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Should Animals Be Used For Research Argumentative Essay

Animal testing is a controversial practice that has been debated for centuries. Some people believe that animals should be used for research purposes in order to further medical science, while others argue that this is cruel and unnecessary.

There are pros and cons to both sides of the argument. On the one hand, animal testing has led to some significant medical advances, such as the development of vaccines and treatments for various diseases. On the other hand, it is undeniable that animals suffer during these experiments, and many people believe that this suffering is unethical.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to use animals for research purposes is a personal one. There are strong arguments on both sides of the issue, and each person will have to decide what they believe is the right thing to do.

Animal testing is essential for the development of medical technology. Animals have been used to benefit human health throughout history. Animals are critical to medical science’s progress, therefore they must be utilized in research. It is apparent that animal testing is the most ethical alternative for people and, as a result, the greatest option.

Animal testing is essential to the development of medicines. The FDA requires that all new drugs be tested on animals before they can be approved for human use. (“FDA Basics About Animal Testing and Research,” 2016) This is to ensure the safety of the public. If a drug is not safe for animals, it is certainly not safe for humans. In order for a new medicine to be developed, it must first be proven safe and effective in animal trials. Without animal testing, we would not have many of the life-saving medications that we have today.

Furthermore, animal testing is the most humane option available. Animals used in research are well cared for and treated with compassion. They are given food, water, shelter, and veterinary care. (“Facts About Animal Testing and the Use of Animals in Science,” 2016) The animals are also protected by the Animal Welfare Act, which sets standards for their housing, care, and use in research. (“Animal Welfare Act & Regulations: A Quick Reference Guide,” 2016)

Some people may argue that animal testing is cruel and inhumane. However, it is important to remember that the animals used in research are often suffering from diseases that have no cure. By testing new treatments on these animals, we can hope to find a cure for their disease, as well as improve the quality of their life.

People have previously succombed to illnesses that were beyond the capabilities of medical science. People died from illnesses and causes unknown. Sickness murdered children. Young infants went through suffering no one should ever experience. Animals, in particular, were afflicted with poor health. Simply stated, things were chaotic in the past. As a result, animal testing is acceptable since it helps researchers develop methods to help people and other animals in the future.

It is known that some animals feel pain, but it is impossible to know the level of an animal’s pain. It is hard to tell if they are feeling minor discomfort or if they are going through agony. The lack of communication between humans and animals creates a large margin for error when conducting research on them.

Another problem with animal research is that the results of the tests done on animals may not be accurate when applied to humans. This is because there are many differences between species, such as metabolism and genetic make-up. Even though the results from animal testing may not be one hundred percent accurate, it is still the best method scientists have for now.

Furthermore, animals have been subjected to various medical treatments such as blood pressure measurement and cardiac pacemakers and heart and lung machines in the past before being tested on humans. Surgery procedures including bone healing and removal were developed through animal testing.

Even now, new medical procedures are being constantly tested and improved upon through animal experimentation. The Polio vaccine, for instance, was perfected using monkeys before it was declared safe for human use. In this way, animals have contributed immensely to the advancement of medicine and have saved countless human lives.

Some people argue that animals should not be used in this way because they are sentient beings who feel pain and suffer just like us. This is a valid concern and one that must be taken into account when conducting research on animals. However, it is important to remember that the ultimate goal of such research is to improve the lives of humans, and not just to benefit animals. In other words, the ends justify the means. If we can save even one human life by conducting research on animals, then that is justification enough.

Others argue that there are alternatives to animal testing that are just as effective, if not more so. This is also a valid concern, but it is important to remember that nothing is perfect and that there will always be trade-offs. For instance, alternative methods like cell cultures or computer simulations can be less accurate than animal testing because they do not take into account the complex interplay of different organs and systems in a living creature. In other words, they are not perfect substitutes for animal testing.

At the end of the day, the decision of whether or not to use animals for research purposes comes down to a cost-benefit analysis. We must weigh the costs (i.e. the suffering of animals) against the benefits (i.e. the advancement of medicine and the saving of human lives). In my opinion, the benefits far outweigh the costs, and thus I believe that animals should be used for research purposes.

Animal testing benefits both humans and other species; for example, the heartworm medicine developed from animal studies has helped a lot of dogs. The cat nutrition has been better understood through animal research, which has allowed cats to live longer and healthier lives. AIDS animal models (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) are extremely significant because they allow scientists to study the biology of immuno-deficiency viruses.

In fact, without animal research, it would have been impossible to develop the polio vaccine. Animal research has also helped in developing treatments for cancer.

There are three major arguments raised against animal testing: that it is cruel and inhumane, that it is not always reliable, and that there are alternatives to using animals. The first argument, that animal testing is cruel and inhumane, is not valid. Animals used in research are well cared for and are not subjected to any unnecessary pain or suffering. In fact, the guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals are very stringent.

The second argument, that animal testing is not always reliable, is also not valid. Animal testing is just one part of the process of developing a new drug or treatment. The drug or treatment also has to go through extensive testing in humans before it can be approved for use. The third argument, that there are alternatives to using animals, is also not valid. In many cases, there are no good alternatives to animal testing. For example, there is no way to test the safety of a new drug in humans until it has been tested in animals first.

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