban environment, finding solitude in that environment and of the relief that comes from receiving long awaited rain in a drought stricken state The state … Read more

Mrs. Osborne Home-Personal Narrative

Mother called me downstairs. I was afraid of what she was going to do to me this time. Once I finally reached the bottom, two of my sisters raced past me in such delight towards the backyard, in the nice crisp air of St. Johnsbury, Vermont. It was May, just the right time of year … Read more

Tamaulipas: A Short Story

My life begins here in Brownsville, Texas. However, I was only there from the beginning when I was a newborn before going back to Matamoros, Tamaulipas where my family had their own house. My mom wanted to have me in the U. S. because people had told her that there were far more opportunities over … Read more

Social Structure

All throughout civilization, there are social structures that shape and affect all aspects of life, thus consisting of a correlation of race, social-class, gender, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation and so on. Furthermore, each one of these structures has a considerably different impact and implication towards individuals belonging to a certain society. Throughout the years, my … Read more

Visual Nursing Home

Typically, when people think about growing old, they think about spending their weekends with the grandkids, going to church on a bright and sunny Sunday morning or even going to the lake for the day and fishing. Nobody really, truly thinks about what life is like when you can no longer take care of yourself. … Read more

Stunt Woman Research Paper

Why did you decide to become a stunt woman? Did you have any influences growing up that inspired you to go on this path? As a baby my older brother would take me over the jumps on his motocross track in my pram. The bigger the jumps, the harder the landings, the faster the laps … Read more

Grandmother Interview Research Paper

I want to start off by saying that I could not interview anyone in my family; my grandparents have been deceased for years on both sides. I will be talking about what I remember as a child. My grandmother on my dad’s side passed away in 1981; my grandfather on my mother’s side passed away … Read more

Empathy In Oryx And Crake Essay

In the novel, Oryx and Crake, empathy is shown to convey the author’s truth about abandonment in someone’s early life. Empathy is used to identify what a person is feeling in many different situations including traumatic events. The protagonist Jimmy has found out that his mother has left him and his father and is going … Read more

Mental Illness Family Essay

A mental illness, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (2014), is ‘a condition that impacts a person’s thinking, feeling or mood and may affect his or her ability to relate to others and function on a daily basis” (para. 1) There are many different illnesses and each has its own side effects. Each … Read more

Essay on Compare And Contrast Sonnys Blues And The Lame Shall Enter First

When Comparing Flannery O’Connor’s short story, “The Lame Shall Enter First” and James Baldwin’s short story, “Sonny’s Blues” many similarities and differences come to mind. In both O’Connor and Baldwin’s short story’s they urge the reader to consider what the lack of fulfillment can do to people’s everyday lives. However, Baldwin addresses the theme of … Read more

Louis Zamperinis Unbroken Essay

“One moment of pain is worth a lifetime of glory”(Louis Zamperini as qtd. in goodreads). Many people will read Unbroken and see a story ofa man who survived by power or knowledge which may be true, however, his survival is most likely because of the lessons he learned in his earlier life. Louis Zamperini was … Read more

Short Essay On My Literacy

My literacy started even before I was born. My mom was a big advocate for reading and writing so I had no choice but to enjoy it. My mom even got my name from a book she read just months before I was born. She was really enthusiastic about reading and still is to this … Read more

Argumentative Essay: The Generation Of Red Foxes

I arrived late today just as the speaker shouted,”one more’s spotted. ” “There seems to be no word surrender in their dictionary,” Ethan (not a fan of foxes) commented, “from scavenging trash cans, bird food, and pet food to hunting squirrels, bird, rats, and mice”. “Now come on Ethan, you know we’re not working to … Read more

Essay on El Otro Lado Analysis

In the book, El Otro Lado by Julia Alvarez, describes the author’s experience of leaving the dominican republic and moving to the united states. This is more than just her moving though, it’s about her transition through things like her culture, her behavior, her personality and her childhood into a world of emotions filled with … Read more

Analyzing Family Change Essay

Analyzing family change in three generations of my family, I found glaring distinctions between all three, but there are also some similarities that have seeped through the generations and still remain. Most of my family is still situated in very rural parts of Mexico and all three generations of my family were born and raised … Read more

This Family Is Falling Apart Analysis Essay

There are many problems need to be solved in the memoir such as poverty, homelessness, neglect, sexual abuse, hunger, discrimination, violence, unemployment, division within family and alcohol abuse. But according to me division with the family first needed to be solved it is also stated in the novel, “this family is falling apart,’ he said. … Read more

The Devils Highway Analysis Essay

The Devil’s Highway is a Pulitzer Prize finalist and a national best seller written by Luis Alberto Urrea. The novel is based on a true story and tragedy that occurred in May 2001. This tragedy is in regards to the Yuma-14 and their attempt to cross the Mexican border into the southern region of Arizona. … Read more

Macbeths Narrative-Short Story Essay

“All carriages this way! ” shouted a loud voice through the night air. The carriage jolted and bounced as it made its way to the grand banquet hall, and poking my head out the window, I saw its spires gleaming, bright lights streaming from the many glass windows. The sky was clear and cloudless, the … Read more

Grandmother Vs Misfit Essay

A felon on the loose and an old grandmother may not seem to have much in common but looks can be deceiving. In A Good Man Is Hard to Find the author, Flannery O’Connor, introduces two characters that are very self-driven and relate to each other through their common traits. The Misfit and the grandmother … Read more

Physical Culture Experiences Essay

Everyone has different experiences when it comes to physical culture and health. When you are a part of the same family, DNA and genetics are a factor. Yet, upbringing and influences of your family members can also play a huge part of what shapes you as a person. My family and I have all had … Read more

Woman Hollering Creek Essay

Several of the stories in Woman Hollering Creek by Sandra Cisneros revolve around the theme of feminism and religion and their ability to create inner conflict. A few of the characters experience this inner conflict as a direct result of the societal pressures put on them by whom they live with, themselves, and beliefs, whether … Read more

Essay about My Mission Trip

A home is a place where people are free to be with their family and have free time. Not everyone is the world has a home to go after work or school. Everyone in the world should have the right to have a home. As I believe, helping others in the world is one of … Read more

Food And Culture Analysis Essay

I definitely can relate my taste of food to my culture and class. For example, in my culture our tradition food is tamales, moles, and pozole. I love Mexican food; I don’t think Il’ll ever love any other type of food as much as Mexican. Since I love the taste of spicy food. Personally, I … Read more

Foster Care Problems Essay

Problems in Foster Care Foster Care is a system for kids that are not in a healthy home or that do not have parents. Kids that are in Foster Care suffer from the sense of being left alone, from being unwanted, and being lost. These things create life long problems and an unstable emotional life … Read more

Essay on Jeffrey Kane Crave Analysis

In Crave by Sarah Kane, the discussions of violence between a series of characters, named C, M, B, A, that express a unique form of poetic narrative that expresses the subconscious mind of reactionary violence in terms of victim status. The exchange between predator and victim status is an important aspect of the character, A, … Read more

Narrative Essay On Brittanis Funeral

Tremember being at my grandma’s house with man other friends and family waiting to hear the news because my family did not want me at the hospital because they thought that I was too young to understand what was happening. Even though was only six years old I noticed that everyone was sad and crying … Read more

Nursing Care Plan Sample Essay

Chronic illness affects the whole family not just the patient. As discussed in our readings from this week, the impact of disease on family members includes: Emotional impact, financial impact, Impact on family relationships, Impact on the caregiver’s education or work, Impact on the caregiver’s leisure time and Social impact for the caregiver (Golics, et … Read more

Essay on Personal Narrative: Violet Skies

All I could feel was the most intense pressure have ever felt. Nothing was helping it go away. There was about ten people surrounding me, most were family and friends. All the others were nurses and doctors trying to tell me what to do to help this intense pressure go away. Big lights were pointed … Read more

Essay about Interpersonal Communication Letter

Dear Brandon and Ashely, A big congratulation on the recent engagement. Marriage is a big role and there are a lot of moving pieces. Communication is a very vital role in any relationship Recently I have taken a class on interpersonal communication. It has shown me that with communication it will help fix situations if … Read more

How Did Empress Wu Influence The Tang Dynasty Essay

The Tang Dynasty (618-907) was a time of slightly deconstructed misogyny which allowed for the advancement of women. In fact, the Tang Dynasty experienced a small interruption with the second Zhou Dynasty (690-705) established by the only female monarch in Chinese history-Empress Wu. Empress Wu rose to power through ruthless tactics to move her from … Read more

Behind Grandmas House Poem Analysis Research Paper

How cool is your grandmother? Nikki Giovanni, Gary Soto, and Lorna Dee Cervantes share poems with their audience about their grandmothers and the lessons they have been taught. Throughout the year as we grow most of our grandparents get to see us change into the person we are today. “Lord these children”, Grandparents do not … Read more