How Did The United States Change Between 1776 And 1870

The United States Constitution was ratified in 1788, and the first ten amendments, collectively known as the Bill of Rights, were added in 1791. The Constitution established the federal government of the United States and outlined its powers and responsibilities. The Bill of Rights guaranteed certain fundamental rights for all citizens, including freedom of speech, … Read more

Guantanamo Bay Vs 9/11

After the 2001 September 11th attacks, the Bush administration needed a secure place to keep its enemies captured in the “war on terror”. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had already established “black sites”, or secret detention centres, all over the world. However, the Bush administration needed a location outside of international law so they could … Read more

The Three Levels Of Government In The United States

The United States comprised of three levels of government: Federal, state, and local levels. All levels of government create, manage and oversee laws on their distinct levels of government. However, none of these levels have specific knowledge in any one area of expertise and therefore rely on extending their lawmaking abilities to additional governing bodies … Read more

Argumentative Essay: The Battle And The War

American rights and the Constitution are both reasons why the United States is a wonderful land of liberty. However, as time has advanced many laws have either been reconstructed or repealed. Recently, President Barack Obama proposed gun control legislation that inflamed the division among the American citizens into two groups, those who favor the restrictions … Read more

Slate Magazine Analysis

The American people have been glutenous from the birth of its nation. Disregarding the overwhelming obesity rate, the American people have always been glutenous regarding anything, especially politics. The original settlers wanted religious freedom so bad that they were willing to come to a new and unestablished world to do so. When America finally works … Read more

Pro Euthanasia Research Paper

Euthanasia (assisted suicide) is the practice of providing and administering drugs to a willing terminally ill patient to help end their life and has been practiced since the Ancient Greeks and Romans. However, in the United States, euthanasia is illegal according to the federal government and has sparked an ongoing debate of legalizing euthanasia since … Read more

Shays Rebellion: The Making Of An Agrarian Insurrection Essay

The book, Shays’ Rebellion: The Making of an Agrarian Insurrection, is a historical account that provides an interesting perspective on the accounts of many struggling men, earning wages in the agricultural force, who were driven to form a rebellion against the government and the court system, because of a crisis of debt and credit that … Read more

Constructivism Assignment Part 1: Declarations Of Independence Essay

Part 1: Declarations of Independence The Declaration of Independence was established on July 4 of 1776. It had many purposes such as getting other colonies to side with them, to explain their view of the purpose of human rights, to turn the colonists against King George and side with them etc. Thomas Jefferson was given … Read more

Criminalization Of Polygamy Essay

The United States’ government has not followed the constitutional bill of rights and has failed to separate religious views with the law’s implemented over one hundred years ago that are still being practiced. The specific injustice referred to is the criminalization of polygamous marriage in all 50 states to this day, even after proclaiming “equal … Read more

Should The Articles Of Confederation Refute The Constitution? Essay

Although the Articles of Confederation successfully steered fledgling America through the Revolutionary War, in peacetime society its flaws in unifying the country became increasingly clear. Largely thanks to the insistence of Alexander Hamilton, a delegation came together in May of 1787 to either revise the Articles or create a new government. With George Washington as … Read more

Essay about Tom Donnelly Making Popular Constitutionalism

In American Constitutional thought, it is generally regarded that the Judicial Branch and the courts should be independent from political sway. The Legislative and Executive branches were designed to represent the will of the people at the time, but the third branch is to remain isolated. Blatantly activist judges are generally regarded as unacceptable. It’s … Read more

Social Darwinism In The Gilded Age Essay

Corporations began to form during the Gilded Age, a time in U. S. history that followed the Civil War. During the Gilded Age Social Darwinism guided political decision making. Social Darwinists opposed safety regulations, labeling them government handouts, which they thought “coddled the weak” (“New Attitudes”). The time period that followed the Gilded Age, the … Read more

Pros And Cons Of Following The Articles Of Confederation Essay

When the 13 colonies were declared independence from Britain on July, 4th, 1776, they realized the extremity of their intentions in the war and to coordinate with each other. Furthermore, they adopted the Articles of Confederation, which was a basis constitution which created an alliance of sovereign states which made the state’s work with each … Read more

Essay on What Are The Strengths And Weaknesses Of The Articles Of Confederation

As a new nation, America needed a national government if they wanted to stay united. In result, on March 2, 1781, a plan by Ben Franklin called the Articles of Confederation was ratified to act as framework for America’s central government. The Articles of Confederation was purposely created to have a weak central government, in … Read more

Separation Of Government Power Essay

Separation of powers was an idea accepted by all sides of the writers in the American constitution, though it’s straight to the point meaning remained unclear, at least until its famous publication in the Federalist, the protection of the Constitution written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay. The confusion over the meaning of … Read more