Comparing Confucianism and Daoism

Confucianism and Daoism are two of the most influential philosophies in Chinese history. Confucianism, also known as Ruism, is founded on the principles of Confucius, a Chinese thinker who lived in the 6th century BCE. Daoism, on the other hand, is much older and can be traced back to Laozi, a philosopher who lived in … Read more

The Samurai Research Paper

Japan is ripe in culture and history that is not so dissimilar from western history both went through a bustling feudal era with many similarities. The main similarity was their order of honorable soldiers, which were knights in the west and Samurai in Japan but both followed a similar code of honor and loyalty. The … Read more

Art Censorship In China Essay

Art Censorship Art is a part of everyone’s life, whether they acknowledge it or not that’s different. Without the work of artists and their creative capabilities, life would be extremely difficult and depressing. Artists have always despised censorship and control by the government. In the digital age they come under more scrutiny as power hungry … Read more

How Did Empress Wu Influence The Tang Dynasty Essay

The Tang Dynasty (618-907) was a time of slightly deconstructed misogyny which allowed for the advancement of women. In fact, the Tang Dynasty experienced a small interruption with the second Zhou Dynasty (690-705) established by the only female monarch in Chinese history-Empress Wu. Empress Wu rose to power through ruthless tactics to move her from … Read more

China And Australia Relationship Essay

Trade relations between Australia and China Australia’s establishment of diplomatic relations with China was in 1972 by the Whitlam Government, together with Australia’s One China policy. China and Australia’s bilateral relationship continues to grow, as do both the countries. The relationship is built a strong trade interests and location of our two countries. The Chinese … Read more

Negative Effects Of One Child Policy Essay

As a country’s population grows, the demand for resources such as food, water, and housing increases. However, every country has limited resources to provide for its population. When China was faced with a booming population, the Communist Party knew that they had to preserve the country’s resources. As a solution, the One Child Policy was … Read more

Essay On 19th Century Chinese Women

The nineteenth century Chinese women’s life. According to (factsanddetails), in the twentieth century, many women from China faced many difficulties, but the main reason was how horribly the women were treated by men. In those times, men were more powerful than women in society. Even today, women in many countries do not have many rights. … Read more

Empress Lu In China Essay

Given that the Shiji is a framework for China’s early imperial political thought, it can be used to demonstrate the influence of women on politics during the rule of the Han dynasty. Empress Lu, in particular, is a key component to the understanding of these roles, since she was the only woman who reigned for … Read more

Essay about The Mountain Path At Utsu Analysis

The Mountain Path at Utsu and the Autumn Festival were both created during the Edo period, which lasted from 1615 to 1868 C. E. During this time period, the capital shifted from Kyoto to Edo, or today’s modern Tokyo. The Edo period also represents a movement in society away from a strict hierarchical system, where … Read more

Tiananmen Square Massacre Research Paper

Tiananmen Square Massacre is an event that took place in the summer of 1989 in Beijing, China. It is an event that forever will leave a rather haunting legacy on the Chinese culture. The Chinese citizens just wanted freedom, liberty, and justice, but with their communist government they knew they wouldn’t get anywhere without a … Read more

Discovery In Allan Bailie’s The Road Not Taken Essay

Discoveries and discovering can offer new understandings and renewed perception of ourselves and others. By broadening and deepening our perspectives on the wider world, discovery can lead us to new worlds, values and future possibilities. However the process of discovery can be conflicting with our personal beliefs. Whilst Allan Bailie’s The China Coin examines the … Read more

Forbidden City Research Paper

To understand the design behind the Forbidden City, one must look at Ancient Chinese beliefs and architecture. The Chinese are a very spiritual people with many beliefs that go back to the beginning of its culture. One of these core beliefs are the five cardinal points that everything in life whether spiritual or physical is … Read more

Mandate Of Heaven Analysis Essay

Recent travels to China have opened my eyes to both the flaws and the valuable parts of Chinese society and government. Much can be learned from the mistakes and successes of the Chinese society and government. The confucian ideals which started in China teach us the importance of respecting specific relationships, such as the priceless … Read more

The Importance Of Discourse Community Essay

There are a large number of Discourse communities exist in the world. Different people may stay in their different community or someone may take many communities. Discourse community is a way let different people, who have a same interests, using language, action, interaction, values, beliefs, symbols, objects, and tools together to place in such a … Read more

Nanking Atrocity Analysis Essay

The Nanking Atrocity is a contentious historical event in world history. The two countries in which it involved, China and Japan, both argue vehemently about what events actually occurred and those that have been fabricated. In August of 1937 the Japanese army began their invasion of China’s capital, Shanghai. By mid-November they had conquered the … Read more

Communist China

The future of communism in China is unknown, as the world economy becomes more international. Communism has been in China since 1949 and is still present in the countrys activities. Presently China is undergoing incredible economic growth and promises to be a dominant power early in the next century. Chinas social tradition has come under … Read more

Tibet, China

Tibet, also known as TAR, is a democratic region in China that is very poor, and is mainly inhabited by Buddhists. Throughout its long history, Tibet at times has governed itself as an independent state and at other times has had various levels of association with China. Whatever China ‘s involvement in Tibetan affairs, Tibet’s … Read more

Chiang Kai-shek

Chiang Kai-shek, also known as Chiang Chung-cheng, was the son of a middle-class wine merchant who lived in the village of Chikow in Chekiang Province. When he was fourteen years old, following the Chinese custom of that time, he was arranged to be marry by his mother (the brides name is not mentioned). His bride … Read more

A Historical Basis for Media Stereotyping from 1840 to Today

The intellectual and entertaining aspects of the media have always been at the forefront of spreading cultural ideas. People rely on such mediums for learning items they had not known about and for solidifying belief systems about them says Gerald Baldasty, author of The History of Communication. Since media is so pervasive and little information … Read more

Chinese Economic Reform

Two years after the death of Mao Zedong in 1976, it became apparent to many of China’s leaders that economic reform was necessary. During his tenure as China’s premier, Mao had encouraged social movements such as the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution, which had had as their base ideologies such as serving the … Read more

Women In China During “The Long Eighteenth Century”

During the 18th Century women in China continued to be subordinated and subjected to men. Their status was maintained by laws, official policies, cultural traditions, as well as philosophical concepts. The Confucian ideology of “Thrice Following” identified to whom a women must show allegiance and loyalty as she progressed throughout her life-cycle: as a daughter … Read more

Chinese people and sport

People all over the world, of all body styles, sizes, races and backgrounds occupy their time and gain physical fitness through games and activities referred to as sports. From professional leagues around the world, school sports, and neighborhood games, fun and strategy come together to form a worldwide phenomenon that has come to be loved. … Read more

Rise of Communism in China

The main reason why the Communists came to power in China was because of the failing policies and actions used by Kuomintang (Chinese Nationalists) of which the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) took advantage. However in addition to that, there were also significant factors such as the poor conditions during the beginning of the twentieth century … Read more

History of Modern China

Wherever an evil exists it should be ate once removed, and that the laws should never be suffered to fall into desuetude. ” (2) Does he think that it’s possible to enforce the law? What stands in the way of its enforcement? (Page 98) “The laws, then, relating thereto are not wanting in severity; but … Read more

The Outbreak of the Korean War

War were not domestic but international, suggesting that the conflict in Korea was part of the worldwide ‘cold war’ fought between the United States and the USSR. However, some historians differ, suggesting that the foundations of the War in Korea could be found deep in the country’s divided history, proposing that the conflict in Korea … Read more

Korean War

Despite the total victory and unconditional surrender in the recent World War II, the Korean War was not along the same lines whatsoever. The Korean War began when the North and South were divided at the 38th parallel; suddenly, the Communist North invaded the south and most of it was consumed except for a final … Read more

The Chinese Revolution And Sun Yat Sen

On October 16, 1934, 100 000 Chinese Communist troops set out on a 6,000 mile trek from their base in Kiangsi. 1 This trek, later to be known as the Long March, began after Chiang Kai-shek and his Nationalist armies (the Kuomintang) frustrated the Communist organization in Southeast China. The Long March was a difficult … Read more