Prevent Pollution

All time-management courses boil down to one basic piece of advice: set priorities and allocate the bulk of your time to tasks that are crucial to meeting your goals. Minimize interruptions and spend big chunks of your time in productive and creative activity. Unfortunately, current information systems encourage the opposite approach, leading to an interrupt-driven … Read more

Operations Management

Operations Management is the term we use for the management of the resources necessary to produce and deliver the products and services required by customers. These resources include labour, materials and capital equipment. The following definition reflects the nature of Operations management: ‘Operations management is about the way organizations produce goods and services. Everything you … Read more

History Of Human Resource Management

Human resource management is a function in organizations designed to maximize employee performance in service of their employer’s strategic objectives. [l] HER is primarily concerned with how people are managed within organizations, focusing on policies and systems. [J HER departments and units in organizations are typically responsible for a number of activities, including employee recruitment, … Read more