Personal Narrative On Suicide Essay

After a tragic event, people often hold loved ones close, and hug them a little bit tighter, and appreciate them a little more. After seeing my big brother commit suicide, I did the exact same thing. September 23, 2009. I was on my way home from school like any other day. I saw a police … Read more

Essay about Ten Year Canoe: A Short Story

“Oh, how great! ” I said, sarcastically. “So how do we tell the girls? I don’t want them to be scared, should we just make something up? ” “No, I think we should just tell them the truth. ” Me, with it being my first night taking on the role of a cit was super … Read more

Personal Narrative: My Life In Vegas Essay

The clock above my head ticks slowly, the sound ever increasing as the minutes pass by; tick, tick, tick. I normally do not notice the time while I work, usually I am the energizer bunny of workers, in early, out late, always working or willing to, but that day was different; I had a date; … Read more

Narrative Essay On Proserpina And Pluto

Once Pluto was out of tears to cry with, he knew it was time to tell her. “My darling Proserpina I think it’s time for you to return to your mother. ” “No, why would you say such a thing!? I will not return to that overbearing woman! Especially not after watching you just now! … Read more

Personal Narrative: SAT Today Essay

Life can have so many challenges a person will have to endure. Some will be making it to the NBA playoffs and others will be perfecting the cheesecake. For me, it would be the most, terrified thing a young person would ever have, the SAT. Know for its extremely dull black and white pages and … Read more

Personal Narrative: My Trip To Guatemala Essay

I would like to say I know Spanish, after four years of studying in high school and multiple trips to South and Central America, yet it seems every time I leave the States, I find myself in a frantic struggle to process the words I know and figure out the meanings of the ones I … Read more

Personal Narrative: My Libyan Family Essay

Taking into consideration my Libyan heritage, one might say | was able to experience the best of both worlds as a first generation Libyan-American. They wouldn’t be wrong, growing up, I was influenced by the cultural aspect of a Libyan as an American citizen. I partook in many common Libyan traditions, for instance, I would … Read more

Personal Narrative Essay: Deer Hunting

Mid evening on that October night. It was a chilly night, low forties maybe, and a little breezy. My dad and I set off for my grandfather’s property in Marshall at three in the afternoon. We were getting ready to hunt. My grandpa’s property is around 135 acres of land around his house. This is … Read more

Personal Narrative: Why I Lov Coming To SIU Essay

Growing up, I was always viewed as a person that didn’t like any type of socialization. I was portrayed as a quiet, nerdy, reserved individual that had very limited conversations with those around me. Unfortunately, the people that said this about me were wrong. In reality, if I were to describe myself to someone that … Read more

Personal Narrative: Almost Failing A Class Essay

“I should’ve done better,” I thought to myself as the teacher returned another bad grade. Maintaining good grades must be everyone’s motive in school, but in 8th grade year that almost didn’t happen for me. I walked into Davis Middle School on a bright and early morning. I took a seat in my first period. … Read more

Personal Narrative: The Zombie Apocalypse Essay

Zombies, walkers. The dead. Whatever you call them. They’re everywhere. No joke. I guess you could say it’s the Zombie Apocalypse. It started out normal. I came home from school and made some food, I heard a knock at my door, I thought to myself, Okay, answer the door. I asked myself why I was … Read more

Personal Narrative: The Homeless Dog Essay

It was a fiercely cold Christmas Eve night, somewhere around twenty degrees and from watching the weather it was likely to only get colder as the night progressed. Looking out the front window, the ground was covered in powdery white snow, sparkling, like it had glitter in it. I took in the brilliant sight right … Read more

Pros And Cons Of Being A Twin Essay

From the beginning of when I can remember everything has been shared. Birthday parties, celebrations, pictures, graduation day and even small things like a room when I was younger. But I never minded it. Sharing with my twin brother seemed natural and it was almost strange that everyone else didn’t share like we did. But … Read more

Jerry Carter Beginning Again Analysis Essay

The Dr. Jerry Carter Jr. comes from Columbus Ohio. He is the fourteenth pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church in Morristown, New Jersey. On Tuesday, August 25th, Dr. Carter took his scripture from Jonah 3:1 (KJV), that scripture read, “and the word of the Lord came unto Jonah the second time. ” He entitled his … Read more

Personal Narrative: My Journey To Aruba Essay

The journey begins in Maracaibo, my hometown, where my friends and I were planning to go to Aruba. We were thinking about partying in Aruba to celebrate that we graduated from high school. As soon as we all agreed, we started looking for the hotel, clubs, and beaches. The day before our trip, my friends … Read more

Creative Writing: The Getty Villa Essay

Mustafa Hafezzada A Renewed Drive (Historical Site Report #2) The Getty Villa, located in Pacific Palisades, is by far the museum that resonates with me the most. From the artwork to the building itself, I’m in love. I went with a childhood friend of mine because I had an extra ticket and I coerced him … Read more

Batting Clean-Up And Striking Out Analysis Essay

Are all neat people lazy, wasteful, insensitive, and less moral than sloppy people? Are all men more interested in sports while women focus their time on housework and cleaning? The answer to both of these questions is no. These questions bring up generalizations that are dealt with in both of the short essays which are … Read more

Personal Narrative: My Trip To Canada Essay

Describe an accomplishment or event, formal or informal, that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family. (650) I just stepped off the school bus. The ground was muddy. The sky was gray. Rain was pouring down on my head like I was standing under a waterfall. I had only … Read more

Personal Narrative: Snow Hunts Essay

I felt the stock of my bow while I was sitting in the blind. Frost had already began to form where I rubbed it off seconds ago. I looked through the small window at the everlasting snow. “Wait, was that a deer moving along those trees? ” I asked myself. It looked more like a … Read more

Personal Narrative: Alex Turing’s Death Essay

After the band perfmorance, my lips were dry and burned bright red; the skin was flaky, peeling horribly, and blood drizzled from the tired cracks. My tired eyes, worn from the continous reading of fast-paced rhythms, ached from the bright lights and dehydration gnawed at every part of me. On the car ride home, I … Read more

Personal Narrative: Siloam Springs’s Coming Home Essay

Having grown up in Chandler Oklahoma I assumed that I knew all about small towns. How they operated, what the people were like, how quickly news spreads and so on; however, Siloam Springs has pleasantly surprised me. Rather than feeling uncomfortably small and suffocating like I was expecting, I have found that over all it … Read more

7th Grade Narrative Essay

I’m going to tell you about my life from the end of 7th grade to the end of 8th grade. At the end of seventh grade I had went to both my brothers C-tec and Watkins graduation. After both graduations we had a graduation party and I got to see family members I haven’t seen … Read more

Personal Narrative Essay: Going To Southern California

Going to Southern California, no one would think of packing an umbrella. Why would they? California is in the middle of a drought. When someone thinks of California, they think of baby blue skies and palm trees along the streets. But, of course, the weekend my family decided to visit Disneyland, Universal Studios, and SeaWorld … Read more

What Happens Next Analysis Essay

I’m in someone’s room, in someone’s bed, and I don’t know how I got her. Then I remember and it all comes crashing down in a thousand jagged pieces. I jerked the covers back, relieved that all my clothes are still on. The clock on the nightstand says seven a. m. The bus leaves in … Read more

Summary: Personal Narrative Male Selkie Essay

I had kept the cottage on the hill in sight all night and can sense there are two humans in the dwelling. The sun started to rise and the darkness faded, an older human female leaves the dwelling. She gets into a small car and drives down the road towards town. This was the time … Read more

Personal Narrative: My Trip To America Essay

“I don’t know what to do. I have a husband and my family here, but the Nazis are taking power. I don’t know if I can stay here any longer. I have heard about good things happening in America, so maybe I will go there,” I explained to my family before I decided to leave … Read more

The Lovely Bones Analysis Essay

My eyes move from page to page scrutinizing each word like Susie Salmon watching her family live life. I have finished The Lovely Bones By Alice Sebold. As the time keeps moving forward, the search of Susie Salmon’s murder continues. The police have found evidence that Mr. Harvey is the murder and now trying to … Read more

Cleft Palate Surgery Narrative Essay

My daughter’s cleft palate surgery The most memorable time in my life was my daughter’s cleft palate surgery. It was January 4th when my daughter and I had to leave El Paso, TX to take a trip to Austin, TX. It was a long drive for a little baby like her at the time she … Read more

The Benefits Of Brine Shrimp Essay

Salt is what the brine shrimp need to hatch. Without salt the brine shrimp won’t be able to hatch or stay alive long. My question ‘Which water will the brine shrimp thrive the best in with with the different amounts of salinity? ‘ These next paragraphs are some of the information on brine shrimp. For … Read more

Personal Narrative Essay: Sleeping Bear Dunes

This past summer I traveled up north to Leelanau, Michigan, with my best friend, Mary, and her family. Mary’s family is basically a second family to me because we have known each other since Kindergarten. Her family goes up every year for a family vacation, but this was my first time going up with them … Read more

Hannah’s Gift Analysis Essay

Maria Housden shares: “The truest measure of a life is not in length, but the fullness in which it is lived” (6). This quote goes along perfectly with the heartwarming and heartbreaking story of young Hannah Martell as she handles her illness with positivity while teaching those around her valuable life lessons along her journey. … Read more

Personal Narrative-I M In The Rat Army Essay

I’m in the Rat Army now. The commander is Rose. Not Bonzo. I’m done with following Bonzo’s stupid directions, and his desperate need for authority that seems to contribute to the making of his stupid actions. He punched me right after he told me that he persuaded the Rat Army to trade me for one … Read more

Importance Of A Tryout Essay

During the end of my freshman year I had received an email asking if I could attend a tryout to see if I would make the team that would be heading over to Europe to play soccer. When my mom told me that I had to go to soccer I asked her why, she said … Read more

Personal Narrative: Blue Water Collide Essay

When you’re a kid you would never think of almost dying at sesame place, but that’s exactly what happened to me. As my family and I entered the park, my eyes grew with amazement as I looked around me. There were zooming roller coasters, families laughing, toddlers running around with a sugar high from all … Read more

Sameness In The Giver Essay

The idea of a perfect society might sound appealing, but would a perfect society include Sameness? In the novel, The Giver by Lois Lowery, Jonas, the main character, lives in a society where everyone portrays Sameness. Sameness is where everything is equal. For example, every family has four people: a mother and a father, one … Read more

My 16th Bday

A good experience with my friends came on my sixteenth birthday. Earlier in the week, I had decided that I would rent a limousine and go into Boston with some of my friends. The day which we would go was my birthday. The day had finally come and we were all anxious to go. Before … Read more

Just a story

In that I was born a rat, there is no tragedy. “In each creature there is a breathing of Gods”. So my teacher spoke. Much worse that I was born a clever rat. And that is legible of outlined life, which one is conducted by me. People, for me there is nothing interesting and unpredictable. … Read more

The Most Important Day of My Life

The most important day of my life had just happened recently. It all started out when some friends and I were bored. We wanted to do something that was fun and cool which also happened to be very bad. We decided we were going to make a big firecracker. The first thing we did was … Read more

The Big Lie

The Big Lie I have been going to church since I was three years old. I also attended Sunday school since I was three. Since then I have been confirmed as a member of the church and have actively participated in the senior high youth program at my church. All of these years I figured … Read more

My self-wondering

Sitting here on this corner I find my self-wondering is this what has become of our great nation. Days go by, and all we think about is if there will be any food waiting on us at home or at the soup kitchens and bread lines. We think to our selves is our government not … Read more

Urban Safari

There are times when having a brother with twenty more years of age, experience, and wisdom, can adversely effect your credibility. This is especially true at nine years old. I found this to be the case one Christmas day many years ago when my brother Tom came home for the holidays. It appeared to be … Read more

My Waterfall

Behind my house, barely noticeable, is a trail leading through the woods to a waterfall. The trail is narrow but well worn. Any shrubbery that would have grown has been trampled down and all that is left is a very narrow path, overhung with branches from the trees that mark its sides. As I start … Read more

Sometimes in life

Sometimes in life there are events that take place and impact your life greatly. A friend of mine, Marc Finch, was in a life threatning motorcycle accident. When I found out what happened to Marc I didn’t think he was going to make it and that in its self was the worst news I have … Read more

My Declaration of Independence

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one person to go to college, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that she make a difference. Even if not all of the words are mine, they mean something to me. As a matter of fact, some of the words should … Read more

Around The World

As I approached the party I could hear the blasting music all the way from the street. When I reached the back of the house to enter I could distinguish the song that was playing; it was Its good to be King by Tom Petty. After waiting in a line to enter I was finally … Read more

Personal Statement

“So, sweetheart, what would you like for Christmas,” my dad asked while I was sitting down flipping through some catalogs one December afternoon. As I put the last of the catalogs down, I went into my room and thought about what I wanted. I never truly desired anything until that year. I was eleven. Within … Read more

My Participation in the Prince of Wales Robotics Team

The intellectual achievement that I feel is my most prominent academic experience is participating, for the second consecutive year, in the Prince of Wales Robotics Team. This was an opportunity to gain valuble insights into designing and manufacturing electrical robots with fellow teammates and professional engineers. Firstly, in connection with my involvement in the Robotics … Read more

Princeton Acceptance Essay

A creek is no place for shoes. I think it’s unreasonable to ask such children to keep their shoes on in such a place. My bare feet were always covered with calluses from walking down the rough pavement of Pine Street and around the corner, past the tall oaks, but not as far as the … Read more

My Personal Support Group (Cheerleading)

I am often sorry that my parents did not take it upon themselves to enroll me in any recreational activities in my preadolescent years. I believe that sports are an integral part of growing up. They provide an opportunity to meet and interact with peers. Numerous occasions I can recall feeling excluded from the group … Read more

An unforgivable Choice

Whats the matter a girl asked a ragged boy. Nothing the brown red-eyed boy answered. Wheres your good behaviour? its not very polite to lie, Im sure Santa heard that. Now do you want my help, or not? the girl tryed again. I do the boy said. My name is Lucinda Wellington Jones, whats yours? … Read more

Human Suffering Essay

My great-grandmother passed away last month. She was an unbelievable woman who carried a special place in my heart. It was hard to handle the anguish I felt when I first heard about her death. Her passing left me with an empty feeling inside. The sad, empty, and painful feeling I sensed was my suffering. … Read more

Ramsey vs. Fletcher

As a student at Southern Methodist University, I have acquired knowledge from requisite classes to not only better myself, but also for the betterment of my community. I feel, as apart of the human race, that we should continue to strive for an enhanced community by gaining information from other humans. However, in order for … Read more