My Mom Is My Inspiration

There are many people that have had an impact on my life and influenced me in many different ways. My mother, however, has had the biggest impact on my life, and influenced me more than anyone else. She has had an impact on me since the day I was born, and she still does today. … Read more

Dominican Republic Experience

You never realize how much you have until you see someone who has very little. I got to really see that when i got to go to the Dominican Republic. It was a great experience not just to see the historic places and the perfect blue ocean like the ones you see in pictures but … Read more

When Chadwin Was Born Essay

Should a person ever believe that they were cursed? Well this was my belief before Chadwin was born. As a teenager on a summer revival night, our pastor called all the young childbearing girls to the front of the church and had us vow that we will never become pregnant before we were married. Being … Read more

Harley Quinn’s Story-Personal Narrative

I was jumping, dogging, anyway to avoid her and her mallet. I kept trying to fight her but she was to strong. She kicked me into the wall, I was on the ground cornered. Harley Quinn raised her mallet in the air and I was about to die. But let’s start from the beginning, were … Read more

Good Bye Daddy Dear Ben Black Analysis

As diplomatic relations in Europe began to crumble early in the 20th century war began to seem more and more imminent for America, despite Wilson’s isolation policy. The war ran from 1914 to 1918 and set a precedent for gruesome warfare and achieving victory by any means necessary including: machine guns, chemicals, and trench warfare. … Read more

Cost Of Childcare

“According to the U. S. Department of Health, between the years 2011 and 2012, 38 states and the District of Columbia, child-care costs exceed their recommendation of no more than 10 percent of a family’s income (Blair 4). ” However for many parents child care is a must. Child care expenses are at a premium, … Read more

Still Alice Psychology

Dying is not the conclusion to anyone’s story. We will never be done exploring the wonder of who we are. While following along on Alice’s journey in the movie “Still Alice,” we become a part of an experience through a unique style the movie is made in, the emergence of all forms of love within … Read more

Motherhood In American Culture

In the Western society I was raised in, a mother is usually understood as one of two ways. A mother is either a selfless and hardworking nurturer, or a protective and “helicoptering” figure that will do anything for her child. While numerous mothers, in actuality, encompass neither or both of these roles along with several … Read more

The Perfect Stranger

I’ll be looking at the physiological approach and mainly focusing on the emotional problems. In the book, Disclaimer, Catherine Ravenscroft hides her secret for 20 years, after which a self-published book The Perfect Stranger appears on her nightstand and it is about her and her long kept secret. The secret itself is an emotional problem … Read more

Nemesister Music Analysis

The last studio album Nemesister was released on May 9, 1995. In consideration of their past albums, this one was quite different. There are other songs before this album; that was more of head banging, deep, dark sound that you could not really understand. The album Nemesister was different, it was more understanding, slower and … Read more

Boyfriend: A Narrative Fiction

Brian remained surprisingly calm throughout her phone call. “The child is yours,” she said. “I’m sure of it. Which means you’re going to be a dad soon, because I’m having this baby, Brian. ” “I know the child is mine,” he said. “And I intend to take care of it. Any help you need, I’m … Read more

Lelia Monologue

With Lelia’s constant companion away at school she appreciated the extra hours at work. Not only for the money, but it kept her busy, filling the void of vulnerability and loneliness she suffered without Samuel by her side. Writing the letters to Sam helped, except they didn’t ease the loneliness in Lelia’s heart. To fill … Read more

California Drought Analysis

This is not an article about a hike covering huge chunks of miles, deep in the wilderness, but rather, this is an article about the contrasts of living in an urban environment, finding solitude in that environment and of the relief that comes from receiving long awaited rain in a drought stricken state The state … Read more

Tamaulipas: A Short Story

My life begins here in Brownsville, Texas. However, I was only there from the beginning when I was a newborn before going back to Matamoros, Tamaulipas where my family had their own house. My mom wanted to have me in the U. S. because people had told her that there were far more opportunities over … Read more

Social Structure

All throughout civilization, there are social structures that shape and affect all aspects of life, thus consisting of a correlation of race, social-class, gender, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation and so on. Furthermore, each one of these structures has a considerably different impact and implication towards individuals belonging to a certain society. Throughout the years, my … Read more

Sample Case Interview Paper

Identifying information: The client is a 24 year old, white, fourth generation Irish-American, upper class, heterosexual, cisgender male who lives in between his parent’s three apartments in Manhattan. Dillon is single and has never been married. Born in New York the client is a US citizen. Dillon has a stable source of housing, however, he … Read more

Ultrasound: The Day That Changed My Life

“I don’t care what you want, Emma. You’ve already taken something import…ant…” She suddenly stopped and left her speech unfinished, froze and quickly shifted her eyes to the floor, then back to me, and back to the floor. She was silent for a few seconds, which felt like minutes, as if she has just said … Read more

Why Do People Attack Chief Parker

Forty minutes had passed since Chief Parker dragged me into the police station though to the rest of the officers, it looked like I was there of my own free will. He grabbed my phone from my jacket pocket before leaving me alone in the small interrogation room: four blank concrete walls with a metal … Read more

Narrative Essay On Brittanis Funeral

Tremember being at my grandma’s house with man other friends and family waiting to hear the news because my family did not want me at the hospital because they thought that I was too young to understand what was happening. Even though was only six years old I noticed that everyone was sad and crying … Read more

Stereotypes Of Adolescents In The Breakfast Club Essay

The Breakfast Club (1985), displays many stereotypes of adolescents, which are more commonly referred to as irrational teenagers. The adolescents cannot help their behaviors, to an extent, as it is all biological. They are merely trying to figure out their identities, and need to experiment with their superiors in that time. Their hormone levels are … Read more

Helicopter Parents Research Paper

When the days are gone people begin to acknowledge that the spare the rod and spoil the child often happen more and more. Instead of that name, a common name today is Helicopter parents. The term “Helicopter parents” is a “style of child rearing in which an overprotective mother or father discourages a child’s independence … Read more

Bless Me Ultima Essay

In his book, “Bless Me, Ultima”, author Rudolfo Anaya documents through a fictional novel, the life experiences of a child, Antonio, who is deeply conflicted by his cultural and religious identity, he describes the struggles, the tragedies, and the dilemmas that this young boy has to endure and witness throughout his life. The book takes … Read more

Recovery: The Process Of Recovery Essay

Recovery: The Process of Changing Views Recovery, in this day and age, appears in the news almost every week, and thus society continually sees stories about survivors of tragic accidents-humanity celebrates the ability to cling to life-and the ever popular tales of celebrities struggling with devastating addictions, which the public praises even minimal improvements. Recovery, … Read more

Short Narrative: Can Of Corn Essay

Ed Boyd and Barry Edwards were inseparable, and had been since they were nine. Years ago, I, Myron Smyth made a futile attempt to teach Barry to stand on his own. The lessons never took. So, I wasn? t surprised when Ed, quietly nursing a beer after consuming four eggs from the pickle jar, silently … Read more

Emile Durkheims View On Suicide Essay

As the sociologist Emile Durkheim said “To love society is to love something beyond us and something in ourselves. ” the suicidal people consider suicide when they feel hopeless and feel like they can’t escape their problems or find any solution to their troublesome minds. which is the method used in more than half of … Read more

This Family Is Falling Apart Analysis Essay

There are many problems need to be solved in the memoir such as poverty, homelessness, neglect, sexual abuse, hunger, discrimination, violence, unemployment, division within family and alcohol abuse. But according to me division with the family first needed to be solved it is also stated in the novel, “this family is falling apart,’ he said. … Read more

Essay on El Otro Lado Analysis

In the book, El Otro Lado by Julia Alvarez, describes the author’s experience of leaving the dominican republic and moving to the united states. This is more than just her moving though, it’s about her transition through things like her culture, her behavior, her personality and her childhood into a world of emotions filled with … Read more

Persephone Analysis Essay

The first chapter talks about how the main girl of the story, Pierce, relates her situation to the greek myth of Persephone and Hades, but that her problems are way bigger than what “Persephone” had to face since it was no myth to what had happened to her. Pierce is at her “Welcome to Isla … Read more

Schizophrenia Case Study Appraisal Essay

Reason For Referral: His family referred Jace because of academic concerns at school. Parents referred Jace for a comprehensive evaluation. Jace had originally been placed on a 504 Plan last year as a tenth grader to address academic concerns. • Mother is concerned that Jace is unable to express his needs and concerns to his … Read more

Parent Observation Essay

As a retail worker, I notice many parents that come into my store to shop for themselves, however, a majority of parents bring their children along with them. I have never taken into account child and parent interaction in a retail store, which is why I have decided to observe a child and parent in … Read more

Essay on Annabel Pitchers Silence Is Goldfish

The author of,”Silence Is Goldfish”, Annabel Pitcher, has experienced many things. Some time back, Pitcher went to Oxford University, earning a degree in English literature, and began to work for television before she realized what she truly wanted to do (Page 1, Pitcher, Annabel). On the other hand, currently, Pitcher is a mother, and still … Read more

Macbeths Narrative-Short Story Essay

“All carriages this way! ” shouted a loud voice through the night air. The carriage jolted and bounced as it made its way to the grand banquet hall, and poking my head out the window, I saw its spires gleaming, bright lights streaming from the many glass windows. The sky was clear and cloudless, the … Read more

Essay on Personal Narrative: Violet Skies

All I could feel was the most intense pressure have ever felt. Nothing was helping it go away. There was about ten people surrounding me, most were family and friends. All the others were nurses and doctors trying to tell me what to do to help this intense pressure go away. Big lights were pointed … Read more

Essay about My Mission Trip

A home is a place where people are free to be with their family and have free time. Not everyone is the world has a home to go after work or school. Everyone in the world should have the right to have a home. As I believe, helping others in the world is one of … Read more

Essay on Walking With Our Sister Analysis

Walking with Our Sisters is a memorial exhibit commemorating the missing and murdered Aboriginal and Metis Women of Canada and the United States. The Carleton University Art Gallery provokes an array of emotions as it calls to the alarming history of Canada with regards to the Indigenous women and children. The exhibition presents approximately eighteen … Read more

Throwaway Daughter Analysis Essay

The essay will be about the Novel Throwaway Daughter a fiction that is about a girl named Grace on a journey of finding her identity. The main story is about a young girl Grace Parker, who was abandoned in front of the orphanage by her mother and was adopted by a Canadian family. She is … Read more

Hannah’s Gift Analysis Essay

Maria Housden shares: “The truest measure of a life is not in length, but the fullness in which it is lived” (6). This quote goes along perfectly with the heartwarming and heartbreaking story of young Hannah Martell as she handles her illness with positivity while teaching those around her valuable life lessons along her journey. … Read more

Terri Schiavo Case Study Essay

Who has the right to kill another? In the case of Terri Schiavo this was the debate. Who was it to say that she was in a vegetative state and could never go back to the way she was again? Wasn’t there still a chance that she could make a recovery? Her feeding tube kept … Read more

Letter To His Son Chesterfield Essay

The ultimate goal of most parents is to see that their child succeeds in life. While this may be the sole for most, fathers also expect more from their children, as is evident in author Lord Chesterfield’s letter to his son traveling far from home. The strategies used by Chesterfield not only display his desired … Read more

Miss Ada Short Story Essay

I had tried all morning to stay away from Mama, ‘cause I knew she’d want me to help her take food down to Miss Ada’s who had just gotten out of the hospital. Mama said she nearly died with pneumonia. I don’t know why I hated going to Miss Ada’s, but I did. Maybe it … Read more

Essay on The Trouble With Chicken Analysis

The Trouble with Chicken, is an hour special that aired on PBS’ Frontline. The special was produced by Rick Young & Anthony Szule, Young also wrote & directed this episode. The correspondent for this episode was David E. Hoffman. The focus of the episode is on poultry & Salmonella bacteria. This paper is my summery … Read more

Joy Kogawa Character Analysis Essay

Finding one’s identity can be a strenuous task, seemingly impossible at times in a world where many people live dependently on others. Joy Kogawa, a proud Japanese Canadian and the author of the award winning novel Obasan and its bestselling sequel Emily Kato (formerly Itsuka), is no stranger to the constant search for identity and … Read more

Essay about General Zaroff Character Analysis

In order to survive in any situation, you must have integrity, bravery, and prior experience. All three traits give you the intelligence to make good choices, the courage to do what is best, and prepare you for different positions. In this essay I will explain how these traits are present in different sources. Some people … Read more

Eric And Shelia’s Relationship Analysis Essay

Eric’s attitude towards various characters changes over the course of the play. In the beginning, Eric and Shelia appear to have a fairly typical sibling relationship with Eric’s obvious drunkenness- ‘Eric suddenly guffaws’ obviously exasperating Shelia- ‘You’re squiffy’, who is excited because she is celebrating her engagement party. By the end of the play, Eric … Read more

Essay about Jamaica Kincaid Girl Analysis

1.Jamaica Kincaid’s “Girl” is a daughter’s mimicry of how her mother tells her to perform housekeeping and other sensitive topics for proper behavior. Because of the content and demanding tone, do you find the mother abusive and demeaning, or is something else going on? The mother seems to be abusive, demeaning and cold. Her tone … Read more

Essay on Personal Narrative-Trape, Scrape

“Scrape, Scrape, Scrape” high pitched screeching sounds fill the tiny cabin. I turn to the other three girls who wore an identical petrified look in their eyes. “Scrape, Scrape, Scrape” penetrates our eardrums, once again adding to the growing panic. I attempt to evaluate the situation as best as my 4th-grade self can. We are … Read more

Virtual Teen Reflection Essay

My Virtual Teen Reflection Assignment Questions 15 years (17 points) 1. Mia is very active for her age, and seems to enjoy this fact. Mia goes on nature hikes for fun and is not reluctant to doing so. Mia has also showed great skill in all of the sports that she has been involved with. … Read more

Personal Narrative: SAT Today Essay

Life can have so many challenges a person will have to endure. Some will be making it to the NBA playoffs and others will be perfecting the cheesecake. For me, it would be the most, terrified thing a young person would ever have, the SAT. Know for its extremely dull black and white pages and … Read more

Makaha Beach-Personal Narrative Essay

I got a ride home from school just like any other ordinary day in October of 2013. It was more than two years ago but I still remember every unpleasant moment, starting from when I walked in the door. My sister, Kaitlyn, sat on the couch in our living room yelling at her phone, who … Read more

Examples Of Meaningful Relationships Essay

Christina reports having several relationships that serves as meaningful components to her treatment. The most important relationship the patient described is her relationship to her unborn children. The patient has expressed feeling extremely guilty about the troubled relationship she has with her living children, and this is a source of motivation for the patient to … Read more

Two Kinds By Amy Tan Analysis Essay

“Never compromise your culture because you are your culture”. In the short story “Two kinds” by Amy Tan, The Red Headed Hawaiian by Chris McKinney, and The Biography of Frida Kahlo by Hayden Herrera, Jing Mei, Rudy Puana, and Frida Kahlo reveals how culture informs the way you view others and the world because it … Read more

Sheila Birling Character Analysis Essay

Sheila Birling is a character that goes through an intense and rapid character development throughout ‘An Inspector Calls’, transitioning from a naive and privileged upper-class selfcentred young lady to a woman who is able to stand up to her parents and present her own opinions representing Priestley’s ideologies of socialism. In Act 1, Sheila appears … Read more

Importance Of A Tryout Essay

During the end of my freshman year I had received an email asking if I could attend a tryout to see if I would make the team that would be heading over to Europe to play soccer. When my mom told me that I had to go to soccer I asked her why, she said … Read more

Belle Sorenson Gunness Case Analysis Essay

Belle Sorenson Gunness Case Analysis Early life Belle Sorenson Gunness was the daughter of Paul Pedersen Storset, who was a stonemason, and Berit Olsdatter. She was born on November 22, 1859 in Selbu, Norway, originally named Brynhild Paulsdatter Storseth, and was the youngest of 8 siblings and lived on a very small cotter’s farm. Belle … Read more

Cause And Effect Essay On Kitty Menendez

August 20, 1989 Jose and Mary “Kitty” Menendez were brutally murdered in their Beverly Hills mansion, with no lead suspects at the time. Lyle and Erik Menendez were reported to be the first witnesses at the crime scene, not yet considered suspects because of their physically altered states of mind. At 21 and 18 years … Read more

Rebel Without A Cause Analysis Essay

Movies are a special tool that can keep one company when they are in a moody situation. It is a contrivance that is being used almost all over the world by different types of people for a particular purpose. There are diverse film genres like comedy, action, family, musical, and romance that are being produced … Read more