Canadian Tire Store Case Study

1. There are multiple key actors at the beginning of this criminal event. For a criminal event to take place, three things need to take place which is a motivated offender, a suitable target and a lack of capable guardianship (Carleton, 2017a). Here, we have a motivated 38-year-old Vancouver resident who committed multiple crimes in … Read more

Eric Adams

The job of a police officer requires them to put their lives at risk to protect others and the threat seems to end when the uniform is off. Does the threat really end for officers of color? Eric Adams opens a small window into his world as a colored officer with his article, “The Thin … Read more

Sample Case Interview Paper

Identifying information: The client is a 24 year old, white, fourth generation Irish-American, upper class, heterosexual, cisgender male who lives in between his parent’s three apartments in Manhattan. Dillon is single and has never been married. Born in New York the client is a US citizen. Dillon has a stable source of housing, however, he … Read more

FCSO Process

Candidate gets to the background check and fails. The FCSO process is outlined below and is the industry standard test program. Pre-application Application Invitation to begin testing Tests • Written Test • Physical Agility Test • Panel interview • Voice Stress Analyzer • Oral Boards • In-depth Background Check Purpose The purpose of this proposed … Read more

Corporal Aguiar Memorandum

SUMMARY of COMPLAINT: On March 30th, 2016, Corporal Aguiar brought a situation to light by writing a memorandum to his supervisor, Sergeant O’Malley. The memorandum documented Officer Flores’s recent contact with Martha Vazquez during a call for service on 3-29-16. Corporal Aguiar was concerned with the behavior that Flores had displayed while handling the call … Read more

Militarization Of Community Policing

In light of the ever increasing tension between police and it citizens caused by excessive police force, I wanted to explore the idea of the militarization of our nations’ police force and the impact it has had on trust of the citizens it is sworn to protect and serve. I also aim to explore how … Read more

History Of The Black Lives Matter Movement

The purpose of this qualitative research is to trace the Black Lives matter through the understanding of the history of the Black Lives Matter movement, identify the misconceptions of the movement, determine what social media has to say about the movement, identify the impact the Black Lives Matter movement has on the youth culture, determine … Read more

Deception In Police Deception Essay

Police deception has and always will be a topic of discussion amongst the law enforcement community and the public we serve, protect, and prosecute. Police deception has been used as a tool to determine involvement as well a tool for apprehension. The use of undercover operations and entrapment situations to aid in the apprehension of … Read more

Personal Narrative-In The Shandow Essay

In the Shandows In a worn in leather passenger seat I was looking through the rolled down window. A warm summer breeze was entering the beat up green ford truck. The radio was softly playing “Blue Moon “by Elvis. Outside it was early evening and the sun was setting a lovely color of oranges and … Read more

Issues In Law Enforcement Essay

Police officers face many challenges when trying to maintain communities’ safe and crime free. Over the last two years there has been a major surge in the amount of communication devices available to the public and the amount of news coverage that we are exposed to. “The public has increasingly turned to cable television, the … Read more

Racial Bias In The Criminal Justice System Essay

Criminal justice system is the law enforcement that focuses on the safety of the public, which prosecutes, defends, sentences, and punishes people who are suspects of convicted criminal offenses. The criminal justice system is supposed to be equal to all races but it is not always like that even in this century. The criminal justice … Read more

Cyp 3.3 4.2 Essay

he UK government has defined the term a€ safeguarding childrena€TM as: a€ The process of protecting children from abuse or neglect, preventing impairment of their health and development, and ensuring they are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care that enables children to have optimum life chances and enter … Read more

Crime Scene Investigation Research Paper

Criminal investigators have a number of duties that extend far beyond what is so often presented on TV. The glory that surrounds detectives usually seems to showcase them in a way that makes them seem to be completely independent and higher ranked than standard police officers, however in reality detectives and street police often have … Read more

Police Decision-Making Process Analysis Essay

The effort to analyze and expand on existing knowledge on the decision-making behaviour of police officers has been assessed and documented in many different studies, however Bonner reveals six themes related to officer arrest decision-making and the influence of working rules that are regulated by precise frameworks. When police and citizens endure and encounter each … Read more

Rhetorical Analysis Of Serial Essay

Serial, is a Podcast produced by an investigative journalist and a former reporter for the Baltimore Sun named Sarah Koenig. Serial is a spinoff produced by the WBEZ 91. 5 Chicago radio station and This American life. This specific podcast addresses the 1999 case of Adnan Syed vs The State of Maryland. In this case, … Read more

Police Stress Research Paper

“Stress is simply a fact of nature — forces from the inside or outside world affecting the individual. ” (Stoppler, MD, p 1) Today’s officers face many obstacles on and off the job. Stress is generally one of the first of many challenges thought of that an officer faces on a daily basis. When one … Read more

Terrorism Pros And Cons Research Paper

In the field of Criminal Justice, there are many topics of controversy. One topic of controversy is the use of third degree tactics on suspected terrorists. This topic has gotten worse since September 11, 2001 when the terror attacks happened on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. There are pros and cons to every … Read more

Essay about How Did Ned Kelly Influence Australia

Bushranger Ned Kelly born to hunt and gather for the family formally known as Edward is seen by some as an Australian infamous political defender of his people and by others a criminal malicious murderer. Ned was born the first son of a catholic couple in December 1855 raised by an ex convict John ‘Red’ … Read more

Persuasive Essay On Puebla

With a switch of a button or a tap on a screen you are able to see the world in front of you and how it is forever changing. Then we are filtered with a new topic of discussion or a new trend that we never thought could be real. Then suddenly…. BOOM! A tragedy … Read more

Methamphetamine Case Summary Essay

INTRODUCTION: This case involves the suspect being arrested for H&S 11377(a)Possession of Methamphetamine, H&S 11364(a)-Possession of drug paraphernalia and PC 148(a)(1)-Resisting/Delaying a Peace Officer. LOCATION DESCRIPTION: This incident occurred inside 848 Summit Avenue #1. The location is a rear duplex to the rear of a long east-west driveway running along the north side of 844 … Read more

Dred Scott Reflection Essay

During this paper I will confront the three most important things that I learned throughout the class. I will then discuss why Dred Scott had the greatest impact in shaping America and in shaping the future of the Supreme Court’s decisions. The first most important thing that I learned throughout the class was that just … Read more

Police brutality

Police brutality has been a long lasting problem in the United States since at least 1903 when police Captain Williams of the New York Police Departmen coined the phrase, There is more law at the end of a policemans nightstick than in a decision of the Supreme Court. In the 1920s the Wichersham Commission had … Read more

Police Brutality

An integral component to the infrastructure of government is law enforcement. In recent years, police actions, particularly police abuse has come into view of a wide, public and critical eye. While citizens worry about protecting themselves from criminals, it has now been shown that they must also keep a watchful eye on those who are … Read more

Police brutality

There is a widespread and persistent problem of police brutality across the United States. Thousands of individual complaints about police abuse are reported each year and local authorities pay out millions of dollars to victims in damages after lawsuits. Police officers have beaten and shot unresisting suspects; they have misused batons, chemical sprays, and electro-shock … Read more

Police Brutality

In recent years, police actions, particularly police abuse, has come into view of a wide, public and critical eye. While citizens worry about protecting themselves from criminals, it has now been shown that they must also keep a watchful eye on those who are supposed to protect and serve. This paper will discuss the types … Read more

Police Officers Overstep Their Rights When Searching People

One of the main powers law enforcement officers carry is the authority to make citizens involuntarily give up their rights. Most people when confronted by police get mild to moderate panic reaction, can become nervous or anxious, and do as much as possible to limit the time spent with the officer. Due to the difference … Read more

Police History

Teresa Kohl Ever wondered where policing came from? In this paper we are going to explore the history of policing and how it developed in America from the beginning. At the same time we are going to explore the deferent policing styles used In America through out history. After we will then look at the … Read more