Why I Want To Be A Doctor Essay

There are many reasons why I want to become a doctor. First and foremost, I have always been interested in the medical field and helping people. Secondly, as a physician, I would have the opportunity to make a real difference in people’s lives. Thirdly, I believe that becoming a doctor would allow me to combine … Read more

Qualities Of A Good Doctor Essay

A good doctor is someone who cares about their patients and works to ensure they receive the best possible care. They are knowledgeable about medicine and keep up to date on the latest advancements. They are also good communicators, able to listen to their patients and explain things clearly. Above all, a good doctor puts … Read more

Value Based Health Care

Healthcare system is struggling globally with the rising costs and uneven quality of health care services in spite of the hard work of benevolent, well-trained clinicians. Policy makers in collaboration with health care leaders have implemented a considerable number of changes including reducing errors, enforcing guidelines and implementing electronic medical records, but more still needs … Read more

19th Century Technological Innovations

Rene-Theophile-Hyacinthe Laennec invention is still used in medical practice today and his painstaking work provided correlation of sounds of the chest with pathological findings at autopsy, thus linking the signs of physical diagnosis at the bedside with organ pathology. The Technological Innovations in the Medical Field during the 19th Century It could be argued that … Read more

Sample Case Interview Claimants

Ms. Barillas claimed she is the Human Resources Manager as she was willing to cooperate in providing any information about the Claimant’s alleged CT claim. During her interview with the Investigator, the witnesses appeared forthcoming with her answers. Ms. Barillas claimed she had been the HR Manager since December 2011. She said a portion of … Read more

Hepatitis B Summary

Community Health Education at Student-Run Clinics for Hepatitis B Summary Oftentimes student-run clinics (SCRs) can be important healthcare safety nets for underserved populations, their efficacy for improving patient health knowledge has not been thoroughly explored (Ouyang, Yuan, Sheu, Lau, Chen, Lai, 2013). From September 2011 to April 2012, a study was done by assessing patients’ … Read more

Pancreas Research Paper

The pancreas is probably one of the few organs that we really do not pay close attention to, but it is a very vital organ. The pancreas is a part of the digestive system. It is the largest organ in its system. It plays life sustaining roles in the regulation of food digestion and blood … Read more

Closing The Gap Strategy

The ‘Closing the gap’ strategy has so far been taking its toll at a slow pace. This strategy is a set of national actions aimed at reducing Indigenous Disadvantage. Although some success in health and care have been achieved, greater engagement of elders and shorter time frames are being demanded. There are numerous aims and … Read more

Doctors Without Borders Essay

During some interviews and surveys I coordinated, I asked the following question, how have groups like CDC and Doctors Without Borders been important? Bob Bollinger replied with, “These groups are very important and help communities manage health issues locally, which saves lives and also helps reduce the risk of these diseases in the US. ” … Read more

The Origins Of Syphilis Disease

Syphilis is a disease that dates back to early times. The actual location that it originated is still debated. The main hypothesis about the origin of syphilis are recorded around the time that Christopher Columbus made his voyage to the New World and is referred to as the “Colombian theory. ” This theory describes the … Read more

Health Care In Sub-Saharan Countries

What if you were to live in a world with no source of health care whatsoever? How about living in a world where diseases are common and you are living with unhygienic sources of water? In the world of Sub-Saharan countries of Africa, which can include Congo and Uganda, poverty is very common. Being poor … Read more

Career In Radiology

I took off running at top speed, hit my mark, and was airborne into my first tumbling pass at the 2014 State Tumbling Championships. I completed my first back flip and went into the second and I felt my left forearm shatter. Instead, of a position on the podium I was on my way to … Read more

Anesthesia Case Studies

Dog/Cat Patient preparation All steps are done prior to any anesthesia. This will allow the surgical team to use less anesthesia for the actual procedure which is important to minimize any anesthesia that depresses the puppies. The mid-to caudal abdomen should be shaved and scrubbed. Positioning The patient is placed in dorsal recumbency with the … Read more

Adrenal Fatigue Research Paper

A great many people today suffer from adrenal fatigue to some degree or another. Often, they have no idea. Because this condition can develop gradually and begin causing problems well before it qualifies for an official medical diagnosis of an ailment recognized by conventional medicine, it frequently goes unrecognized. Even if people go see a … Read more

Noninvasive Ventilation

What is noninvasive ventilation? If you are a person who googles everything, then you will find that noninvasive ventilation (NIV) refers to the administration of ventilatory support without using an invasive artificial airway (endotracheal tube or tracheostomy tube). Now if you are a person that likes to look at books to get the answer, then … Read more

American Nursing Association: Prevention Of Illnession

American Nurses Association defines nursing as the “protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, facilitation of healing, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations” (American Nurses Association, 2017). The 2013 Gallup Poll identified … Read more

Physical Therapy Reflection

A review of the records reveals the member to be an adult female with a birth date of 04/28/1948. The member has a diagnosis of status post left distal fibula fracture, tibial medial malleolus fracture requiring open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) in October 2014. The member’s treating provider, Jeffrey Fairley, DPT, recommended continued physical therapy … Read more

Essay On Lateral Epicondylitis

Lateral epicondylitis, also known as “tennis elbow,” is a degenerative condition involving injury to the extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) and occasionally, the extensor digitorum communis muscle (EDC). “Many etiologies have been proposed, including overexertion or sudden forceful extension. Ultimately, it is the accumulation of micro tears between the tendon origin of ECRB and the … Read more

Public Policy-Making In Health And Social Care Essay

According to Mason, Leavitt, and Chaffee (2002), public policy “encompasses the choices that a society, segment of society, or organization makes regarding its goals and priorities and the ways it will allocate its resources” (pp. 8). Thereby, health policy consists of the laws, regulations, and practices that affect the allocation of healthcare resources for the … Read more

Summary Of Marijuana Legalization

The people of this country, the world we live in today is being plagued with diseases inside this nation, and little is being done to help these individuals on a broader spectrum. The people need to come together as a nation and put into law what needs to be done for those that are medically … Read more

Patient Exposure

There are three problems that are associated with increases in patient exposure which are lack of physician knowledge, lack of patient awareness and physician’s practice of defensive medicine. These issues have led to an increase in patient radiation dose every year. From 1996 to 2010 overexposure due to radiation has doubled. (Bardi, p. 2) This … Read more

The American Dream To Become A Pharmacist

The American dream for me is to become a community pharmacist. Pharmacist comes from the word pharmacology which is the study of drugs/medicine in the human system. A pharmacist is a role in the medical industry who subscribes and provides medicine/drugs to patients. They are responsible for checking if the drugs/medicine is suitable and top … Read more

Tracheostomy Research Paper

This paper examines numerous published articles that speak about the benefits of oxygen therapy, its medical uses, and its palliative values. This paper discusses two differing possibilities in oxygen application, and various conditions that can be managed with oxygen (Sharifipour, 2011). This study will also explain tracheostomy use, when it is indicated, and how it … Read more

Latanoprost Research Paper

Prostaglandins analogues like Latanoprost, Travoprost and Bimatoprost work by increasing the aqueous humor outflow at the uveoscleral area. They reduce the intraocular pressure by 25% to 35%. They should be administer once a day during the bed time. Side effects of these medications include conjunctival hyperemia, blurred vision, eyelash growth, red eye and irreversible discoloration … Read more

Nursing Care Plan Sample Essay

Chronic illness affects the whole family not just the patient. As discussed in our readings from this week, the impact of disease on family members includes: Emotional impact, financial impact, Impact on family relationships, Impact on the caregiver’s education or work, Impact on the caregiver’s leisure time and Social impact for the caregiver (Golics, et … Read more

The Benefits Of Medicalization Essay

Medicalization is the process in which non-medical issues are redefined in terms of illnesses or disorders and treated with the assistance of biomedicine. As medicalization evolves, medical intervention is used to alleviate the undesired symptoms of human life, which often leads to pharmaceutical companies developing and advertising medications to assist in treating medicalized illnesses. As … Read more

Chest Pain Case Study Essay

Student Name: Dimietris Thompson, CNL Student Case Study # 1 Case Study #2 Name and page of Case:Chest Pain Page 33 Leg Pain Page 62 List equipment required for a thorough assessment Exam room Adequate lighting • Gown • Stethoscope (bell and diaphragm) Sphygmomanometer Thermometer Watch with a second hand Computer program to record findings … Read more

Essay about Safety In Nursing Home

What should the government do to improve the many lives of nursing home residents? So far, there has been a problem of trying to regulate safety and ensure nursing homes prioritizing care and responsibility on those residents. There has been a lack of staff responsibility for providing treatment, administering medication, and keeping their facilities a … Read more

Slow Hyponatremia Case Study Essay

Central Pontine Myelinolysis in the setting of Slow Hyponatremia Correction Wu, Alex M. D. 1, Chen, Hsiong M. D. 2, Harvin, Lisa D. O. , M. S. 3 1. Resident – Department of Medicine, Franklin Square Medical Center, MD 2. Neurology Hospitalist – Department of Neurology, Franklin Square Medical Center, MD 3. Resident – Department … Read more

Asclepius: The Art Of Medicine Essay

Asclepius is the son of Apollo and the god of medicine. He was born between Apollo and Coronis. According to Scholia in Pindarum, “There is a legend that the raven revealed to Apollo the intercourse of Ischys with Coronis. ” For this reason, Pindarus said that Apollo let Artemis murder Coronis by her golden arrows. … Read more

Tanning Informative Speech Essay

I want you to immerse yourself and shut your eyes for a moment. Imagine that you had your yearly check-up and you receive a call from your doctor two weeks later. You’re really anxious to find out what’s wrong, and he tells you that you have Stage 0 or Stage 1 and 2 of melanoma, … Read more

The Spirit Catches You Essay

In The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, Anne Fadiman narrates the story of Lia, a Hmong girl suffering from epilepsy who was surrounded by challenges due to conflicting viewpoints of her parents and her health care providers. For the Hmong people, epileptic seizures are viewed as a positive trait; those people who suffered … Read more

Ethical Dilemmas: Case Study Essay

A1. In the given scenario there are multiple ethical dilemmas, but I will only focus on three of them in this essay. The first ethical dilemma I noticed is that there is no advanced directive on file. Jamilah the patient only knows Basic English, so she is unable to fully communicate with the physicians regarding … Read more

Prosthetic Limbs Research Paper

Introduction to prosthetic limbs One clear example of the great technological development in terms of improvement of people’s everyday lifestyle is the creation and betterment of prosthetic limbs. Over the recent years there have been constant advancements in artificial limbs, such as the usage of new plastics and materials during the process of creation, the … Read more

Person Centered Care Case Study Essay

Figure 2. A descriptive observation of use of antipsychotic and Alternative therapies, a 2-year data at the Blue Care Aged care facility and the evidence that the evaluation of the antipsychotic program is effective in providing person centered care and helped in reducing the use of antipsychotic medication with alternative therapies, (APM) antipsychotic medication, (PCC) … Read more

The Social Determinants Of Health (SDOH) Essay

Throughout the course of their life, individuals will experience varying degrees of health and well being. An individual’s health is measured based on the different types of conditions and resources that they are exposed to. These conditions and resources can be identified through what is called The Social Determinants of Health (SDOH). SDOH are used … Read more

Essay On Medical Billing Mistakes

OPTION-1 STEP-1 Medical billing is an extremely important component of the healthcare industry. Doctors and other medical professionals spend many, many years of studying, practising and preparing for a future in the healthcare industry. They face all kinds of challenges everyday from providing life-saving emergency treatment, to researching difficult diseases. Medical billing is a critical … Read more

Pros And Cons Of Ehr Essay

I would like to present to you my research of the pros and cons/ effectiveness and efficiency of EHR/EMRS replace paper records and the way we store information and review charts. My research also includes how these programs work and their effect on the economy Health Informatics or Medical Informatics is the intersection of information … Read more

Zucconi Medicine And Religion Summary Essay

The paper under review, medicine and religion in ancient Egypt is by Laura Zucconi, a history professor at Richard Stockton college of New Jersey. The analysis provided on ancients Egypt’s concept of medicine and religion, are derived from studies in the fields of medical anthropology, history of medicine and biblical studies. This article directs its … Read more

Essay about Shared Care: A Case Study

Integrated working is a coordinated, person-centred concept of care. Being person-centred allows the quality of care being delivered to be at an excellent quality. This is because the care remains tailored to the needs and preferences of the individual. Additionally Integrated working steers away from the episodic care and allows a more holistic view on … Read more

Determinants Of Health Essay

Social determinants of health are the environmental conditions people are born, worship, learn, live, work, play, and age that affect a wide range of quality-of-life, health, functioning, and risks. Conditions (e. g. , social, economic, and physical) in these various environments and settings (e. g. , school, church, workplace, and neighborhood) have been referred to … Read more

Ventilator Associated Pneumonia Case Study Research Paper

Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is defined as pneumonia that develops 48 hours or longer after patients has intubated and received mechanical ventilation. An infection may develop if microscopic organisms or germs invade the intubation of the patient’s lower respiratory tract and lung parenchyma (Koenig, S. M. , 2006). According to the 2009 National Healthcare Safety Network … Read more

Essay on The Trouble With Chicken Analysis

The Trouble with Chicken, is an hour special that aired on PBS’ Frontline. The special was produced by Rick Young & Anthony Szule, Young also wrote & directed this episode. The correspondent for this episode was David E. Hoffman. The focus of the episode is on poultry & Salmonella bacteria. This paper is my summery … Read more

Essay On Health Disparities

There are several factors that contribute to the existence of health disparities. Such factors include, socio-economic factor, geographic location, education, culture, religion-belief system, gender and sexual identity. There are several models that explain disparities in health. (Coreil, 2010) describes several models that explain health disparities. Such models include the racial-genetic model, health behavior model, racial … Read more

Essay about The Diving Bell And The Butterfly Analysis

Analyzing The Diving Bell and the Butterfly The poignant story of Jean-Dominique Bauby’s life begins in December 1995, when he finds himself in a hospital, recovering from a severe coma, both paralyzed from head to toe and unable to speak. Though Bauby’s mind is still intellectually intact, he is diagnosed with what most people call … Read more

The History Of Medicine

Tribal healers was held high political and social positions and was responsible on performing religious ceremonies and protecting the tribe from ad weather, poor harvest and catastrophe. 4. Surgery and medicinal herbs was also used to treat wounds. The Mesopotamia studied heptathlons ( a detailed examination of the liver), believing that liver was the seat … Read more