The Founding Fathers A Reform Caucus In Action

John P Roche-The Founding Fathers: A Reform Caucus in Action is a book that discusses the United States Constitution and the Articles of Confederation. It explains how the United States was founded and why the Constitution is important. The book also discusses the role of the Founding Fathers in creating the United States Constitution. The … Read more

The Three Levels Of Government In The United States

The United States comprised of three levels of government: Federal, state, and local levels. All levels of government create, manage and oversee laws on their distinct levels of government. However, none of these levels have specific knowledge in any one area of expertise and therefore rely on extending their lawmaking abilities to additional governing bodies … Read more

Concordis Language Services: Case Study

These terms and conditions shall apply to each and every request for a quote or service supplied or delivered by Concordis Language Services. Section 1 Definitions: 1.1.”Quote” means a Quote which the Client accepts in writing to Concordis Language Services, including by the Client giving written notice to Concordis Language 1.2. “Client” means the party … Read more

City Of Quartz Summary

Descending over the San Gabriel mountains into LAX, Los Angeles, the gray rolling neighborhoods unfurling into the distant pillars of downtown leaping out of its famous smog, one can easily see the fortress narrative that Mike Davis argues for in City of Quartz. A city that has been thoroughly converted into a factory that dumps … Read more

Pros And Cons Of Drone Warfare

Sure, attack drones are always fun to use in a game, but are they really that safe when it comes to actual warfare? Drones can have a huge impact in combat. They can make our defenses better, but sometimes they can provoke terrorist groups. Drones have made a huge impact on war since the use … Read more

Stand Your Ground

I believe that all citizens should be allowed the “Stand Your Ground” law for self-defense from harmful threats around the U. S. Crime rates in the U. S. have been rising over the last couple of years. Many people do not know how to protect themselves from a threat. Many are too scared to as … Read more

1912 Labor Laws

The absurd extent that some laws went to to benefit the factory owners over the employees can be demonstrated by a single provision of the Labor Law, regarding the permitted number of people on a floor in regard to space. The air space provision simply states that there must be a minimum of 250 cubic … Read more

Realism Vs Legal Realism Essay

Amid the transverse from the bounds of conventional life to constitutionality we find ourselves at a divergence of sorts. A proverbial fork in the road that only jurisprudents must navigate. On the left we have the concept of legal realism while on the right we have the more dialectic concept of legal formalism. It is … Read more

Recreational Marijuana Case Study

After the legalization of recreational marijuana in Colorado took place back in 2014, their crime rate dramatically dropped by more than 10% as from the year before, and their revenue or tax soared above the expected amount. This act proved to the USA, that recreational marijuana rather settles the illegal lifestyles and adjust the state’s … Read more

Sample Case Interview Paper

Identifying information: The client is a 24 year old, white, fourth generation Irish-American, upper class, heterosexual, cisgender male who lives in between his parent’s three apartments in Manhattan. Dillon is single and has never been married. Born in New York the client is a US citizen. Dillon has a stable source of housing, however, he … Read more

FCSO Process

Candidate gets to the background check and fails. The FCSO process is outlined below and is the industry standard test program. Pre-application Application Invitation to begin testing Tests • Written Test • Physical Agility Test • Panel interview • Voice Stress Analyzer • Oral Boards • In-depth Background Check Purpose The purpose of this proposed … Read more

Occupier Liability Act

The two occupier liability acts are, the 1957 act covers liability of occupier for injury suffered by lawful visitors. The Duty of care under the 1957 Act is only for people who have permission to be on the site (invitees or licensees) there is no duty of care for trespassers under this act. The 1984 … Read more

Arguments Against Abortion Law Essay

Introduction While some countries have legalized abortion, some have upheld the prohibition of such medical services. Modern society is divided between two major stances on abortion: pro-choice and pro-life. Some claim that forbidding abortion infringes upon a woman’s right to her own body while others argue that abortion is murder and should be illegal. As … Read more

Prince Vs Cariou Brief Summary Essay

Prince v. Cariou Brief Statement of the Case Plaintiff Patrick Cariou sought summary judgement on the issue of liability of copyright infringement. Defendants Richard Prince, Gagosian Gallter, Inc. , and Lawurence Gagosian sought a determination that their use of Plaintiff’s copyrighted photographs was a “fair use” under the relevant section of the Copyright Act, 17 … Read more

Essay about US Anti-Discrimination Laws

Since ancient times, human rights has always been a topic of common concern around the world, some vulnerable groups have been treated unfairly because of age, race, sex, sexual orientation, religious, disability and other types of discrimination. However, what is relieved, a great number of countries enacted the anti-discrimination laws to keep fair. This article … Read more

Essay about Negligence Case Summary

Legal studies Introduction Negligence is a failure to take reasonable care to avoid causing injury or loss to another person (Law Hand Book, 2013). Negligence can be used when a party has experienced loss or damage from the wrongful actions or omission to act of another individual. This principal can be found in The Civil … Read more

Forensic Psychology Research Paper

“The field of psychology and law began to develop within the last century and is currently in its greatest period of growth and expansion. ” (“Psychology and The Law. “). Psychology is defined as the scientific study of the way the human mind works and how it influences behavior, or the influence of a person’s … Read more

Deception In Police Deception Essay

Police deception has and always will be a topic of discussion amongst the law enforcement community and the public we serve, protect, and prosecute. Police deception has been used as a tool to determine involvement as well a tool for apprehension. The use of undercover operations and entrapment situations to aid in the apprehension of … Read more

Pros And Cons Of Sharia Law Essay

In terms of the legal ban of Sharia law. I think I’m leaning towards supporting the ban because the bill mentions that it should only be excluded from the legal courtroom setting as should not be used in forming legislative decisions. The bill does not infringe on being practicing from in the private sector and … Read more

Victim Assistance Training Reflection Essay

Over the duration of the semester material explained in this course has provided me with more advantageous information than a majority of my classes. I can honestly say that over my college experience this has been my favorite class and I am happy that it was a part of my final semester at Kennesaw. The … Read more

Dred Scott Reflection Essay

During this paper I will confront the three most important things that I learned throughout the class. I will then discuss why Dred Scott had the greatest impact in shaping America and in shaping the future of the Supreme Court’s decisions. The first most important thing that I learned throughout the class was that just … Read more

Espionage Act of 1917

Espionage was rampant in the early 1900’s. Citizens made significant sacrifices “to make the world safe for democracy(2). ” Americans were also alert to the presence of spies who could sabotage the war effort. Congress passed the Espionage Act on June 15, 1917. The law provided stiff penalties for those found guilty of aiding the … Read more

Alien and Sedition Act

You are back in the year 1798, the government has just passed a law saying what ever they do and create it will be the standard. You have no say or any comment on it, because frankly they just dont care. You are now placed back in the year 2001, would it be possible to … Read more

International Law

International law is the body of legal rules that apply between sovereign states and such other entities as have been granted international personality (status acknowledged by the international community). The rules of international law are of a normative character, that is, they prescribe towards conduct, and are potentially designed for authoritative interpretation by an international … Read more

Constitution – Supreme Law Of The Land

Article Five, clause two of the United States Constitution states, under the Authority of the United States, [the Constitution] shall be the supreme law of the land. As a result of the fact that the current activist government is pursuing inconsistent policies, many believe the Constitution has become irrelevant because no guiding principles seem to … Read more

Social Import: The Cracks in the System

An integral component to the infrastructure of government is law enforcement. In over two hundred years of prosperity, the United States has relied heavily upon the integrity of its law enforcement in maintaining order and securing the civil liberties of the American. The conduct and code of the police force in the United States has … Read more

California’s Proposition 184: Three Strikes and You’re Out

Last year in California voters approved a controversial ballot initiative. Proposition 184, also known as the three strikes and you’re out law, was passed on November 9, 1994. Under this new legislation repeat offenders, upon committing their third felony offense, will be sentenced to a mandatory twenty-five years to life in prison(California 667). The initiative … Read more

On Racist Speech

In the following essay, Charles R. Lawrence encompasses a number of reasons that racist speech should not be protected by the First Amendment. In this document, he exhibits his views on the subject and what he feels the society should confront these problems. In this well- written article, he provides strong evidence to prove his … Read more

Inevitability of independence

Many colonists, in the soon to be United States, felt that the English government under which they lived was not fulfilling the needs of its citizens. The poor governing of the British parliament and king left the colonies in a position where seceding from great Britain was the most logical solution. Colonist is a term … Read more

Business Law Antitirust

Because the field of Business Law is so great, this paper will examine a single aspect of Business Law, that of antitrust action. Specifically, as it is applied to Microsoft, antitrust litigation is raising eyebrows in both the legal and business worlds. There is a hue and cry that antitrust laws as they exist today … Read more

Jim Crow Laws

Jim Crow laws are about power. Power of one race over another. These laws really highlight the flaws and weakness of human nature. One group of people asserting power over another for the pride and vanity of a system of politics that had been defeated at the cost of thousands of American lives during the … Read more

History of Law Enforcement

Historical Beginnings Historical development of law enforcement agencies goes back to the United States Constitution. It tells how the federal, state, and local agencies came Into existence, and what purpose they were to serve. This report will give details on each separate law enforcement agency, what their Jurisdictions are, along with descriptions of the Individual … Read more

History of Law Enforcement

The swelling population of urban poor, whose miniscule [sic] wages could hardly sustain them, heightened the need for police protection]Len the united States In the 19th entry: The police role was only minimally directed at law enforcement. Its primary function was serving as the enforcement arm of the reigning political power, protecting property, and keeping … Read more

History of Law Enforcement

Historical Beginnings Historical development of law enforcement agencies goes back to the United States Constitution. It tells how the federal, state, and local agencies came Into existence, and what purpose they were to serve. This report will give details on each separate law enforcement agency, what their Jurisdictions are, along with descriptions of the Individual … Read more

History of Law Enforcement

The swelling population of urban poor, whose miniscule [sic] wages could hardly sustain them, heightened the need for police protection]Len the united States In the 19th entry: The police role was only minimally directed at law enforcement. Its primary function was serving as the enforcement arm of the reigning political power, protecting property, and keeping … Read more

History of Malaysia Law

Under Oxford English dictionary, ‘Legal’ defined as connected with the law. To the layman, law is understood as being a general rule of conduct. In the Oxford English Dictionary, law is defined as ‘the body of enacted or customary rules recognized by a community as binding’. Sir John Salmond defines law as ‘the body of … Read more

History of Law Enforcement

“Criminal Justice System, As Seen By Me”. CJS 100 Final Project History of Law Enforcement In Ancient China law enforcement was carried out by “perfects. ” The notion of a “perfect” in China has existed for thousands of years. In both the Chu and Jin kingdoms of the Spring and Autumn periods the prefecture system … Read more

The Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence is perhaps the most masterfully written document of Western civilization. This essay seeks to illuminate that artistry by probing the discourse microscopically at the level of the sentence, phrase, word, and syllable. By approaching the Declaration in this way, we can shed light both on its literary qualities and on its … Read more