Hepatitis B Summary

Community Health Education at Student-Run Clinics for Hepatitis B Summary Oftentimes student-run clinics (SCRs) can be important healthcare safety nets for underserved populations, their efficacy for improving patient health knowledge has not been thoroughly explored (Ouyang, Yuan, Sheu, Lau, Chen, Lai, 2013). From September 2011 to April 2012, a study was done by assessing patients’ … Read more

Patient Y Exercise

Once Patient Y was placed in a labor room, treatment began immediately. As mentioned previously, the fetal heart rate decreased rapidly. During this time the nurse and physician performed several treatments in order to try and raise the fetal heart rate. First, the nurse applied 10L of oxygen via nasal cannula to the patient. Then, … Read more

Why Is Art Important In Healthcare

When evaluating how a business becomes established in the healthcare industry, one does not often consider the role art can play in its success. In most cases, state-of-the-art equipment, prime location, and a large staff of competent professionals are the primary aspects immediately attributed to success. While all those things are very much needed, a … Read more

Hypercalcemia Research Paper

Hypercalcemia is the term used when the blood calcium levels are higher than normal. Calcium is an important mineral for the body. Ninety-nine percent of the calcium is stored in the bones and about one percent circulates in the blood. Calcium is crucial for bone formation and also for the brain, the nerves, and the … Read more

Public Policy-Making In Health And Social Care Essay

According to Mason, Leavitt, and Chaffee (2002), public policy “encompasses the choices that a society, segment of society, or organization makes regarding its goals and priorities and the ways it will allocate its resources” (pp. 8). Thereby, health policy consists of the laws, regulations, and practices that affect the allocation of healthcare resources for the … Read more

Patient Exposure

There are three problems that are associated with increases in patient exposure which are lack of physician knowledge, lack of patient awareness and physician’s practice of defensive medicine. These issues have led to an increase in patient radiation dose every year. From 1996 to 2010 overexposure due to radiation has doubled. (Bardi, p. 2) This … Read more

Nurse Patient Relationship Essay

Marcus Engle was freshman in college when he got into a car accident that changed his life forever. With decreased physical ability and inability to see, Marcus had to find a way to adapt to theses modifications to this life. Most importantly, this life changing experience helped to analyze all effective and ineffective forms of … Read more

Needle Stick Injury In Nursing Essay

Everyday nurses are exposed to many different types of harm in their healthcare setting. Nurses constantly deal with possible injury from lifting a patient, exposure to blood borne pathogens, and experiencing fatigue, along with emotional stress. One type of hazard that has been an issue in the healthcare setting involving nurses is the exposure of … Read more

Cultural Issues In Nursing Essay

The purpose of this paper is to discuss a selected culture’s health care issues, analyze these health care issues from the nurse as educator’s perspective, and lastly state a health promotion intervention applicable to the selected culture. We as nurses care for a culturally diverse population of patients, especially in the Syracuse area. Consequently, it … Read more

Patient-Centered Health Care Delivery: A Case Study Essay

Patient-centered health care is the dominant model in health service delivery. Within this framework, patient satisfaction has emerged as an important indicator of the quality of patient care (Brown, Stewart, McCracken, et al, 1986). The significance of patient satisfaction is further emphasized by evidence that satisfied patients are more likely to adhere to treatment, benefit … Read more

Nurse Practitioner Competencies Essay

Compared and contrasted the roles of the NP, nurse educator, nurse informaticist, and nurse administrator in advanced practice nursing pertaining to clinical practice, primary care, education, administration, and research. Advanced practice of nursing (APN) is a direct/indirect care individual who cares for patients and manages individuals and the community, nursing and health care organizations, administrations, … Read more

Occupational Therapy Paper

Occupational Therapy is a Viable Part of Healthcare Occupational therapy is the practice of teaching how to do daily tasks as independently as possible along with hobbies and other activities a client wishes to do. This a very important stage of recovery for the patient’s well-being mentally and physically. These clients have been through a … Read more

The Spirit Catches You Essay

In The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, Anne Fadiman narrates the story of Lia, a Hmong girl suffering from epilepsy who was surrounded by challenges due to conflicting viewpoints of her parents and her health care providers. For the Hmong people, epileptic seizures are viewed as a positive trait; those people who suffered … Read more

Nursing Reflective Practice Essay

Q1: Recall a situation in your clinical experiences in which an ethical decision was being made. If you have not been involved in this process yet, ask your preceptor to share an experience with you. Be sure only to discuss the situation as a case scenario without use of names of persons involved. Which ethical … Read more

Essay about Shared Care: A Case Study

Integrated working is a coordinated, person-centred concept of care. Being person-centred allows the quality of care being delivered to be at an excellent quality. This is because the care remains tailored to the needs and preferences of the individual. Additionally Integrated working steers away from the episodic care and allows a more holistic view on … Read more