How Divorce Affects Children

“How could divorce affect my kids? ” “How can I minimize the emotional distress that my child is experiencing? ” Many parents asked themselves many difficult questions after taking the difficult decision of ending their marriage with divorce. Unfortunately, life is not perfect and sometimes the best option for families is divorce. However, we must … Read more

Analyzing Family Change Essay

Analyzing family change in three generations of my family, I found glaring distinctions between all three, but there are also some similarities that have seeped through the generations and still remain. Most of my family is still situated in very rural parts of Mexico and all three generations of my family were born and raised … Read more

The Effects Of Divorce On Children Essay

Today divorce is very common and it affects many families and children around the world. Many kids are deeply affected by this and their parents need to know how to help them get through this tough time. Over the past year there have been over one million children affected by divorce, and more than about … Read more

Stereotypes Of Gender Differences Essay

Western cultures are an androcentric based society. It is more beneficial to be males then females in this culture. Both genders are stereotype which can lead to misrepresentation of genders, this can affect many aspects of people lives. For example, if a couple is fighting each other for custody of their children, one gender may … Read more

Divorce and Children

As a child, there are many things that affect a view, memory, opinion, or attitude. Children have many of their own daily struggles to cope with, as peer pressures are an example. As an adult, we sometimes forget what it is like to be a child dealing with some of the childhood pressures. Many parents … Read more

The Glass House

Divorce is becoming more acceptable and normal. This is a problem and divorce should be decreased. All couples should be required to attend marriage counseliong before they are married. Couples attending marriage counseling could decrease this problem. Divorce then may stop becoming such a problem, and only happen when absolutely necessary after other steps have … Read more

Divorce And Faults

The divorce is a legal ending of a marriage. It occurs when two spouses feel that a legal separation is the only way to put an end to their problems such as, differences in goals, financial difficulties, or poor sexual relationships. However, most people, when thinking about divorce, worry about the impact that it has … Read more

The freedom to read

The freedom to read is essential to the democratic way of life. But today, that freedom is under attack. Private groups and public authorities everywhere are working to remove both books and periodicals from sale, to exclude certain books from public schools, to censor and silence magazines and newspapers, and to limit “controversial” books and … Read more

The Problems Of Divorce

In today’s society, one of the toughest things many parents and children have to face or deal with is divorce. It is usually extremely tough on the parents getting the divorce however many times the children simply get lost in all the mess and are left to cope as best as they can. Eventhough people … Read more

Divorce in Todays Society

The Impact of Non-Traditional Families in the Twenty-First Century The image of the American family looks and functions very differently than families of the past few decades. Men and women raised in the 1950’s and 1960’s when programs such as “Ozzie and Harriet” and “Father Knows Best” epitomized the average family, are likely to find … Read more