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Sometimes in life

Sometimes in life there are events that take place and impact your life greatly. A friend of mine, Marc Finch, was in a life threatning motorcycle accident. When I found out what happened to Marc I didn’t think he was going to make it and that in its self was the worst news I have ever received in my life. I was in school when I found out what happened to Marc. After school my brother, a friend and I went to the hospital,we found out where our friends were and we went to find them. When we found them the only sound I heard where the quiet mumbles of my friends talking gently to each other.

It was a very emotional time for everyone. Only his parents could get in to the room because of his condition. I never went back to the hospital for the fact that I couldn’t get in to see him. Marc’s accident was very hard on many people but it was the hardest on his family. Bev, Marc’s mother is one of the strongest women I know. Bev was there everyday all day praying and hoping that God wouldn’t take her son away. His mother was also very supportive to our class by keeping us updated on how Marc was doing everyday. I really don’t know Marc’s father that well but what I saw was a very strong man.

His father was there a lot as well, right beside Marc’s side hoping that his son would pull through and be fine. Marc’s little sister Jada did a lot of growing up while all this was going on. Jada is only ten but she acted like she was eighteen because all of marc’s friends took her out to try to keep her mind of of things. Marc’s family really stuck by eachother through this whole thing and really helped eachother get through it. I know this sounds like an awfull thing to say but his accident really brought our class together. Everyone started looking out for eachother like we should of all along.

His accident really made me and many people aware of the risks you take when you drink and drive. You can’t ever think that it won’t happen to you because you never know. Marc thought the same thing and look what happened to him. I hope and pray that this kind of thing never happens to anyone else that I care about. If you love your friends you should do your best to take care of them and not let them make stupid choices. Someone let my friend make a stupid choice that could have effected the way I live and the way he lives for the rest of his life. I thank God that we have our Finch back,a little skinny,but alive.

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