The Cloning Debate

Before the famous Dolly the Sheep, cloning was not quite what it is considered today. The first example that could be considered “cloning” took place in 1885. Hans Adolf Edward Dreisch discovered that if he shook the two-celled embryos of sea urchins, the cells could separate and grow into two identical sea urchins. A couple … Read more

Alternate World Research Paper

Do you believe in alternate world? What if you discover that there is another ‘you’ living in another universe? Have you ever thought what’s after our universe? There are Scientists, Cosmogonist, Astrophysicist and other people involved in science that believe that there could be another universe. That someone like you and I have a, what … Read more

Essay about Cloning Ethical Dilemmas

The ethical dilemmas of cloning extinct species have been a futile argument that will never have a correct or incorrect answer. There are many different arguments whose viewpoints can help persuade one’s opinion on this matter such as utilitarianism, ethical egoism, social contract theory, Natural Law Theory, Divine Command Theory, and Kantian Ethics. Each different … Read more

Essay on Cons Of Animal Cloning

The meat you’re eating could’ve come from an animal that was tortured and traumatized its whole life through the process of animal cloning. Animal cloning is one of the most controversial issues addressed in today’s society. There have been extensive studies and research done on animal cloning and its effects. The more research conducted, the … Read more

Cloning, a big issue now

Cloning is a big issue now. Many arguments are going on about cloning humans being immoral. But what is cloning? Cloning is one or more offspring from a single ancestor; the genetic composition from the ancestor is identical to the offspring. No sex is involved in the production of clones, and since sex is the … Read more

The History of Cloning

The theory of being able to make a genetic copy (a clone) of another animal has been around for quite a while. In this section as the title reads I will show the history of cloning. 400 million years B. C. – Plants have been cloning themselves since not to long (as far as the … Read more

All Constraints Upon Cloning Should Be Lifted

Cloning has been a very controversial topic since it affects moral values of human beings and other living things alike. In February 1997 scientists in Scotland announced the birth of the first cloned sheep named Dolly, this heralded the future of cloning possibilities and scientists began extensive experiments on cloning and have since then cloned … Read more

What is a clone

In the last five years, the science of cloning, has come to realization. What is a clone? A clone is a duplicate – much like a photocopy is a duplicate, or copy, of a document (Kolate, 238). A good example of copies that occur in nature are identical twins, which are duplicates of each other. … Read more

The science of cloning

Twenty-five years ago, scientists thought that cloning was virtually impossible. In the last five years, the science of cloning, has come to realization. What is a clone? A clone is a duplicate – much like a photocopy is a duplicate, or copy, of a document (Kolate, 238). A good example of copies that occur in … Read more

The Ethical Downside of Cloning

For the first time the cloning of a whole human being seems really possible. It is absolutely necessary to consider the harm that can be done and move to curb abuses. Also, it is important to understand some of the theory underlying the desire to build a better human. The Ethical Downside of Cloning With … Read more

Genetic Engineering / Cloning

Genetic engineering, altering the inherited characteristics of an organism in a predetermined way, by introducing into it a piece of the genetic material of another organism. Genetic engineering offers the hope of cures for many inherited diseases, once the problem of low efficiencies of effective transfer of genetic material is overcome. Another development has been … Read more

Can we and should we clone humans

Cloning humans has recently become a possibility that seems much more realistic in today’s society than it was twenty years ago. It is a method that involves the production of a group of identical cells or organisms that all derive from a single individual (Grolier 220). It is not known when or how cloning humans … Read more

Cloning Plants

Cloning is asexual reproduction. Cuttings are taken from a mother plant in vegatative growth, and rooted in hydroponic medium to be grown as a separate plant. The offspring will be plants that are identical to the parent plant. Cloning preserves the character of your favorite plant. Cloning can make an ocean of green out of … Read more

Human Cloning Essay

Just as times change, so do the solutions to problems we are faced with. There is a certain point however, when we have to reevaluate just how much we should allow these new technologies to take over our lives. Human cloning holds extraordinary capabilities that definitely have the power to change our lives and the … Read more

Cloning, and Stem Cell Research

Technology has advanced a great deal within the past few years. We have learned so much information about animals genes and what can be done with them. However, with this new information brings new questions and arguments. So far, scientists have successfully cloned a sheep, a monkey, a bull, and are working on an endangered … Read more

Cloning Argumentative Persuasive Essays

Cloning is the production of a group of genetically identical cells or organisms, all descended from a single individual. The members of a clone have precisely the same characteristics, except where mutation and environmentally caused developmental variation have occurred. The DNA is precisley the same and they are only differentiated by their experiences in which … Read more

Definition of Cloning and Brief History

Definition of cloning I Cloning is the process of creating an identical copy of an original. It is a single cell or multi-cellular organism that is genetically identical to another living organism. Cloning can also occur when two genetically identical individuals are produced by accident like identical twins, but in common scientific language the clone … Read more

Should Human Cloning Be Permitted

For years, part of the American public, and humans in general, have been fascinated with the possibility of creating human life by other than natural means. There are many who strongly disagree with the idea of human cloning. It certainly wasn’t surprising when they were able to clone a sheep and will not be the … Read more

Cloning Essay Examples

The first thing that must be cleared up is what is cloning, and what is a clone. A clone is an organism derived asexually from a single individual by cuttings, bulbs, tubers, fission, or parthenogenesis reproduction (“Cloning”, 1997). Pathogenesis reproduction is the development of an organism from an unfertilized ovum, seed or spore (“Pathogenesis”, 1997). … Read more


Cloning has been a very controversial topic since it affects moral values of human beings and other living things alike. In February 1997 scientists in Scotland announced the birth of the first cloned sheep named Dolly, this heralded the future of cloning possibilities and scientists began extensive experiments on cloning and have since then cloned … Read more

Cloning – The Moral Issue

Today, the topic of cloning generates more argument then it has ever created before. The controversy over cloning is based, in part, on the fact that there are extreme opposing viewpoints on the subject. Also a major factor in the debate over cloning is a fear of new technology. Throughout history, man has always been … Read more

Cloning Essay Examples

Cloning: Recently, we have all seen the controversy over whether or not we should attempt to clone. If you haven’t heard: A group of scientists in Scotland announced the birth of a sheep cloned from embryonic cells, presaging Dolly. Dolly’s was the birth heard round the world. The first mammal ever cloned from a single … Read more

Cloning Essay Examples

Cloning Cloning.  Many people associate it with science-fiction novels, not with real life, but animal cloning is a process that is being attempted today all over the world, and human cloning might be next.  But should cloning be made illegal?  According to the Washington Post, cloning should be made illegal because all nursery rhymes would … Read more

Cloning Essay Examples

Cloning A few years ago if you were to ask someone about the possibilities of cloning they would most likely say it was impossible. This attitude towards cloning has been held into belief up until recently when scientists in Scotland cloned a sheep. And immediately after scientists in Oregon cloned a monkey (Fackelmann 276). The … Read more

Cloning Essay Examples

Cloning cloning, is it right?:  The successful cloning of an adult sheep, announced in Scotland this past February, is one of the most dramatic recent examples of a scientific discovery becoming a public issue. During the last few months, various commentators — scientists and theologians, physicians and legal experts, talk-radio hosts and editorial writers — … Read more

Cloning Essay Examples

It is hard to say if cloning is an answer to a problem or just another problem for the human race. There have been books, movies, and even stories about mankind creating their own species of humans. A good example of what could happen if mankind learns to clone itself is Mary Shelly’s’ Frankenstein, a … Read more

Cloning Essay Examples

In many controversial topics around the world, such as abortion, gun control, legalized drugs, the death penalty, and cloning (to name a few), we can find differing positions, and opinions. Many of these arguments, can be narrowed down to two different views, or constructs: individualistic and communitarian (an image of collectivism). An individualistic viewpoint “stresses … Read more

Cloning Essay Examples

Cloning became to be, as a Finn Dorset ewe would provide the mammary cell for the cloning process. Secondly the mammary cell containing all copies of every gene that is needed to make the sheep. Although the only genes for proteins that are required by mammary cells are active. Thirdly the cells grow and then … Read more

Cloning Essay Examples

Cloning is an unethical action that should not be tampered with physically in any animal form regardless of what it is. This is a genetically engineered process by humans, in which, perfectly generated genes from someone or something is copied into its own life form to be an exact replica. In the article “Calves cloned … Read more