Setting Goals In English Class Analysis

People have many reasons why they attend college. Some want to become doctors, lawyers, teachers and engineers. I chose to attend Miami University to become a bioengineer. Along with college comes the challenge of writing multiple essays about many different topics. You could write essays about things that you read in a book to scientific … Read more

Blackboard Exercise Analysis

Throughout the semester, data was collected in order to analyze it as a source of discourse. I chose to analyze the frequency of Blackboard access per day and the hours in which that frequency is at its highest and lowest. This raw data becomes significant when compared to the general makeup of my average weekly … Read more

My Writing Advice

Everyone has a different way of approaching their writing, whether it be for an English 102 class, a newspaper or even for a book. John Schwartz was able to visit our class and talk to us about his writing process, answer our questions and simultaneously give us advice to help us with our writing. Writing … Read more

English Composition Class Analysis Essay

Throughout the semester, I have learned a lot about the English language. Some of the tips that I have learned in this English Composition Class is how to write: Argumentative Essays, Analysis Essay In each topic or type of writing, I have learned a lot of new skills that I have not been told before. … Read more

Essay on Writing Reflection

Revising has always been part of my development process for writing. When I was taught by my high school teachers to use “linear structure” in AP Language and Literature, I felt my ideas and skills were restricted. Like Nancy Sommers states in her essay, “Revision Strategies of Student Writers and Experienced Adult Writers,” I too … Read more

Caring Makes Us Human Analysis Essay

Flipping from essay to essay, I find no interest in any of the stories presented within NPR’s Special Series collection. Such a drag it is to read an entire essay and ultimately deciding that | find no attractiveness in it gets annoying. Then, after 17 long, uninteresting essays, this one, unique story catches my eye. … Read more

Essay about Wptg 101 Reflection

I selected WRTG 101 because it was a required class towards my undergraduate degree. This is a class that I should have taken earlier in my pursuit of my degree; it would have been extremely beneficial to me with my writing assignments for other classes. Being a student of WRTG 101 employs me to use … Read more

Essay on English111 Reflection

The semester and English111 is about to come to a close and i’m not going to lie this semester has been pretty hard but it’s also been a learning experience as well. When i first started English111 my writing was not that good i made a lot of small errors within in my papers. Not … Read more

Ac Final Monologue Reflection Essay

These monologues challenged me by making me experience what the character is feeling and then writing it down. Up until | finished writing AC Short Write #1, I have never been put into someone else’s shoes. This made me think outside the box and really think into depth about what I was writing about. The … Read more

Dual Credit English Reflective Essay

After enrolling in the Dual Credit English Composition 1 class, I was afraid of many aspects of the course. I was petrified of meaningless things: deadlines, word counts, and plagiarism. Although each of those aspects are important to consider and be mindful of, they are, in no way, anything to worry over. I lost confidence … Read more

Spoon River Anthology Theme Essay

By Life Ain’t Always Easy: An Analysis of the Themes in Spoon River Anthology Spoon River Anthology gives us a clear and detailed reminder that life isn’t always easy. There aren’t many people in here that didn’t have it rough in some way. However, while struggling to maintain focus in the process of reading such … Read more

Essay about David Suzuki Analysis

David Suzuki is a Canadian scholar and an environmentalist. Born in 1936, Suzuki has been a great scientist known for the campaigns of a sustainable environment. Suzuki has written many articles and books that have been noticed to intrigue the public with his words and form of writing (Suzuki, p2). This essay will focus on … Read more

Batting Clean-Up And Striking Out Analysis Essay

Are all neat people lazy, wasteful, insensitive, and less moral than sloppy people? Are all men more interested in sports while women focus their time on housework and cleaning? The answer to both of these questions is no. These questions bring up generalizations that are dealt with in both of the short essays which are … Read more

On Writing Well William Zinsser Analysis Essay

William Zinsser said in his book, “On Writing Well”, that there is no great audience to write for; instead authors should write for themselves, for expressing their own emotions, passions, and desires. While this is true to some degree, writers should still keep an audience in mind when writing, especially if that writing is meant … Read more