What Is A Life Worth By Amanda Ripley

What makes a human life worth living? This is a question that has been asked throughout history, and it is one that still puzzles us today. Amanda Ripley tackles this question in her book, The Unthinkable: Who Survives When Disaster Strikes – and Why. Ripley looks at some of the most horrific disasters of recent … Read more

Work And Play Essay

Michael Oakeshott was born in 1901 and died in 1990. He was a British philosopher who is best known for his work on the philosophy of history and the philosophy of human nature. In his book, The Meaning of Life, Oakeshott discusses the importance of work and play in human life. Work is important because … Read more

Jesus Is A Brand Of Jeans By Jean Kilbourne

Jean Kilbourne’s article “Jesus is a brand of jeans” explores the ways in which commercialization and marketing have co-opted religious iconography to sell products. She argues that by using religious symbols to sell items like jeans, companies are commodifying faith and cheapening the sacred. Kilbourne points to the way that mainstream advertising often portrays Jesus … Read more

Moral Responsibility In Singer’s Wealth Of Nations

By definition, human nature is defined as “the general psychological characteristics, feelings, and behavioral traits of humankind” (Apple Dictionary). Our society continues to grow and evolve over time, and human nature is maturing with it socially and economically. Adam Smith from the late 1700’s believed in a free market system ultimately governed by humans that … Read more

Are People Like Chucks

In this paper, the reader will find the analysis of Sam and Chuck as a manager and as an employee. Throughout this paper the reader will see the opinions of the author as well as incorporating the textbook readings and various researched authors. Are people like Chuck common? Seeing as how I am not in … Read more

Primate Evolution

The human being consists of two aspects – of an immortal spirit and of a mortal body. The flesh comes like a gift of the mother Earth and the spirit of the father God. We dedicate excessively big attention to the first one, but nearly nothing to the latter one; and sometimes we even forget … Read more

Socrates Purpose Of Life

Socrates believed that the purpose of human life was personal and spiritual growth. We can’t develop toward more prominent comprehension of our actual nature unless we take an ideal opportunity to analyze and reflect upon our life. . The importance of the quote is good for nothing because the significance of the word unexamined is … Read more

Estrogen’s Neuroprotection Paper

The topic of this paper is estrogen’s neuroprotective mechanism in reference to neuronal injury and repair and the actual method of neuroprotection estrogens utilize. Estrogens play a monumental role in protection from brain injury and neurodegenerative disease (Lebesgue, 2009). Research questions dealt with estrogen’s specific mechanism for neuroprotection and whether or not estrogen’s neuroprotection changed … Read more

Kierkegaard Authenticity Analysis

Authenticity is the act of being authentic that is meeting certain quality standards in life. According to Kierkegaard, authenticity is based on an individual finding out authentic faith and becoming true to oneself. This is where a person is not influenced by any factor in becoming themselves, but instead, they develop their character (Ashman, 2007). … Read more


The Melding of Man and Machine “Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology,” proclaimed the narrator at the introduction of the 1970s TV series, The Six Million Dollar Man. The program depicts a scene where scientists are hard at work reconstructing the shattered body of a crash victim with the use of bionic … Read more

Alternate World Research Paper

Do you believe in alternate world? What if you discover that there is another ‘you’ living in another universe? Have you ever thought what’s after our universe? There are Scientists, Cosmogonist, Astrophysicist and other people involved in science that believe that there could be another universe. That someone like you and I have a, what … Read more

Theories Of Evolutionary Psychology

When an infant is born, whether it be a newborn human or a newborn animal, a mother will defend it against harm, but is this behavior naturally occurring? Firm believers of evolutionary psychology assert that, “evolution by natural selection, is at present, the only viable scientific explanation of the existence of complex biological and psychological … Read more

The Loved Little Whale Research Paper

“Life had been transformed by our affection for this little whale, [because… ] what we shared mattered” -Mike Parfit. Luna the orca has been separated from his pod ever since he was two. Through the years, this little orca has learned to cope not by joining another pod or learning to live in solitude, but … Read more

Violation Of Pharmacist Research Paper

Pharmacists have the vital job to provide their patients with any medications they need or have been prescribed for. However, there may be some medications, such as Plan B or emergency contraception, that are tied to moral beliefs that certain pharmacists do not agree with. This brings up the issue if pharmacists should have the … Read more

North American Culture Essay

Art is a complicated subject in the archaeological record because of how inherently vague the definition of art is. There are various ways and mediums in which to express creativity, making it difficult to interpret the different forms, or to understand and deduce the meaning or reasoning behind it, especially before the invention of writing … Read more

Research Paper On Down Syndrome

This is one of the most interesting genetic diseases in the world, and yet there is no cure for it. This disease can affect people drastically, or sometimes very little at all. Although there is no way to treat it, it can be helped, and there are many programs to help. This complex genetic disease … Read more

Animal Rights Research Paper

We have evolved from being a weak and foolish species that struggled to obtain any type of animal meat, into a species that is now capable of getting meat by simply driving to a nearby grocery store. As the years have passed by humans have assumed the positions as the dominant race on planet Earth. … Read more

Mary Anne Warren Thesis Essay

A. Mary Anne Warren in the chapter “On the Moral and Legal Status of Abortion and Postscript on Infanticide” discusses her views on pro-abortion. Warren explains how a fetus has not reached enough development to be considered a person. In order for a being to be considered a person they must have a list of … Read more

Beetles Research Paper

Beetles have been around for over 270 million years and are one of the most diverse insects to roam the Earth and come in all shapes, sizes and colors. There are 350,000 different species of beetles throughout the world and more yet to be discovered. They make up for twenty-five percent of all living things; … Read more

The Stereotypes Of Extreme Sports Essay

When a person goes wingsuit diving and first jumps off the area, they immediately come in contact with some of the most surreal feelings in life: the sensation of the wind blowing through their face and each strand of hair, the images of nature they fly by, and the pleasure of personal achievement. Despite having … Read more

Essay On Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing

Animal testing should no longer be practiced because it is unethical, the results can be misleading, and alternatives are available. It is widely known animal testing injures and kills many animals each year for the sake of the humans that may use the products. According to preventative medicine/public health specialist Aysha Akhtar, worldwide over 15 … Read more

Fahrenheit 451 Persuasive Essay

Winston Churchill once said, “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen”. Whether they’re your enemies or your friends, it always right to stand up against an issue and challenge them, or else there will never be a change in society. Ray … Read more

Doomsday Scenario Essay

The aim of this paper is to attempt to argue against a few of Samuel Scheffler’s claims that human life is only valued if there are others to come after our deaths, and to try to prove the possibility of our actions having value despite an apocalyptic event occurring, if we can look at our … Read more

The Transgression Of Preference In Ayn Rands Anthem Essay

Anthem by Ayn Rand is set in the heart in a dystopian world of the future, and in stark contrast to other dystopian novels, the world of Anthem is technologically undeveloped instead of advanced, is quite primitive, and devolved from modern-day technology, but with the conditions for technological processes, it is no wonder that society … Read more

Jane Goodall Contribution To Anthropology Essay

In the year 1960, Jane Goodall, a young, naive and optimistic secretarial school graduate, was sent to Gombe Stream Research Center located in East Africa in the country of Tanzania off of Kungwe Bay by fossil-hunter Louis Leakey where she would spend the next thirty years observing pan troglodytes, or chimpanzees, in their natural habitat … Read more

Pig Circulatory System Essay

In today’s standard anatomy classes- among other science classes- pigs are the most commonly dissected mammal because they have the most similar anatomy to a human. They have the same organs and many of the same muscles pertaining to similar human functions. When dissecting pigs it is important to remember the basic directional points. For … Read more

Human Testing Research Paper

Humans in experimentation: such an abstract ideal to wrap one’s head around. Movies portray such experiments with extreme dissections, and advanced technology. Experiments concluding of tests that test capabilities of humans physically and mentally, to observe how much the body reacts to such actions. Experiments that are physically painful, as well as torturous to the … Read more

Chimpanzees Assignment Essay

Chimpanzees, otherwise known as Pan Troglodytes, are a species of higher primates that inhabits the tropical forests of central Africa (Shefferly). According to Shefferly, the common chimpanzees are found from Gambia to Uganda, excluding the region bordered by the Congo and Lualaba rivers. Shefferly goes on writing about how chimpanzees can make a habitat out … Read more

Gender Selection In Medical Technology Essay

The mere fact that we have traveled far in medical technology is amazing but the misuse of gender selection technologies and the lack of restrictions is repulsive. Lack of restrictions on how the medical community uses the technologies they upgrade and invent is unethical,the medical community should have limitations on how they use their technologies,specifically … Read more

Prosthetic Limbs Research Paper

Introduction to prosthetic limbs One clear example of the great technological development in terms of improvement of people’s everyday lifestyle is the creation and betterment of prosthetic limbs. Over the recent years there have been constant advancements in artificial limbs, such as the usage of new plastics and materials during the process of creation, the … Read more

Narrative Essay On Frankenstein

A long time ago, monsters and humans ruled the earth. Humans thought that the monsters were a threat. From that a great war started. Eventually humans came victorious sealing the monsters in the ground forever. No one had seen a monster until… a small child wandered up a mountain where the monster where once sealed. … Read more

Essay On Stop Animal Testing

Could anyone imagine their pet being abused for the sake of a test? The animal is forced into living without food, water, or fresh air for days, even months. Millions of animals each year endow this treatment. They are forced to be tested on, in horrible and unimaginable conditions. But, the government continues these methods … Read more

Mans Search For Meaning Essay

Man’s Search for Meaning, written by Viktor Frankl, is a memoir about overcoming sufferings to have an optimistic perspective on life in the midst of pain and death. Frankl provides examples of his own experiences after surviving three years in a Nazi concentration camp where his parents, brother, wife, and children died. Using his logotherapy … Read more

Pluto Classification Research Paper

Classifying items into categories has been a key component of society for years. Objects or subjects that have been classified generally allow easier communication and can get a complex point across in a much simpler matter. Classification, however, is a double-edged sword. The different opinions that every person is entitled to means that some classifications … Read more

Deception Detective: How Often Do People Lie Essay

How often do people lie? If someone asked you how many times a day you lie, what would you say? People most commonly say they lie two times a day, this is an understatement. In actuality people lie about seven to eight times a day. Men and women tell different kinds of lies. Men tell … Read more

The Veldt Analysis Research Paper

Short Story “The lions on three sides of them, in the yellow veldt grass, padding through the dry straw, rumbling and roaring in their throats. The lions… Where are your father and mother? ” Ray Bradbury is acknowledged for his outstanding futuristic science fiction literature, especially the stories “Marionettes, Inc. ” and “The Veldt”. He … Read more

Robotic Argumentative Analysis Research Paper

Technological innovation—at least in consumer culture—often pairs with entertainment platforms. Smartphones, tablets, and even watches have been creating a tech reliant culture. While creative mediums have expressed caution for technology, the present day has embraced constant evolution. The main reason for the adoption of technology has been the maintenance of human control. Once human control … Read more

Essay on The Robot Invasion Analysis

The word invasion is often defined as the unwanted intrusion of ones personal space. The story “The Robot Invasion” written by Charlie Gillis is about how technology today is immensely strong and intricate that the evolution of robots is increasing as the years move forward. One of the ways technology is invading ones personal space … Read more

Essay about The Botany Of Desire Analysis

Apple Of My Eye: A Summary of Michael Pollan’s ‘The Apple’ from The Botany of Desire Micheal Pollan begins his bestselling novel, “The Botany Of Desire”, with a question, what is the difference between humans, and the bumblebee? Pollan argues that humans do not have control over nature as we tend to believe, he believes … Read more

Contradictions In Conservatism Essay

In the book “Contradictions in Conservatism” Dr. Farmer explains the discrepancies and inconsistencies in conservatism in order to enlighten his audience about the contrariety in the ideology, Conservatism. Dr. Farmer brings forth to light the values and beliefs that they hold. He lists all of them and then he explains why they are wrong or … Read more

Boo Radley Realization Essay

Judgemental. Realization. Acceptance. These are three important factors which caused Scout to change her outlook on the world. She goes from judging Boo Radley, to realising he was not what everyone thought. Then she began to understand she should not base her thoughts on someone purely off what others have told her. In Harper Lee’s, … Read more

Essay on The Samurai’s Garden Analysis

Underlying Beauty Beauty deceives. Those who look the most beautiful end up acting shallow and judgmental, but people who appear unattractive at first glance turn out to show the greatest beauty. People cannot always define comeliness as a well-proportioned face, long, silky hair, or a slender body; it can come in the form of hard … Read more

Essay about Harry Hallow’s Experiment On Monkeys

Harry Harlow is well known for his experiment on monkeys. He majored with these primates’ specimens to study learning, cognition and memory. His experiments involved the separation of the newly born monkeys from their mothers. He tried to investigate the significance of baby’s love. Since the young monkeys were brought up in diapers, he observed … Read more

Taoism In Tao-Te Ching And Bordertown Essay

Is difficult to accept the world the way it is, just as it comes. Sometimes we tend to force things to happen and in response we just create more problems, making ourselves unhappy and suffer unnecessarily. Sometimes the best thing to do is to let things go and let them take a natural curse, in … Read more

Themes In Gattaca Essay

Controversial themes have long been a component of memorable film. These particular films touch on topics audiences might have typically found taboo or litigious, often dealing with ethical and social affairs. A prime example of this is the 1997 sci-fi film Gattaca. In a nutshell, Gattaca is a tale about a genetically caste era featuring … Read more

Night Loss Of Faith Analysis Essay

The screams of the beating being given, the constant bells controlling everyone like how strings control a puppet, everybody was now a robot with little to no emotion following out orders ad doing labor nonstop; this is how Eliezer, Shlomo, and the rest of the Jewish people would have to live for a period of … Read more

The Human Brain

The human body is divided into many different parts called organs. All of the parts are controlled by an organ called the brain, which is located in the head. The brain weighs about 2.75 pounds, and has a whitish-pink appearance. The brain is made up of many cells, and is the control centre of the … Read more

Genome Project

Adam and Eve were doomed for trying to be like god, this is the same damnation mankind is headed to. Everyones dream is to have absolute power and control of everything. The genome project and DNA engineering gives man the ability to create life and cu omize life to his specific needs of likes. So … Read more

The Human And The Divine

Through out history, as man progressed from a primitive animal to a “human being” capable of thought and reason, mankind has had to throw questions about the meaning of our own existence to ourselves. Out of those trail of thoughts appeared religion, art, and philosophy, the fundamental process of questioning about existence. Who we are, … Read more

Human Cloning Essay

Just as times change, so do the solutions to problems we are faced with. There is a certain point however, when we have to reevaluate just how much we should allow these new technologies to take over our lives. Human cloning holds extraordinary capabilities that definitely have the power to change our lives and the … Read more

The Appeal of the Androgynous Man

This article was published in Mademoiselle in 1976 for young female readers by Amy Gross. In this article Gross compares androgynous men to the all-man man. Gross talks about the advantages of the androgynous man as compared to the all-man man. There are advantages and disadvantages to every man. Seems as though Gross is in … Read more

History Of Human Resource Management

Human resource management is a function in organizations designed to maximize employee performance in service of their employer’s strategic objectives. [l] HER is primarily concerned with how people are managed within organizations, focusing on policies and systems. [J HER departments and units in organizations are typically responsible for a number of activities, including employee recruitment, … Read more

The History of Human Resource Management

Human resource management (HRS, or simply HRS) is the management of an organization’s workforce, or human resources. It is responsible for the attraction, selection, training, assessment, and rewarding of employees, while also overseeing organizational leadership and culture, and ensuring compliance with employment and labor laws. In circumstances where employees desire and are legally authorized to … Read more

Canadian history human rights

In fact, in the sass’s and sass’s, only a few races were allowed to live their lives free of racism and discrimination. Other races Including the Jews, Aboriginals and Asians were heavily discriminated against and had to face extreme hardships to attain something as simple as their basic human rights. Anta-Smelts or extreme prejudice against … Read more

History Of Human Resource Management

The rapid development of new industrial approach to work changed the world dramatically. The quick and cheap production became a priority for many industries. The factories hired thousands of workers, who worked up to 16 hours a day. The second rapid development of Human Resources started in the beginning of 20th century. Most organizations introduced … Read more

From Human Prehistory to the Early Civilizations

Chapter Review Human migration began in eastern Africa, where remains of the earliest types of human remains were found to originate. Gradual migration was caused by the need to find scarce food and slowly caused the spread of the human population across to the Americas and Australia. Agricultural societies first emerged in the middle east. … Read more

Canadian history human rights

In fact, in the 1 ass’s and 1 ass’s, only a few races were allowed to live their lives free of racism and discrimination. Other races including the Jews, Aboriginals and Asians were heavily discriminated against and had to face extreme hardships to attain something as simple as their basic human rights. Anti-Semitism or extreme … Read more

History Of Human Resource Management

The rapid development of new industrial approach to work changed the world dramatically. The quick and cheap production became a priority for many industries. The factories hired thousands of workers, who worked up to 16 hours a day. The second rapid development of Human Resources started in the beginning of 20th century. Most organizations introduced … Read more

Jared Diamond. “the Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race” Review

Jared Diamond. “The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race” Jared Diamond writes about the consequences of agriculture on the human race. He suggests that the earliest farming societies did not have an easier more productive lifestyle than hunter-gatherer societies, contrary to popular belief. For example, the Kalahari Bushmen spend a mere average … Read more

History Of Human Resource Management

HRS is a product of the human relations movement of the early 20th century, when researchers began documenting ways of creating business value through the strategic management of the workforce. The function was initially dominated by transactional work, such as payroll and benefits administration, but due to globalization, company consolidation, technological advancement, and further research, … Read more

Brief History of Human Resource Management

The history of human resource management (HARM) Where as in some countries, notably Australia, South Africa and the KICK, the personnel management function arrived more slowly and came from a number of routes. Moreover, its orientation was not entirely managerial. The history of personnel management can be trace back to the 19th century. In 1833, … Read more

Brief History of Human Resource Management

Where as in some countries, notably Australia, South Africa and the I-J, the personnel management function arrived more slowly and came from a number of routes. Moreover, its orientation was not entirely managerial. The history of personnel management can be trace back to the 19th century. In 1833, it was referred to as Industrial welfare, … Read more

History of Human Rights

Declaration has sections that conflicts some of the rights of humans in the Declaration of Human Rights. In section add of the Cairo Declaration it states, ‘There shall be no crime or punishment except as provided for in the Shari’s,” this can include stoning for adultery, a cruel and inhumane punishment. In the Declaration of … Read more

History Of Human Resource Management

Human resource management is a function in organizations designed to maximize employee performance in service of their employer’s strategic objectives. [l] HER is primarily concerned with how people are managed within organizations, focusing on policies and systems. [J HER departments and units in organizations are typically responsible for a number of activities, including employee recruitment, … Read more

The History of Human Resource Management

Human resource management (HRS, or simply HRS) is the management of an organization’s workforce, or human resources. It is responsible for the attraction, selection, training, assessment, and rewarding of employees, while also overseeing organizational leadership and culture, and ensuring compliance with employment and labor laws. In circumstances where employees desire and are legally authorized to … Read more

History Of Human Resource Management

HRS is a product of the human relations movement of the early 20th century, when researchers began documenting ways of creating business value through the strategic management of the workforce. The function was initially dominated by transactional work, such as payroll and benefits administration, but due to globalization, company consolidation, technological advancement, and further research, … Read more

Why Human History Is Not Understood in a Vacuum

Andrea Atkinson History 140 Marcus Bussey Research Essay Why Human History Cannot be Understood in a Vacuum When trying to decipher what Clive Ponting meant when he said, “Human history cannot be understood in a vacuum,” I have deemed it is necessary to break the explanation up into three different parts. The first being, what … Read more

Brief History of Human Resource Management

The history of human resource management (HARM) Where as in some countries, notably Australia, South Africa and the KICK, the personnel management function arrived more slowly and came from a number of routes. Moreover, its orientation was not entirely managerial. The history of personnel management can be trace back to the 19th century. In 1833, … Read more

History Of Human Resource Management

The rapid development of new Industrial approach to work changed the world dramatically. The quick and cheap production became a priority for many industries. The factories hired thousands of workers, who worked up to 16 hours a day. The second rapid development of Human Resources started in the beginning of 20th century. Most organizations introduced … Read more

History Of Human Resource Management

The rapid development of new Industrial approach to work changed the world dramatically. The quick and cheap production became a priority for many industries. The factories hired thousands of workers, who worked up to 16 hours a day. The second rapid development of Human Resources started in the beginning of 20th century. Most organizations introduced … Read more

Effects of Metallurgy On Human History

This moon mental discovery led to all the technology h unmans have ever add and ultimately shaped all aspects of our lives, including science, economy my, architecture, and war. The use Of Bronze made many civilizations rich by supplying trade w says, and even when Bronze became obsolete, it was because of the knowledge of … Read more

Coal: a Human History

Coal: A Human History was written by Barbara Freese to focus on the history of coal and how mankind has used it as part of their lifestyle. Ever since the times when early nomads used the slash-and-burn method, coal has been around acting as jewelry for the Romans and as fuel for peasants and the … Read more

Ensuring Our Future Through Conservation

The world’s natural rainforests are one of humanity’s only remaining hopes to continue its existence. Rainforests are vast forests filled with lush vegetation, teeming with life (both animal and plant), of which only about 40 percent has been completely discovered and studied. Rainforests are a beautiful place that can only be properly described by the … Read more

Should Human Cloning Be Permitted

For years, part of the American public, and humans in general, have been fascinated with the possibility of creating human life by other than natural means. There are many who strongly disagree with the idea of human cloning. It certainly wasn’t surprising when they were able to clone a sheep and will not be the … Read more