Impact On My Life

The most well-known heroes of children are those who have incredible strength or x-ray vision, such as Superman, Batman, and Spiderman… My hero, on the other hand, is simply a regular guy with no powers or abilities to fly. He lacks supernatural gifts instead possessing a strong heart that strongly influences my personality. Mr. Hanh … Read more

Authentic Instruction Analysis

As we prepare our students to be twenty-first century workers, our classrooms need to adapt also. Authentic teaching provides the opportunity for students to push their students through relatable content to deeply understand the material. Additionally, integrating technology fosters critical thinking and engagement. Authentic instruction fosters original, creative thinking within our students through four standards. … Read more

The Drowsy: A Short Story

Oh yeah, there’s just something about singing with a huge chorus, you know? I’ve been very fortunate to be in things like The Producers, The Drowsy Chaperone, Urinetown–quite a number of stuff, I guess. It’s just great to be on stage singing with a bunch of other people. I’ve not had the opportunity to actually … Read more

H. L. Mencken’s Analysis

Picture thirty desks, a chalkboard with a teacher standing in front of it, three students sleeping, eleven students on their phones, six students paying attention, and ten students daydreaming; this is a typical classroom in the public education system. In 1924 H. L. Mencken, a German-American journalist and a cultural critic, wrote about what he … Read more

Peter Abelard Research Paper

Peter Abelard was a French philosopher and theologian during twelfth-century Europe. Despite the fact that there were schools specifically with monasteries and cathedrals, a new way of learning soon arose during his time. He was known for exemplifying this new model of learning. Abelard, like many other Philosophers during the olden times, paved his way … Read more

Racism In Classroom

In my second grade classroom, my teacher interrupted my classwork one day, ti state that my traditional African hairstyle was distracting, and directed me to change it by the mext day. When the next day came, and the hair tying me to my culture remained, she pulled me out of class, sent me to the … Read more

Aboriginal People Analysis

Aboriginal people are the first settlers of Canada, including the first nations, Inuit, and Metis. Upon the arrival of the European settlers of Canada who came with their own civilization, the aboriginal people were considered ignorant and uneducated. These European settlers wanted to increase literacy at the same time making their culture dominant over the … Read more

Code Switching Case Study Essay

Gossiping about their colleagues and bosses, which is interesting to observe. It is unconventional for Vietnamese teachers to encourage students to develop such behaviours, such as gossiping or talking bad behind one’s back. However, with the smiley tone of this turn, it can be interpreted that Haylee is actually very well aware of this issues … Read more

Bilingual Interview Essay

I interviewed a student at Wedgewood Park International Middle School in Milwaukee. I did it on March 6th in the morning. The interview with Gaby (a pseudonym) lasted about thirty minutes during his reading intervention time, so he would not miss curriculum instruction time. He is an 8th grader who grew up in Puerto Rico. … Read more

Tier 1 Intervention

Learning how to teach is difficult. Teachers go to school to learn different strategies that can be used within the classroom to help a variety of student needs. However, in the classroom, there will be students who more help with certain areas more than others. Those students could be assessed on numerous scales but the … Read more

Open Ended Questions

In the first video “Open-ended Questions to Encourage Conversation” the instruction that I observed, based upon the definition, did meet criteria 1 from the TPEP. The general idea of Criteria one is the expectations that teachers have for their students and is able to communicate those expectations. In the first video the teacher is using … Read more

Assess The Importance Of Professional Learning Community

In education, the term professional learning community is very common. This term, however, can mean many things to different educators. It can be used to talk about extending classroom practices to the community, bring outside people into the school to increase learning of students, engaging students, teacher learning, among other definitions. The main definition I … Read more

Classroom Analysis

How many times have you accessed the internet today? The use of the internet and technology has risen greatly over the years. In 2012, the number of internet users in the United States increased by 8. 8 percent, which is a whopping 2. 4 million users. In 1977 the very first personal computer was marketed … Read more

Goalie Stick Incident Essay

Thad just finished my hockey game, one which we lost by far. I slowly skated my way off the ice, as everyone looked at the “losing team” in disappointment. I stepped my way over to the locker and to my surprise, a couple of kids had found a broken goalie stick, and the floor was … Read more

Scavenger Hunt Case Study Essay

Scavenger Hunt English Language Learners Legislation 1. Fill in the chart below by following these directions: Choose a school district. Identify the six subsections of the Florida Consent Decree (LULAC et al. v. The State Board of Education of Florida, 1990). Explain how your local school district is complying with each of the six subsections. … Read more

Teaching Perspectives Inventory Essay

My results from the Teaching Perspectives Inventory (TPI) were not a total surprise, interestingly my results are concurrent with Collins et al (2010) findings of the majority of teachers, it great to be average. My most dominant perspective being nurturing, with apprenticeship, developmental and transmission following with very little difference between the scores. Social reform … Read more

The Lessons Of Classroom 506 Analysis Essay

The article “The Lessons of Classroom 506” by Lisa Belkin is focused on the single experience of a family living in New York with their 5-year-old son Thomas, who has cerebral palsy. The family is trying to construct a classroom that would be appropriate for their son. Thomas was unable to speak and he needed … Read more

Benefits Of Segregation In Public Schools Essay

One course of action is to try to limit or even completely get rid of the segregation between students with disabilities and those without. Currently, there are still numerous public schools around the nation that have not developed a method towards transitioning to non-segregated classroom styles for individuals with disabilities. This exclusion between students with … Read more

Essay on LD/EBD Student Analysis

I currently teach LD/EBD students at a 9-12 level. A lot of my students struggle with reading and read at lower level then their peers that are mainstreamed into the general education setting (most of my students read at a 4-6 grade reading level). The biggest struggles I see with them is their understanding of … Read more

Social Operating System Strategy Map Essay

Module 2 Application Activity: Social Operating System Strategy Мар Read Chapter 6 of Teaching with Poverty in Mind. On page 149, the author uses the graphic shapes below to illustrate core social attributes needed for school success ( many of which are underdeveloped in children of poverty). In each shape, fill in the heading. Under … Read more

Argumentative Essay On Modern Slavery

Jimmy Carter emphasized, “Globalization, as defined by rich people like us, is a very nice thing… you are talking about the Internet, you are talking about cell phones, you are talking about computers. This doesn’t affect two-thirds of the people of the world. ” It’s difficult to give a rigorous definition for globalization and to … Read more

Utopian Community Essay

According to Webster’s Dictionary, a utopia is defined as “a place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions. ” For years, many people have attempted to create Utopian communities across the world. Some were founded with faith-based ideas, including the Mormon and monastic communities. Others were simply founded around similar beliefs and … Read more

Merit Pay Risky Behavior Essay

The focus of my paper is on how incentives like merit pay can lead to risky behaviors and bad outcomes in our educational system. It is my belief that incentives like higher pay alone is never sufficient enough to motivate teachers or anyone with a real passion for their vocation to perform better. I find … Read more

Black Like Me Reflection Essay

I am going to be completely honest when I signed up for this course I was just trying to fulfill a core requirement in order to graduate from Towson University. But from the first day | walked into the class and read the course objective I found that wasn’t going to be your typical class … Read more

Personal Narrative: My Trip To Canada Essay

Describe an accomplishment or event, formal or informal, that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family. (650) I just stepped off the school bus. The ground was muddy. The sky was gray. Rain was pouring down on my head like I was standing under a waterfall. I had only … Read more

Bcba Qualitative Training Essay

According to the increasing behaviour analyses conducted nowadays ensuring the competence of behaviour analytic professionals is important. The education and the Behaviour Analyst Certification Board (BACB) can ensure the competence of behaviour analysts (Eikeseth, 2010). There are two ways to get Board Certified Behaviour Analysts (BCBA) certification. The first way is university coursework: the practitioners … Read more

Robert Harris Generalized Education Analysis Essay

Robert Harris, a renowned writer and experienced professor, published “On the Purpose of a Liberal Art Education” in 1991. He was astounded by how many students he heard mumbling about a generalized education plan; therefore, he felt the compulsive need to explain why a general education not only gives a first-year student a foundation for … Read more

Standardized Testing Case Study Summary Essay

Analysis This case exposes the issues of equality in the education system, and more specifically, within standardized testing. Standardized testing is a set metric used to measure the academic ability of all students who take the test. However, as is illuminated in the case of Lara and Roy, this kind of metric only reveals a … Read more

John Gill Case Study Student Essay

John Gill In Mr. Freedman’s first honors math class, he noticed a student, John Gill, who looked similar to the students he had grown up with in New York, sitting alone in the middle row. Mr. Freedman decided to talk to him and they had a great relationship. It was only two months in to … Read more

Essay Against Standardized Testing

Why We Need Alternatives to Standardized Testing When was the last time the United States placed first in global mathematical performance? In the latest score reports, the U. S. didn’t even place in the top 30 countries. Over the last few decades, students in the United States’ public education system have been scoring progressively less … Read more

Essay on Response To Intervention

This paper details the process of response-to-intervention (RTI) and its role in special education. The paper describes the four key components of – high-quality classroom instruction, ongoing student assessment, tiered instruction, and family involvement – and how they impact the identification of special education students. Also examined is how the structure of RTI can reduce … Read more

Bystander Intervention Essay

In this assignment, I will critically evaluate 8 research articles relevant to my topic of “Do gender, culture, and age groups influence the way society acts as a described by the bystander effect”? Bystander Intervention in a Crime: The Effect of a Mass-media Campaign Leonard Bickman, 1975 Two studies were performed in order to investigate … Read more

Benefits Of Standardized Testing Essay

Standardized testing is not the best way to measure how well a teacher teaches or how much a student has learned. Schools throughout the United States put their main focus on standardized tests; these examinations put too much stress on the teachers and students and cause traumatizing events. Standardized testing is believed to be the … Read more

Essay about Trade Book Misconceptions

In science, the use of trade books is a literacy strategy that is being used more commonly in the classroom, such as informational text and nonfiction trade books. (Atkinson, Matusevich, and Huber, 2009; Mantzicopulos and Patrick, 2011; Rice, 2002). The use of nonfiction trade books has beco crucial part of elementary education because they help … Read more

Persuasive Speech Outline Essay

Attention grabber/Relevance statement- To “assume” makes an “ass” out of “u” and “me” This communication class has taught me that assuming is a mistake. There is so much more to communication than just the words that are spoken. Topic Statement- How can a Communications 101 class help you in becoming a successful student that is … Read more

Somnambulism Analysis Essay

Ramifications of chasing traditional rewards in, “How Not to Get into College”, “Somnambulist”, and “Iced- Cream” Albert Einstein once said, “Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value”. Implying that people tend to get blinded in the hunt of personal triumph in their lives that they forget what really … Read more

Essay on School Board Meeting Reflection

Across each district monthly school board meetings are held to discuss different issues within the community and schools. The school board members discuss items such as budget, employee contracts, academic services, school choice, teacher and student conduct, etc. Locally elected school board members are responsible for discussing and voting towards the decisions that impact educators, … Read more

Essay about If You Hear Me Reflection

Mr. Michie was a unique and inspiring young individual for many inner city school students. These children had a difficult time surviving in life let alone in school a school system, because they did not have sufficient resources or a structural quality lifestyle. They came from poverty, gangbanging, parents without proper educations, and dysfunctional family … Read more

Race In Education Sociology Essay

To many, race is political. It’s something to re-blog or debate in Facebook comments. The sad truth, though, is that race is still an enormous issue in our society. Race is a part of our identity, and whether or not we are aware, it affects each and every one of us. Racial issues are particularly … Read more

Smart Goal Definition Essay

Goals are a fundamental part of success in collage and beyond. Some of the most effective goals are SMART goals. This mnemonic device stands for Specific, Meaningful (Measureable), Actionable, Realistic, and Timed. I have noted the importance of these types of goals and have decided to apply it to a goal of my own. My … Read more

Stereotypes Of Work Essay

The Meaning of Work: Have Stereotypes and Media Ruined Our Chance at Enjoying Work? As people living on this earth, we are all influenced by work. Whether we are in a poor country or a rich country, whether we are living on the streets or living in a mansion we are all influenced by work … Read more

Secondary Science Teacher Career Analysis

After obtaining a bachelors degree in science, most people begin to scour the job market. Many people may find difficulty obtaining a job pertaining to science without a masters degree. Rather than give up people tend to explore their options. Some people continue their education to ensure their success in the science industry. Others explore … Read more

The History Teacher Billy Collins

The War of the Roses took place in a garden and the Enola Gay dropped one tiny atom on Japan The children would leave his classroom for the playground to torment the weak and the smart mussing up their hair and breaking their glasses, while he gathered up his notes and walked home past flower … Read more

The History Teacher Billy Collins

The War of the Roses took place in a garden and the Enola Gay dropped one tiny atom on Japan The children would leave his classroom for the playground to torment the weak and the smart mussing up their hair and breaking their glasses, while he gathered up his notes and walked home past flower … Read more

The Road to Becoming a Teacher

The Road to Becoming a Teacher Shayne McCormick Mr. Katz Senior Project Research Paper January 8, 2002 The Road to Becoming a Teacher Teachers bear the heavy responsibility of molding the minds of our nation’s most precious resource, its children. The road to becoming a teacher is a long one, involving post-high school education, people … Read more