How Does Culture Influence Art

Culture and art are two of the most important aspects of human society. They both play a significant role in shaping our world and influencing our lives. But what is the relationship between them? Does art influence culture, or does culture influence art? It is impossible to say definitively which one influences the other more. … Read more

Euthymides’ Three Revelers Essay

Euthymides’ Three Revelers is one of the most important paintings in Greek art. It was painted around 470 BC, and is currently on display at the National Archaeological Museum in Athens, Greece. The painting shows three men who are drunk and celebrating. They are standing next to a table with food and drink on it. … Read more

Alice Pasquini Research Paper

In our small region of Scioto County, graffiti is often found everywhere. Usually, it is gang names, and words that are tattooed on walls or on the side of trains, that is if you don’t count the astonishing murals painted up on the flood walls. Other places, however, have graffiti that looks as if it … Read more

Louis XIV

The normative aesthetic of the French Classicism highlights the beauty of grand passions and great feelings in an antithetical combination with the necessity of respecting the social norms and the voice of reason. The creation of great works of art in this period is tightly connected with the context and environment of seventeenth century France: … Read more

Expressive Art Therapy Paper

The psychotherapy I will be covering is Expressive Art therapy. This is a form of therapy that uses the creative arts. Unlike art expression, the creation process of the art is emphasized not the final result. This method is used to help people cope with all types of emotional problems, including depression. (Grumman & Krucik, … Read more

Linda Nochlin: Feminist Art

1. Linda Nochlin is a feminist art historian. She received her undergraduate degree from Vassar College in Philosophy and also has a M.A. in English from Columbia University. She has a PHD from New York University’s Institute of Fine Arts on The Development and Nature of Realism in the Work of Courbet. She taught one … Read more

Azuchi-Momoyama Research Paper

Japanese Art flourished during the Renaissance time period. Between 1580-1640, Japanese society went through rapid urbanization (Little Art Talks). Rapid urbanization was partly meant how much art was expanding. The Azuchi-Momoyama period of art lasted from 1573-1650 and was very rewarding for the artist (The Metropolitan Museum of Art). During this time period, it was … Read more

North American Culture Essay

Art is a complicated subject in the archaeological record because of how inherently vague the definition of art is. There are various ways and mediums in which to express creativity, making it difficult to interpret the different forms, or to understand and deduce the meaning or reasoning behind it, especially before the invention of writing … Read more

Picasso And Duchamp

The act of masterfully capturing an audience’s attention to gaze upon a piece of artwork and feel a sense an interest, is achieved as artist’s endorse the role of crafting unprecedented work with the use of conventional materials. This notion will be explored through use of the following artists: Pablo Picasso a Spanish cubist, Marcel … Read more

Experiencing Figures In Sculptures

The process of experiencing a work can be transcendental as it can alter the emotional state of the viewer and enhance the space in which the work is displayed. Sculptures involving an movement and action can help enhance the visual and psychological experience for the viewers. Movement in sculpture can be created through the style, … Read more


Though Sontag speaks and disagrees with the form of interpretation of art that can be invoked as a stereotype for art critics/interpreters in the modern world today, Aristotle’s representational view of art battles that notion and challenges the view of, whether imitational art is a art form in itself, or just simply the product of … Read more

Bystander: A History Of Street Photography

Joel Meyerowitz, a photographer born in New York, best known for his street photography and landscape. Meyerowitz was not set out to be a photographer when he first entered college, but decided painting, medical drawing, and art directing for an advertising agency could not compare to photography. After collaborating on an advertising project with Robert … Read more

Alfred Stieglitz Analysis Essay

Alfred Stieglitz was an iconic photographer and gallery owner, who creates abstract art or symbolism in high-quality fashion. He was born on January 1, 1864 at Hoboken, New Jersey in a German-Jewish family. He spent most of his life in New York City, molding his photographs and leading a group of artists, called the Photo-Secessionist … Read more

Essay on A Sunday Afternoon On The Grande Jatte Analysis

When it appeared in the eighth (and final) Impressionist exhibit in May of 1886, Georges Seurat’s A Sunday Afternoon on the Grande Jatte—1884 (FIG. 1) left an indelible impression on the critics, artists, and public of the time. Here was a painting that was a collage of contradictions—impressionist paintings were all about modernity, plein air … Read more

Essay on Eleanor Cardozo Case Study

1. Consider the artworks you have discussed in the first four question sets. Which of these works was the most valuable to you, personally? And what makes that artwork so valuable to you? Personally, I liked the sculptor’s work. It was a gymnastic performance of a lady at the Olympics that was crafted by a … Read more

Art Censorship In China Essay

Art Censorship Art is a part of everyone’s life, whether they acknowledge it or not that’s different. Without the work of artists and their creative capabilities, life would be extremely difficult and depressing. Artists have always despised censorship and control by the government. In the digital age they come under more scrutiny as power hungry … Read more

Essay about Ishtar Gate Analysis

Ishtar Gate and Bronze Doors Saint Michael’s Abbey Church II. Analysis of Artwork # 1: a. How does this work relate to its style movement and historical context? The monumental Gate of Ishtar was built in 575 B.C. making use of enamelled bricks which are in cobalt blues and sea greens. The gate is decorated … Read more

Oxygun Rituals In African Art Essay

The Egungun performance is a sect of the community-wide masquerade dances, which are often found in the Yoruba and Benin cultures. These rituals are ancestral masquerades preformed within Yoruba culture and the Republic of Benin. Ancient African rituals vary largely in their performance and meaning. The term Egungun often refers to all masked figures found … Read more

Oath Of Horatii Analysis Essay

This essay will discuss what is Enlightenment followed by the impact of the Enlightenment upon on art. A movement occurred in 17th and 18th centuries that emphasises reason and individualism rather than tradition in Europe which is known as Enlightenment (Oxford Living Dictionaries, n. d. ). The art form and style change from Rococo to … Read more

Ceramic Artist Career Essay

Career and College Research Paper Careers are an important part of our everyday lives as an adult and it’s important to know what career is the absolute best to choose as a high school student. The career I have chosen is a ceramic artist or pottery designer and the reason I have chosen this career, … Read more

Marian Maguire Materiality Essay

Marian Maguire, Medium and Materiality Marian Maguire’s framed lithograph on paper, Virago (1990), can be found on the fifth floor of the James Hight Library by room 542D. Print dimensions are 720mm x 430mm. The work has been exhibited at the Canterbury Gallery in the 1991 exhibition “Life Cycle in Lithographs” and was purchased for … Read more

Art Analysis: A Dentist By Candlelight Research Paper

Dutch artist, Gerrit Dou, started painting “A Dentist by Candlelight” in 1660 and completed it in 1665. The medium of this art is oil on an oak panel. While the painting is small in size, the imagery is much larger. The painting itself measures just a little over fourteen inches by ten inches. The brush … Read more

Violence In Art Essay

A complex physical force of nature, violence is portrayed as more than just a cruel and brute force in both Maggie Nelson’s “Great to Watch,” and Tim O’Brien’s “How to Tell a True War Story. ” Art is an expression of the human imagination and violence is used as a form of art. Some people … Read more

Ovids Metamorphose Analysis Essay

While Bearsley describes the artist as an ephemeral agent in material, supplanting pastoral, aesthetic experience; within the Ovidian oeuvre, particularly the ‘Metamorphoses,’ a diuersae artis (diversity of arts) is often portrayed as a vehicle by which to transcend mortal suffering – occurring in spite of artistry – on the “lore legar populi” (“lips of the … Read more

Rocio Caballero: A Visual Analysis Essay

Art allow people to send awareness of problems that have been easily rejected by justice. The second art Museum that I attended this semester was the National Museum of Mexican art. I was very excited to attend this museum because after seeing the Art Institute for the first time I felt in love with art. … Read more

Dancing In The Nutcracker Ballet Essay

The Paper Fan is a piece of art that in its time has been in the presence of princesses, ninjas, and college students. Taking on several roles both in an imaginary and reality. Each experience aging the paper that stretched across bamboo frame. Opening it reveals a water color and ink print covering the face … Read more

Essay on Titian Venus Of Urbino Analysis

Italian Renaissance painter Tiziano Vecellio, also known as Titian, created one of his most well-known paintings in the year 1538. This work, Venus of Urbino (Figure 1), is an oil painting that depicts a nude young woman reclining on a couch or bed in the luxurious surroundings of a Renaissance palace. Created for the Duke … Read more

Art 109 Modern Art Analysis Essay

Gemma Conine, Art 109 Modern Art, TTH One of the most influential artists of the Modern Period of art was James Whistler. Whistler was an accomplished printer and painter and a brief background of the painter allows us to understand Whistler, and why more than any artist of his time, he would be attracted to … Read more

Nazi Art

Many people know that Adolph Hitler was an artist in his youth as an Austrian, but just how much art played a role in the National Socialist Germany seems to get underrated in the history books. Just as a racial war was waged against the Jewish population and the military fought the French and the … Read more

Humanities Through the Arts

I found the Giotta, Madonna Enthroned painting to be the most interesting because the power and love the painting displays. The personal values in this particular painting, such as the colors caught my eye because; the colors in this painting are almost bronzed. To me bronzed shows heroism. A very rich colored painting with the … Read more

Cindy Sherman

Terror and mockery come together in the portraits of Cindy Sherman on display at the Crocker Art Museum. Walking into the large, dimly lit ballroom, one may begin to feel a slight sense of trepidation as the viewer looks around to find nine sets of beady eyes watching one’s every move. Sherman produced her History … Read more

Could I be an artist

I always thought I had some flare for the arts. I’ve always been considered a creative person. I decided to put my creativity to a different use, however. I opted for a career in helping others get the most out of their careers. Tonight will be my testimony to helping the real artists get recognized. … Read more

Vanitas – style of painting

Vanitas, found in many recent pieces, is a style of painting begun in the 17th Century by Dutch artists. Artists involved in this movement include Pieter Claesz, Domenico Fetti and Bernardo Strozzi . Using still-life as their milieu, those artists and others like them provide the viewer with ideas regarding the brevity of life. The … Read more

Art History and Appreciation

Art criticism should be studied, to better your conversation aswell as your understanding of art. Not, to make yourself seem smarter, but to enable yourself to broaden your horizons. When criticizing artwork there are four basic steps to follow. Description, explain what you see, for example a 4by12 piece using oils of a woman dancing … Read more

How Raphael Personifies The Renaissance

While we may term other works paintings. Those of Raphael are living things; the flesh palpitates, the breath comes and goes, every organ lives, life pulses everywhere (Vasari, Web Museum 1) On April 6, 1483, in Urbino, Italy, a man of a new age came into the world, Raphael Sanzio. Starting in his most formable … Read more

Picasso’s art

Picasso was recognized as an artistic prodigy at an early age. These works illustrate his technical capability at that stage of his career. However, he was not satisfied with the limited possibilities in such a traditional mode of representation. His constant, incessant striving for new means of expression is the primary lesson of Picasso’s art. … Read more

Irish Museum of Modern Art in Dublin

Someone has crafted a dense, human-size spider web in a 17th-century baroque chapel. At the center of the swarming thread, a longhaired woman lies in a hospital bed, sheet to her chin. Silence, light filtering from stained glass, and her stillness trapped in the maze reminds the viewer of some old dada wisdom — any … Read more

The Pre-Raphaelites

In 1849, Dante Gabriel Rossetti showed his very first oil painting during the first exhibition season after the formation of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, alongside Millais’ Isabella and William Holman Hunt’s Rienzi Vowing to Obtain Justice for the Death of His Young Brother. While the group was short lived and never formed an official mission statement, … Read more

Art History Paper

Examine the effects of formal elements throughout Madame Racier and Pauline Brothers as Venus. Throughout this essay I will discuss the different use of media, color and form at different levels of comparison and effect of their formal elements. The two artworks I shall use are Madame Racier (1800) by Jacques-Louis David and Pauline Brothers … Read more

History of Western Art Ii

History of Art Final Paper I think the most important part of art Is understanding how styles developed over the years and what Influenced those developments. Some art movements develop based on political context, while others are created as a contrast to the current popular art movement. From a historical standpoint, I feel that portraiture … Read more

Art History

How does Ernst Cambric define style and how might we understand the relationship between an object’s style and the time and place in which it was created? Ernst Cambric defines style as “any distinctive, and therefore recognizable, way in which an act is performed or an artifact made or ought to be performed and made. … Read more

Art History Final Term Notes

W. Said, post-colonial studies / Odalisque: exotic, erotic subjects like the harem girl(Turkish word); reddening or recumbent,female nude; recurrent figure throughout Western Art/ Die Burke-The Bridge: 1905-Ernst coding kerchief (dissolved in 1913); earliest German group to seize the avian-garden spirit; means “bridge”-members believed their work would be a bridge to the future; artists lived and … Read more

Art history reading response

This is an essay that introduces a new perspective to us to decode ancient visual arts. The author reminds us that there are other ways of decoding visual figures alongside the “Bagley method” so we need to undermine stereotypes in our minds in appreciating ancient Greek vases. Let’s first talk about “Beagle’s method”. The basic … Read more

Art History Analysis

The angels in heaven are also looking to God to honor this great and historic event. The heavens seem to open up for everyone to view this symbol of man’s connection to God. The dove and the pouring of water over Chrism’s head serve as a focal area in the artwork. El Grocer’s art displays … Read more

Art History: Mask of Agamemnon

Trail are two archeologist who challenge the authenticity of the mask. They have come up with arguments that try to prove the mask is a forgery. Some scholars claim that their arguments are not valid and lack scholarly reasoning to support their arguments. Some scholars believe that the mask is a mixture of different styles … Read more

Art History Final

They have manipulated our opinion, reactions, and even likeness of art. They defined who the great artists are and through their judgments they have even cited the value of art. But unfortunately for them, post-modern art has dethroned critics with the use of humor, wit, and scale of impact in their art. Post-modern art rejects … Read more

Art History

My first assumption was that he was robbery some kooky old fart that was way out there if he was making contemporary art at eighty-one years old. Considering myself a neophyte in the world or art, I did not recognize many of Balderdash’s pieces to be interesting or even eye catching save for a few … Read more

Art history

Jackson Pollock was the leader of the New York School or the Abstract Expressionists in the sass’s through the sass’s. His art, and other art of the New York School, continued the natural evolution of art that began with the Surrealists, opening a new era in American art. Impotent was the first know architect that … Read more

Art History key terms

Symbolic object or objects that identify a particular deity, saint, or personification in art Ceramics- Wares made of baked clay Corbel vault- Dolmen- Prehistoric sculpture made up of or more large stones supporting a large, flat, horizontal slabs Capstones- The final topmost stone in corbel arch or vault which joins the sides and completes the … Read more

Contemporary Art History Notes

What part is new? Found object A “street” and “store front” in a new venue He is not creating, these are things are found and are to be viewed as art because of how they are paired. Cardboard burnt and disheveled. Demonstrating a store front, view from street. No single focus. Similar to happening dada … Read more

Intro to Art History Final

The two paintings capture a fleeting moment over a landscape, but one is realistic while the other contains a dreamy quality. Turners painting exhibits a group of boats in the center with buildings on both sides while Signal’s painting displays groups of boats on the sides with the Notre Dame-De-la-Garden in the center background. Although … Read more

Art History: Mona Lisa

Analysis The Mona Lisa is a portrait of a woman sitting with hands crossed and staring at the viewer with slight smile. The relaxed, three-quarter pose is different from the stiff, profile portraits that were the normal at this time. The woman sits very upright with her arms folded, which is also a sign of … Read more

Art History Paper

The purpose of this assignment is to compare and contrast Giuliani Budgerigar’s Madonna and Child with SST. John the Baptist, and the Master of Frankfurter’s Holy Kinship. Both are examples of Renaissance paintings, however, Budgerigar’s piece is an example of southern Renaissance, where the Master of Frankfurter’s is one of northern Renaissance. Budgerigar’s Madonna and … Read more

Art History Analysis

The angels in heaven are also looking to God to honor this great and historic event. The heavens seem to open up for everyone to view this symbol of man’s connection to God. The dove and the pouring of water over Chrism’s head serve as a focal area in the artwork. El Grocer’s art displays … Read more

Art History Essay

The male usuries were not typically large in size and although creativity was a factor in making them, attention to detail was not. You could barely make out the different parts in the body in the male figure. In the Archaic period Greek sculpture came a very long way. During this time the Greeks began … Read more

Art History Questions

Why can modern day man, not be granted authority to disclaim cultural expressions that is foreign to that of himself from/as being art? 2. Breton wrote in 1929 ‘The problem of women is the most marvelous and disturbing problem in the world’. Explain the place of woman in the surrealist movement. The place of woman … Read more

Art History

My first assumption was that he was robbery some kooky old fart that was way out there if he was making contemporary art at eighty-one years old. Considering myself a neophyte in the world or art, I did not recognize many of Balderdash’s pieces to be interesting or even eye catching save for a few … Read more

Art History: Mona Lisa

The Mona Lisa is a portrait of a woman sitting with hands crossed and staring at the viewer with slight smile. The relaxed, three-quarter pose is different from the stiff, profile portraits that were the normal at this time. The woman sits very upright with her arms folded, which is also a sign of her … Read more

Art History-El Greco

Analyse why El Greco’s work had such an impact on Spanish artists at the turn of the twentieth century. At the heart of painting in Spain in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was a search for self-identity in a time of crisis and change. It was a time of civil disturbances and the … Read more

Skin Art: A History of Tattoos

Tattoos are a permanent mark or design made on the skin by a process of ingraining and pricking an indelible pigment into the punctures or by raising scars. This body art comes in many shapes, sizes, colors, designs, and styles. Whether flaunted or hidden, sought as art or bought out of a whim, the tattoo … Read more

Art History

Garbage! Absolute Garbage! That would have been my response and opinion of John Balderdash’s work if the field trip to the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego in La Jolly was held in the first week or second week of this Art History course. Admittedly, I had to make a concerted effort not to raise … Read more

Art History: Mask of Agamemnon

Trail are two archeologist who challenge the authenticity of the mask. They have come up with arguments that try to prove the mask is a forgery. Some scholars claim that their arguments are not valid and lack scholarly reasoning to support their arguments. Some scholars believe that the mask is a mixture of different styles … Read more

Art History Dq

Whit such an art piece, Maya Line accomplished several of the roles that artist fulfill. She was able to portrait the feelings and emotions of the millions of people that visit the memorial, and recorded the history that our ancestors lived in that area. In conclusion, art has to fallow rules that make the everyday … Read more

Art History Essay

As with all Taoist artworks, the natural world is focus of the screens; even though the Hussein, or immortals, appear to be in a very indoors environment, the entire scene itself is out in the natural world. 2 It is reflective of the escapist attitude of the Momma erred where the Taoist would look to … Read more

Art history on altarpiece

The other three are in the Museum Meyer can den Berg, Belgium. It was founded by Philip the Bold (1343-1404), Duke of Burgundy. It is hand- carry size and believed to be made for Philip to take on his travel. Unlike the other altarpieces, this altarpiece contains six scenes with six different themes. On the … Read more

Art History 22

1. What are the subjects of the early cave paintings and for what reason, the archeologists believe they were painted? Use examples from your assigned readings. The subjects were animals. The meaning behind the painting of caves was thought to be because humans have a built in desire to decorate their surroundings. Scientist also believed … Read more

Intro to Art History Final

The two paintings capture a fleeting moment over a landscape, but one is realistic while the other contains a dreamy quality. Turners painting exhibits a group of boats in the center with buildings on both sides while Signal’s painting displays groups of boats on the sides with the Notre Dame-De-la-Garden in the center background. Although … Read more

Art history formal analysis Renoir luncheon

Upon the river a few boats can be seen, one of them a sailboat. In the immediate foreground there©s a square table with a white tablecloth on which rests several empty wine glasses with apparent red wine residue. A few plates are also visible with fluted glasses upon them, discarded morsels of food and silverware … Read more

Writing an Art History Essay

You must also be able to develop a thesis statement with a detailed analysis and argument about the artwork you have chosen. Therefore, you must consider what it is you want to say, and use description to make that point. In many ways, writing an Art History’ essay is similar to writing other types of … Read more

Art history terms

Polychrome term used to describe painting or painted decoration on the surface of sculpture polytypic An altarpiece or devotional work of art made of several panels Joined together, often hinged so that its wings can be opened and closed as appropriate during Christian religious worship. Post and lintel a basic type of architecture in which … Read more

Art History Periods

Ansell also stated ‘rational considerations’ as a means to understanding Holy Scripture: If sometimes on the basis of rational considerations we sometimes make a statement which we cannot clearly exhibit in the words of Holy Scripture, or cannot prove by reference to these words, nonetheless in the following way we know by means of Scripture … Read more

Vocabulary for art history

School Of artist an art historical term describing a group Of artist, usually work at the same time and sharing similar styles, influence or ideals. The artist in a particular school may not necessary be directly associated with one another, unlike those in the work shop or atelier. Iconography the study of the significance and … Read more

Art History Europe

In the Catholic countries of Europe, the style which started to emerge around 1 580 and prevailed to the mid 18th century is known as Baroque. The baroque style is characterized by a return to naturalism accompanied by a theatrical presentation involving intense emotion and an expansion of scale and complexity. Art works often capture … Read more

Art History vocabulary

Case Mila Atmospheric perspective – a method of depicting three-dimensional space on a two- dimensional surface which mimics the way the human eye sees; objects further away re blurry and less distinct with colors that are darker while objects near us are sharply defined and have brighter colors Atrium – the central courtyard of a … Read more

To What Extent Can We Consider Ethical a Piece of Art Based on a Hughly Controversial Event (or Figure) from Contemporary History?

TO WHAT EXTENT CAN WE CONSIDER ETHICAL A PIECE OF ART BASED ON A HUGHLY CONTROVERSIAL EVENT (OR FIGURE) FROM CONTEMPORARY HISTORY? “I cannot see how to refute the arguments for the subjectivity of ethical values, but I find myself incapable of believing that all that is wrong with wanton cruelty is that I don’t … Read more

History of Earthquakes

History of Earthquakes Throughout its prolonged history, the Earth has experienced a myriad of earthquakes that range from minor to major; some of the earthquakes had no fatal impacts while others were extremely catastrophic. However, these earthquakes were undeniably vital in shaping the modern world; without them, some magnificent landscapes that we see today would … Read more

Renaissance in the history of art

The Renaissance was much more than Just an episode in the history of art. The Renaissance gave birth to so many new ideas and styles beyond Just art, that are still being used today. Many of the greatest painters and architects rose during the renaissance era, such as Michelangelo, Brucellosis and Albert’. The Renaissance brought … Read more

History of Western Art Ii

I think the most important part of art is understanding how styles developed over the years and what influenced those developments. Some art movements develop based on political context, while others are created as a contrast to the current popular art movement. From a historical standpoint, I feel that portraiture is the best way to … Read more

Art History

French Rococo Era Painter, 1703-1770 François Boucher seems to have been perfectly attuned to his times, a period which had cast off the pomp and circumstance characteristic of the preceding age of Louis XIV and had replaced formality and ritual by intimacy and artificial manners. Boucher was very much bound to the whims of this … Read more

Art History through the Century

Mycenaean s a civilization that thrived on mainland Greece and built fortified palaces high up in their cities What is the title of this image? Lion Gate at Mycenae Where is this structure located? Crete Minotaur is a creature from Greek mythology that was half-man and half-bull. This image is representative of which stylistic period? … Read more

History of Art – Cubism

Historical Account Cubism is a part of the abstraction period of modern art in the beginning of the twentieth century. There was a series ‘isms’ that influenced each other and came quickly in the modern world of art. These include Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, Division and Symbolism. It was believed to be started with … Read more

Art History Comparison

Altarpiece depicts penance and the everyday rites of the Christian society that are executed from birth to death. Hieronymus Pooch’s Table Top of the Seven Deadly Sins exhibits the seven sins engaged by people under the watchful eye of Christ that must be accounted for on judgment day. Both works are representations of the same … Read more

Art History Paper

The three figures are arranged in a triangle formation, with Mary at the apex. This positioning was often used by artists such a Leonardo dad Vinci and can be seen in his work The Virgin of the Rocks. This painting also displays chiaroscuro, as the ground is composed of dark colors; browns, blues and reds, … Read more

Walmart’s History in a Nutshell

Walmart’s History in a nutshell Sam Walton, in the city of Rogers, opened Walmart’s first store in 1962 Arkansas. Seven years later (1969) the company was incorporated as Walmart Stores Inc. and was already listed at the NY stock market in 1972. What started with a single store in Arkansas became one of the most … Read more

Art history formal analysis Renoir luncheon

Year or Time Period Completed: 1881 4. Medium/Technique/Process used: Oil on Canvas 5. Size: 51 ex. in. 6. Where Produced: The balcony of the Mansion Fairness, Chateau, France and nearby studio of Augusta Renoir. 7. Where located/housed: Phillips Memorial Gallery, Washington, DC. Part Ill – Objective Description of the Art Objects Subject Matter: The subject … Read more

Art History – Civil War

Two of the decade’s biggest stories came early on with the New York Times’ reporting of the Pentagon Papers in 1971 and the Washington Post’s coverage of Watergate scandal twine 1972 and 1976. 1 The ass’s displayed a trend of younger Journalists with higher ideals. Instead of simply covering the news on the government with … Read more

Earth History

“EARTH HISTORY” Geologic Time: Geology needs a time Scale: -The prime goal of the science of geology, is to interpreting earth history. Geological time scale- -Anordered,internallyconsistent, internationally recognized sequence of time intervals, and record the life of Earth. Short history of geology: James Ussher(mid 1600s)- he determined that earth was only a few thousands of … Read more

Art History

Egyptian Art was truly art with a purpose. Though pretty to look at it was not merely decorative. An example of this is one of the first pieces of Art found in the Predestinates period, Palette of King Mark. This piece was narrative of the joining of upper and Lower Egypt. Its narrative Is not … Read more