Marrying Absurd

Joan Didion’s “Marrying Absurd” is a searing indictment of the institution of marriage. She argues that marriage is an outdated concept that does not reflect the reality of modern relationships. Didion contends that love, not marriage, should be the basis of any relationship. Didion’s essay was published in 1968, at a time when many Americans … Read more

Wife Of Bath

Within the book domination and marriage are closely linked as well as the interrelated themes of marriage and sexuality. There was a hierarchy, which placed virgins at the top, then widows who did not remarry, and then married people at the bottom. It was felt that God must love virgins most and that married people … Read more

Cost Of Childcare

“According to the U. S. Department of Health, between the years 2011 and 2012, 38 states and the District of Columbia, child-care costs exceed their recommendation of no more than 10 percent of a family’s income (Blair 4). ” However for many parents child care is a must. Child care expenses are at a premium, … Read more

Still Alice Psychology

Dying is not the conclusion to anyone’s story. We will never be done exploring the wonder of who we are. While following along on Alice’s journey in the movie “Still Alice,” we become a part of an experience through a unique style the movie is made in, the emergence of all forms of love within … Read more

Motherhood In American Culture

In the Western society I was raised in, a mother is usually understood as one of two ways. A mother is either a selfless and hardworking nurturer, or a protective and “helicoptering” figure that will do anything for her child. While numerous mothers, in actuality, encompass neither or both of these roles along with several … Read more

The Necklace Literary Analysis

Mathilde and Loisel had no luxury at all, but Mathilde still wished for the good things in life. Her husband, whom would do anything for his wife, got an invitation for a party where all the “important people” (177) would be. Not everyone was given an invitation to the party, so Loisel thought his wife … Read more

Treatment Of Women In Othello

Based on the situations that the three female characters of Othello endure it is clear that Shakespearean society viewed women as lesser beings who existed only to serve the men in their lives, and who were supposed to subservient, submissive, pure and above all else obedient. Obedient to their husbands, father, brothers and all men. … Read more

Overcoming Obstacles And Divorce Analysis

Life has many obstacles and divorce has become one of those unfortunate trials, which I have been forced to overcome. Marriage is supposed to be sacred and last an eternity; however, circumstances occur and divorce triumphs. After fourteen years of marriage, it has come to an end for Jason and I. Marriage has its ups … Read more

Praise Of Love Thesis

Beauty is a very indefinite concept, every person has a different idea of what they view as attractive. So when an entire civilization of people collectively define such a word; an automatic categorization of the physical appearances, personality traits, fashion sense, social class, and attitude of the people separates and divides them into what is … Read more

The Perfect Stranger

I’ll be looking at the physiological approach and mainly focusing on the emotional problems. In the book, Disclaimer, Catherine Ravenscroft hides her secret for 20 years, after which a self-published book The Perfect Stranger appears on her nightstand and it is about her and her long kept secret. The secret itself is an emotional problem … Read more

Nemesister Music Analysis

The last studio album Nemesister was released on May 9, 1995. In consideration of their past albums, this one was quite different. There are other songs before this album; that was more of head banging, deep, dark sound that you could not really understand. The album Nemesister was different, it was more understanding, slower and … Read more

Wound’s Room: A Narrative Fiction

Roland’s glass door swing open, the man walks through is the very epitome of authority with his gun hanging idly at his hip, the party guest reflected in his over-large sunglasses. Everyone seems not to notice, they are not scared. What can he do? Arrest them all for underage drinking. Maybe if a soldier walked … Read more

How Divorce Affects Children

“How could divorce affect my kids? ” “How can I minimize the emotional distress that my child is experiencing? ” Many parents asked themselves many difficult questions after taking the difficult decision of ending their marriage with divorce. Unfortunately, life is not perfect and sometimes the best option for families is divorce. However, we must … Read more

Countless Marriages: The Abuse Of Alcohol

Countless marriages are destroyed because one partner takes up drinking. This is problematic because excessive alcohol abuse causes the consumer to become violent, which strains the relationship they have with their spouse. Eventually, this relationship begins to deteriorate all together. Almost every marriage in which one person becomes addicted to alcohol becomes unsalvageable, which forces … Read more

‘Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death’: A Literary Analysis

During the American revolution, Patrick Henry’s cry, “Give me liberty or give me death,” was a philosophy adopted by many as they aimed to separate themselves from the British, but this statement is problematic due to the fact that it suggests liberty is something opposing, or simply different, from death. As a country we continue … Read more

Romeo And Juliet Alternate Ending Essay

Escaping society and all its rigmarole was a difficult task, especially once you’d accepted an invitation. ‘’ London hasn’t changed. ’’ James muttered under his breath while standing in the shadows getting some much needed fresh air on the balcony. Open double doors allowed him to keenly observe guests attending the Hargrave ball. A ball … Read more

Interpreting The Theme Of Sin In The Scarlett Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne

In The Scarlet Letter, there are many scenes that are important to the plot and help reveal the story’s theme of sin and its consequences. The story is presented differently than most novels, however, Hawthorne presents the story as an omniscient feeling towards all characters, rather than a chronological explanation in order to show a … Read more

Boyfriend: A Narrative Fiction

Brian remained surprisingly calm throughout her phone call. “The child is yours,” she said. “I’m sure of it. Which means you’re going to be a dad soon, because I’m having this baby, Brian. ” “I know the child is mine,” he said. “And I intend to take care of it. Any help you need, I’m … Read more

Lelia Monologue

With Lelia’s constant companion away at school she appreciated the extra hours at work. Not only for the money, but it kept her busy, filling the void of vulnerability and loneliness she suffered without Samuel by her side. Writing the letters to Sam helped, except they didn’t ease the loneliness in Lelia’s heart. To fill … Read more

Metamorphoses Play Analysis Essay

The name of the play I watched was called Metamorphoses. It was located in the University Theatre in California State University, Dominguez Hills in Carson, CA. The writer of this play was Mary Zimmerman and was directed by Mary Herman. The actors who participated in this play were Gerson, Amber, Yesenia, Jonathan, Alex, Marilyn, Nikolai, … Read more

Analyzing Family Change Essay

Analyzing family change in three generations of my family, I found glaring distinctions between all three, but there are also some similarities that have seeped through the generations and still remain. Most of my family is still situated in very rural parts of Mexico and all three generations of my family were born and raised … Read more

Taming Of The Shrew Disguise Analysis Essay

William Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew uses several characters to show the meaning of disguise, and to conceal one’s true self. The production starts off with a drunken fool tricked into believing he is of nobility. Upon his sudden thrust into wealth and power, Christopher Sly also inherits a “wife”. The wife is actually a … Read more

Essay about Interpersonal Communication Letter

Dear Brandon and Ashely, A big congratulation on the recent engagement. Marriage is a big role and there are a lot of moving pieces. Communication is a very vital role in any relationship Recently I have taken a class on interpersonal communication. It has shown me that with communication it will help fix situations if … Read more

Does Ethan Frome Deserve His Fate Essay

Morals and ethics serve as a guiding compass towards making the right decision in life. People use them to instill respect and improve relationships. Most importantly, moral values reflect an individual’s character. Morals can sometimes, however, guide someone down the wrong path, making his life a living nightmare. One may act morally towards others, but … Read more

Essay On 19th Century Chinese Women

The nineteenth century Chinese women’s life. According to (factsanddetails), in the twentieth century, many women from China faced many difficulties, but the main reason was how horribly the women were treated by men. In those times, men were more powerful than women in society. Even today, women in many countries do not have many rights. … Read more

Autonomy In Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre Essay

Love comes along with many emotions related to a sense of strong affection and attachment. Love is an emotional need that even Jane, from Charlotte Bronte’s book Jane Eyre, can’t ignore. Throughout the story line, Jane is searching to find love. She was looking, not just for the love of a man, but for the … Read more

The Effects Of Divorce On Children Essay

Today divorce is very common and it affects many families and children around the world. Many kids are deeply affected by this and their parents need to know how to help them get through this tough time. Over the past year there have been over one million children affected by divorce, and more than about … Read more

The Mill Poem Analysis Essay

Working has become part of the norm in today’s society for both men and women in the American culture. People waste so much of their life and time in their occupation, that it seems that is the only part of their life that is significant. Jobs revolve around the world and people are so caught … Read more

How Did Empress Wu Influence The Tang Dynasty Essay

The Tang Dynasty (618-907) was a time of slightly deconstructed misogyny which allowed for the advancement of women. In fact, the Tang Dynasty experienced a small interruption with the second Zhou Dynasty (690-705) established by the only female monarch in Chinese history-Empress Wu. Empress Wu rose to power through ruthless tactics to move her from … Read more

Oppression Of Women Essay

Throughout history, women have long endured centuries and centuries of discrimination and oppression. Male superiority and male dominance have long been in the roots of societies. Even as of today, in many countries, women still struggle with gender inequality. Women, especially in developing countries where democracy has yet to be put into action, are often … Read more

Two Broke Girls Essay

Sit coms shows commonly try to display our core values in overdramatized and comedic fashion. “Two Broke Girls” follows two girls, Caroline and Max who live in Brooklyn and are barely making enough money to live on. In Season 5 Episode 7, Caroline learns that her Grandma Astrid has come out of a coma and … Read more

Stereotypes Of Gender Differences Essay

Western cultures are an androcentric based society. It is more beneficial to be males then females in this culture. Both genders are stereotype which can lead to misrepresentation of genders, this can affect many aspects of people lives. For example, if a couple is fighting each other for custody of their children, one gender may … Read more

Summary: The Adoption Process Essay

According to the Lutheran Family Services website (2017) there are eleven steps to the adoption process, each which are part of the planned change process. The eleven things are: meet with an LFS counselor, fill out an application, set up interviews, conduct and complete the home study, participate in adoption classes, work with LFS staff … Read more

Online Dating Phenomenon Research Paper

A look at the Phenomenon of Online Dating I am a young professional who married young. I never got the chance to try online dating. I have always been interested in it. My husband and I are very happy but I alway wonder would we have been matched together if we were dating profiles on … Read more

Criminalization Of Polygamy Essay

The United States’ government has not followed the constitutional bill of rights and has failed to separate religious views with the law’s implemented over one hundred years ago that are still being practiced. The specific injustice referred to is the criminalization of polygamous marriage in all 50 states to this day, even after proclaiming “equal … Read more

Oscar Wilde Sexuality Essay

In Salome, Oscar Wilde conveys a hazardous connection concerning view and erotic cravings that cause death. The drama portrays an evening in a noble courtyard which Herod, the Tetrarch of Judea, and his wife, Herodias, have a banquet gathering for a few Jewish officials. Herodias’s daughter Salome goes to the terrace during the party, where … Read more

Aziz Ansari Modern Love Analysis Essay

Technology and its Effect on Modern Relationships “Monogamy isn’t realistic” (Trainwreck) is a recurring theme in Aziz Ansari’s Modern Romance. Ansari’s argument is that with the ever growing influence of technology in modern relationships/dating it is ridiculous to expect you and/or your partner to remain monogamous. Here enters the idea of monogamish relationships; “the couple … Read more

Guys And Dolls Play Analysis Essay

I attended the evening performance of Guys and Dolls on Thursday 17. Directed by Leiz Moore, Guys and Dolls is cast from the Musical Theatre Crew, with appearances from guest performers Jeff Michael and Andrew Hawkey. It was shown at the Playhouse Theatre. Guys and Dolls is a 1950’s Broadway comedy. Nathan Detroit, a gambler, … Read more

Essay on Mall Cop 2 Analysis

Often, movie studios push sequels after the success of their predecessor even when there’s clearly no need for it. Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 quickly comes to mind as a production that served absolutely no purpose whatsoever – other than to make a sad attempt by a studio to cash in on said past earnings. … Read more

Hera Persuasive Speech Essay

Throughout many decades Zeus has been the ruler of Mt. Olympus, he is now ready to leave the throne. The best candidate for the position to become the next ruler of Mt. Olympus is his wife, Hera is the Greek goddess of marriage and childbirth. Hera is a very compassionate, caring, and smart goddess. Hera … Read more

Arguments Against Ransom Summary Essay

As he was traveling, Ransom stumbled upon an old woman’s house. Where she was patiently waiting for her son to return from work. Ransom was travelling to a different city and needed a place to stay. So, Ransom and the old woman make out a deal. If Ransom goes to retrieve her son, she can … Read more

Twilight Los Angeles 1992 Analysis Essay

In the monolauge of “Twilight Los Angeles, 1992” Anna Deaver Smith, the Author and actor of the play states “It is not an answer. It is not a solution. I am first looking for the humanness inside the problems, or the crises. This spoken word is evidence of humanness. Perhaps the solution comes further down … Read more

Rabbit Proof Fence Belonging Analysis Essay

Belonging is being a part of something and being happy with it. A true sense of belonging is best found in different places for every one, not one particular place. Rabbit Proof Fence (RPF) by Phillip Noyce and The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (TBitSP) by John Boyne, demonstrate connections with others and the world … Read more

Essay about Three Day Road Analysis

French artist Paul Cezanne once said, “If isolation tempers the strong, it is the stumbling-block of the uncertain” (BrainyQuote). The topic of “the other” recurs so often in Three Day Road by Joseph Boyden, that it can be considered a motif. “The other” is a being who is isolated, separated, or segregated from their surroundings. … Read more

Whistler Argumentative Essay

Unlike other famed ski resort communities, Whistler is a joy throughout the year. Visitors are served up a plethora of appealing diversions no matter if they are here to take advantage of manicured slopes or warm season offerings. Two million annual visitors cannot be wrong, and countless single male travelers have come to realize there … Read more

The Women’s Room Analysis Essay

During my junior year of high school, I somewhat became aware of Women’s Right Issue. I have made an effort to evaluate majority of the culture standard that I had previously taken in as it just being “the untaught order of items. ” One of the directions that I took to enlarge my knowledge of … Read more

Essay about Hypocrisy In Our Mutual Friend

Poor phrasing of proposals is the most common cause for rejected proposals by Bustle. The passages from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and In Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens had a similar setting. The setting was in England and in England, the Victorian era had many purposes for marriage. But, love was typically … Read more

Essay On Hmong Culture

Hmong culture: Textile art and customs As living in California with cultural diversity, it is important to understand and respect others’ cultural values. There are about 8 to 12 million Hmong people in the world, and many researches have been done to explore Hmong culture and beliefs (Yang, 2012). Briefly to introduce, Hmong is a … Read more

My Year Of Meats Character Analysis Essay

In My Year of Meats, the character progression of Ruth L. Ozeki’s heroine Akiko Ueno becomes increasingly evident. At the start of the novel, Ozeki portrays Akiko as a fragile woman with an abundance of personal issues, including constant abuse from her husband as she struggles with an eating disorder that renders her infertile. By … Read more

Essay about Woman Hollering Creek Summary

The story “Woman Hollering Creek” is about a woman named Cleofilas, a lover of telenovelas, who married a man named Juan Pedro Martinez Sanchez. At first, Cleofilas thought her life would be perfect and follow the same structure such as the telenovelas she watched once she married a man. However, it was the exact opposite … Read more

Wednesday Circle Title Analysis Essay

The representation the title in Robinsons, “Traplines”, symbolizes the presence and significance of native traditions in the main character’s life. The infrequency of the hunt, however, represents Will’s potential loss of tradition. The title of Birdsell’s “Wednesday Circle”, is also physically represented in the story, as the main character’s support group. However, she remains stuck … Read more

House Of Leaves Analysis Essay

In House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski it discusses the experiences everyone endures once entering the house, although the people that enter the house are primarily males as the reader I become part of the book. Resembling to the characters we all symbolize something different, however by the end the characters all become interconnected by … Read more

The Naked Beowulf Analysis Essay

In life, everyone goes through experiences, good or bad, that shape the person they become. Other than these experiences, a deciding factor on how a person is shaped is the society or community they are in. A soldier going through war experiences with his platoon will most definitely come out differently than a student experiencing … Read more

Casablanca Film Analysis Essay

Casablanca was a romantic film produced in 1942. Internet Movie Database summarizes Casablanca as “Rick Blaine, who owns a night club in Casablanca, discovers his old flame Ilsa is in town with her husband, Victor Laszlo. Laszlo is a famed rebel, and with Germans on his tail, Ilsa knows Rick can help them get out … Read more

Assault Vs Battery Essay

Firstly, one similarity of assault and battery is that they both form the mens rea. For example, both intention and recklessness form mens rea. The mens rea of assault is content when the defendant intends to cause the victim to apprehend violence or does it recklessly. This can be found in the case of Ry … Read more

Comparing Kebra Nagast And The Tale Of Genji Essay

The Kebra Nagast is an ancient sacred text of Ethiopia. In the myth the Jewish King Solomon (1000 BCE) and his contemporary, the Queen of Sheba fall in love. The Tale of Genji is a masterpiece written by Murasaki Shikibu. This novel is considered the first great novel in the history of world literature. In … Read more

A Comparison Of Love In Sappho And The Epic Of Gilgamesh Essay

Through the Looking Glass: The Different Perceptions of Love and Companionship Companionship and love, although both present in Sappho and the Epic of Gilgamesh, had differing views encased in opposite ends of the spectrum demonstrations of love. The materialism and emotions revealed within the texts, illuminates the view of rationality and irrationality of love. If … Read more

Joy Kogawa Character Analysis Essay

Finding one’s identity can be a strenuous task, seemingly impossible at times in a world where many people live dependently on others. Joy Kogawa, a proud Japanese Canadian and the author of the award winning novel Obasan and its bestselling sequel Emily Kato (formerly Itsuka), is no stranger to the constant search for identity and … Read more

Essay about Offensive Feminism Summary

A critical analysis of rape culture in Jill Filipovic’s Offensive Feminism and Jessica Valenti’s Purely Rape article What is rape culture? This issue is prevalent in contemporary society, especially on university campuses. Filipovic blames this prevalence on “religious conservatives” (13); they want men to remain the most dominant sex while women remain submissive to these … Read more