First Day Of School Essay

I remember my first day at school in the United States very clearly. I was so excited to finally be starting my education in a new country. Everything was so different from what I was used to back home. The school buildings were so big and the classrooms were filled with all kinds of new … Read more

Essay On Teaching Profession

The teaching profession has been around for centuries, and it is one of the most important professions in society. Teachers play a vital role in shaping the minds of young people and helping them to reach their potential. Teachers need to be intelligent and well-informed in order to be effective in their roles. They also … Read more

Essay On Respect

Respect is a critical ingredient for success in any educational setting. When students show respect for their teachers, it can have a positive impact on their ability to learn and succeed in school. Here are some ways that respect can help make students better learners: 1. Respectful students are more likely to be engaged in … Read more

Jonathan Kozol Still Separate Still Unequal Summary

High schools in America are still segregated, even though it has been illegal for over 50 years. In the documentary “Still Separate, Still Unequal”, students and educators discuss the reality of segregated schools and the impact it has on students’ education. One student says that in her all-black high school, the school facilities are falling … Read more

Community Service Report

High school students in the United States are required to complete community service hours as a part of their education. This report provides an overview of community service requirements and how students can benefit from completing them. Community service requirements vary from state to state, but all states require high school students to complete some … Read more

Goals For Studying Abroad Essay

Education is very important to me and my family. My goal is to study abroad in order to get a better education and to also experience new cultures. I believe that studying abroad will help me grow as a person and will also allow me to see the world from a different perspective. I am … Read more

Successful College Students Essay

What does it take to be a successful college student? This is a question that has been asked time and time again, with no clear answer. There are many different factors that can contribute to success in college, and it looks different for every student. However, there are some common characteristics that tend to lead … Read more

Philosophy Of Education Essay

There are multiple philosophies of education that exist within society. Each philosophy has a different view on what education should be and how it should be delivered. The most common philosophies of education are behaviorism, humanism, and constructivism. Behaviorism is the philosophy that believe that people learn best by observing and imitating the behaviors of … Read more

What Does Education Mean To Me Essay

Education is important to me because it helps me grow as a person. It allows me to learn new things and to develop new skills. Education also helps me become more independent and responsible. It is an essential part of my life and I am grateful for the opportunities it has given me. Education is … Read more

A Nation Should Require All Of Its Students

It has been said that a nation should require all of its students to receive a good education. This is because, without an education, it would be difficult for the citizens of that nation to function properly. An educated population is necessary for a nation to progress and develop. The question then becomes, what should … Read more

Preschool Teacher Philosophy Examples

“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.” – Albert Einstein At its heart, education is about training our minds to think. It’s about learning how to process and understand information so that we can make informed decisions. And while facts are certainly a part of education, they … Read more

I Just Wanna Be Average Mike Rose

Mike Rose, in “I Just Want to Be Average,” talks about his school days in South L.A. Now a professor of Education and Information Studies at UCLA, Rose goes through secondary school at Our Lady of Mercy on the Vocational Ed. Track, explaining why standardized versions of this “educational system” are inconsistent with fundamental principles … Read more

Essay On Education For Womens

The history of education for women is a long and complicated one. It has been a subject of debate and controversy for centuries, and continues to be so today. There is no easy answer as to why women have been denied an education throughout much of history. There are many factors at play, including economic, … Read more

What Does Friendship Mean To You

Friendship is a special kind of interpersonal relationship. Friendship is often thought of as a close, supportive relationship between two people. Friendship can be built on many different things, including: -Common interests -Shared values -A sense of trust -A sense of humor For some people, friendship is simply spending time together and having fun. For … Read more

Studying Abroad Essay Example

Have you ever thought about studying overseas? There are many reasons why you should consider it! Here are just a few: 1. You’ll get a world-class education. If you study in a developed country, you’ll have access to some of the best universities and colleges in the world. You’ll be able to learn from experienced … Read more

Why College Education Is Important To Me

A college education is important to me because it will help me obtain the skills and knowledge I need to succeed in my career. The college will also provide me with the opportunity to network with other professionals and make industry contacts. Finally, the college will give me the chance to further develop my critical … Read more

Schools Should Start Later Persuasive Essays

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of whether or not high school should start later. Some students may thrive with an earlier start time, while others may prefer a later start. Ultimately, it is up to each individual student and their family to decide what works best for them. That being said, there … Read more

Do Schools Kill Creativity Summary

According to Ken Robinson’s 2006 TED talk, “Schools Kill Creativity,” the education system is stifling children’s creativity. He argues that the education system values standardized tests and conformity over creativity, which results in children who are afraid to take risks. This, in turn, leads to a society that is not innovative or creative. Robinson cites … Read more

The Drowsy: A Short Story

Oh yeah, there’s just something about singing with a huge chorus, you know? I’ve been very fortunate to be in things like The Producers, The Drowsy Chaperone, Urinetown–quite a number of stuff, I guess. It’s just great to be on stage singing with a bunch of other people. I’ve not had the opportunity to actually … Read more

Annotated Bibliography On Homeschooling

Gathercole, R. (2005, August ). Homeschooling’s true colors: investigating the myths–and the facts–about America’s fastest-growing educational movement. Mothering Magazine. 56 In the Article “Homeschoolings true colors:investigating the myths-and the facts- about America’s fastest-growing educational movement”, by Rachel Gathercole, the author writes about common beliefs or conceptions the general populous has on home schooling. With each … Read more

Samurai Women Essay

Japan has one of the highest literacy rates in the world. Starting from the Edo period, Japan was no longer a state of conflict, but rather a state of harmony. Warriors’ priorities were to perform tasks as bureaucrats instead of being fighters on the battlefield. The origin of common education originated around this time, but … Read more

Persuasive Essay On Backyard Fires

When I was a little girl, we had plenty of fires in the backyard. It was a time where family got together and told funny, or scary stories. It was a time when we made memories with each other. Neighbours used to join in without hesitation. We used to make plenty of food on the … Read more

Brin Burks Research Paper

College is the time for experimenting, whether with hair or drinking, everyone experiments. It is a time where you don’t have overbearing parents breathing down your neck. For the most part parents are at least at arm’s distance away, if not further. Students can get to class via unicycle or “hover board,” a self-balancing board … Read more

Peter Abelard Research Paper

Peter Abelard was a French philosopher and theologian during twelfth-century Europe. Despite the fact that there were schools specifically with monasteries and cathedrals, a new way of learning soon arose during his time. He was known for exemplifying this new model of learning. Abelard, like many other Philosophers during the olden times, paved his way … Read more

Essay On Columbine High School Shooting

Columbine High School, is home to students who dare to reach the beyond and succeed. However, behind the walls of Columbine High School something far more alarming was occurring. Two students caused Columbine High School to become known for something that was way beyond the understanding of Americans across the Nation. Columbine High School would … Read more

High School Dropout Rate Among Low-Income Students

“The high school dropout rate among persons 16-24 years old was highest in low-income families (16. 7 percent) as compared to high-income families (3. 2 percent)” (National Center for Education Statistics). The National Center for Education Statistics is one of many organizations that study high school dropout rates. The dropout rate among low-income families is … Read more

The Pros And Cons Of Latinos In Action

In its conceptual idea, nonprofits were meant to be completely separate from both government entities and for profits. However, history has shown that not only is that idea unrealistic, but it is inefficient as well. These three sectors all have symbiotic relationships with one another. In simplified terms, governments receive funds mainly through taxes. Taxes … Read more

Drug Abuse In Professional Sports

The world of sports is vast and fun for the whole family. Sports provides entertainment for everyone, from little Johnny who plays baseball, to weird uncle Phil who is an arm chair quarterback. Few realize that sports help people in ways they can’t imagine. From Pakistan to the USA, people use sports to do things … Read more

Racism In Classroom

In my second grade classroom, my teacher interrupted my classwork one day, ti state that my traditional African hairstyle was distracting, and directed me to change it by the mext day. When the next day came, and the hair tying me to my culture remained, she pulled me out of class, sent me to the … Read more

Summary: Harmful Effects Of Participation Trophies

Studies reported to Evan Grossman of Men’s Journal have shown that the generation of people reaching adulthood now are considered a bunch of “self-obsessed, irresponsible, and unmotivated generation of false achievers. ” What could have caused this? A huge cause of this is what is known as the “self-esteem movement” according to Evan Grossman of … Read more

Aboriginal People Analysis

Aboriginal people are the first settlers of Canada, including the first nations, Inuit, and Metis. Upon the arrival of the European settlers of Canada who came with their own civilization, the aboriginal people were considered ignorant and uneducated. These European settlers wanted to increase literacy at the same time making their culture dominant over the … Read more

Code Switching Case Study Essay

Gossiping about their colleagues and bosses, which is interesting to observe. It is unconventional for Vietnamese teachers to encourage students to develop such behaviours, such as gossiping or talking bad behind one’s back. However, with the smiley tone of this turn, it can be interpreted that Haylee is actually very well aware of this issues … Read more

H. L. Mencken’s Analysis

Picture thirty desks, a chalkboard with a teacher standing in front of it, three students sleeping, eleven students on their phones, six students paying attention, and ten students daydreaming; this is a typical classroom in the public education system. In 1924 H. L. Mencken, a German-American journalist and a cultural critic, wrote about what he … Read more

Mental Health Literacy

Traditionally, the public perceives the role of the school system as providing an equitable education experience for all students. However, as anyone within the profession of education knows, it’s not that simple. In light of major school-related tragedies, including Columbine and Sandy Hook, the issue of mental health services with in schools has been brought … Read more

Classroom Analysis

How many times have you accessed the internet today? The use of the internet and technology has risen greatly over the years. In 2012, the number of internet users in the United States increased by 8. 8 percent, which is a whopping 2. 4 million users. In 1977 the very first personal computer was marketed … Read more

Balancing School Work

Many first year students are getting use to the idea of college. College can be hard especially balancing school work and personal life. Sometimes students do not know where to ask for help, or for an advice. There are other times where a student is just afraid of asking for help. Jennifer Juarez, an advisor … Read more

Team Cultural Understanding Paper

Multicultural education teaches learners to recognize and accept the cultural differences based on culture, ethnicity, social class, gender, sexual orientation, special needs, religion, gender and it helps learners to understand and promote justice, equality, and democracy (Manning & Baruth, 2009). As educators, it is our responsibility to promote and include multicultural education in our instruction. … Read more

Discrimination In Employment

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA) makes it illegal to discrimination against employees and job applicants who are over the age of forty. Discrimination includes the hiring and firing of individuals due to age as well as differentiating salary, benefits, and job assignment because of age. All employers that have over 20 … Read more

Open Ended Questions

In the first video “Open-ended Questions to Encourage Conversation” the instruction that I observed, based upon the definition, did meet criteria 1 from the TPEP. The general idea of Criteria one is the expectations that teachers have for their students and is able to communicate those expectations. In the first video the teacher is using … Read more

Early Childhood Research Paper

During early childhood, the brain retains the ability to re-learn sounds it has discarded, so young children typically learn new languages easily and without an accent. After about age 10, however, plasticity for this function is greatly diminished; therefore, most people find it difficult to learn to speak a foreign language as well as a … Read more

Giving Voice To Children’s Voices Summary

In the article “Giving Voice to Children’s Voices: Practices and Problems, Pitfalls and Potentials,” James argues that “despite the representations of the “voices of children,” children themselves may, nonetheless, continue to find their voices silenced, suppressed, or ignored in their everyday lives. ” (James, p. 261) After conducting the photo voice assignment with my fifteen-year-old … Read more

Bilingual Interview Essay

I interviewed a student at Wedgewood Park International Middle School in Milwaukee. I did it on March 6th in the morning. The interview with Gaby (a pseudonym) lasted about thirty minutes during his reading intervention time, so he would not miss curriculum instruction time. He is an 8th grader who grew up in Puerto Rico. … Read more

Tier 1 Intervention

Learning how to teach is difficult. Teachers go to school to learn different strategies that can be used within the classroom to help a variety of student needs. However, in the classroom, there will be students who more help with certain areas more than others. Those students could be assessed on numerous scales but the … Read more

Dbq No Child Left Behind

After talking about the background of policy, and why this particular policy was needed at the time and what problems it was trying to solve, it is now time to talk about the actual policy of No Child Left Behind. The main point of No Child Left Behind was to level the playing field in … Read more

Assess The Importance Of Professional Learning Community

In education, the term professional learning community is very common. This term, however, can mean many things to different educators. It can be used to talk about extending classroom practices to the community, bring outside people into the school to increase learning of students, engaging students, teacher learning, among other definitions. The main definition I … Read more

Parental Pressure In Student Sports

Ever have parents yelling from the sidelines or through the fence during one of your best games? Many parents want their kids to succeed but push them too hard and too much. Some parents don’t realize is that they are actually harming their kids not helping, parents think it’s support but kids think it’s pressure. … Read more


Whenever I am in a class and I hear the teacher say, “OK, everyone we are going to do some group work” I almost want to scream because I strongly dislike group work. Many schools make their students do at least one group project in order to build life skills, but because of my experiences … Read more

Los Angeles Research Paper

Los Angeles, the home of warm summers and mild winters. May has come around again. It’s not too hot to the point where you just want to lay in a freezer for a while. Although it’s not too cold where you want to go home and bundled up in warm clothing and fuzzy blankets. It … Read more

Vocabulary Intervention

The purpose of this study is to determine if a vocabulary intervention program on conceptual understating can substantially affect a students’ vocabulary knowledge. This particular study focused on elementary school students who are deaf or hard of hearing and who have trouble with decoding vocabulary and word phrases. The study is a single-subject, multi-baseline to … Read more

Social Operating System Strategy Map Essay

Module 2 Application Activity: Social Operating System Strategy Мар Read Chapter 6 of Teaching with Poverty in Mind. On page 149, the author uses the graphic shapes below to illustrate core social attributes needed for school success ( many of which are underdeveloped in children of poverty). In each shape, fill in the heading. Under … Read more

Student Success Essay

The most important realization that a student can make in their hunt for success and personal growth is that there is no such thing as the correct chronological order of reaching success but rather what are the correct steps and attributes. Success is a word that can be defined in multiple ways depending on the … Read more

Compare And Contrast Shelley And Rilke Essay

Shelley and Rilke use contrasting syntax to describe the impact of environment on a child’s development. Whereas structure provides a child with basic social skills, a child in an unstructured environment does not learn these skills and consequently faces problems communicating with others as he grows up. In his poem, Rilke favors short, commanding sentences, … Read more

Summary: Case Analysis Essay

Math Case Study MCC2. MD. 7: Tell and write time from analog and digital clocks to the nearest five minutes, using a. m. and p. m. Work/Test Sample Analyses* Work Sample 1: This is a sample of a morning work assignment Mark was given upon arrival to the classroom. After completing the sheet, students glue … Read more

Teaching Perspectives Inventory Essay

My results from the Teaching Perspectives Inventory (TPI) were not a total surprise, interestingly my results are concurrent with Collins et al (2010) findings of the majority of teachers, it great to be average. My most dominant perspective being nurturing, with apprenticeship, developmental and transmission following with very little difference between the scores. Social reform … Read more

Sexism In Schools Essay

Schooling is a mandatory action that has to be followed by adolescents. When entered into the school system, rules are enforced. Some rules are strict, and some are very relaxed. One thing that most schools do have though, is some form of dress code. Whether the school requires uniforms, or a unique code of their … Read more

Community Socioeconomic Characteristics Essay

Throughout this research there is going to be information that is going to show the relationship between community socioeconomic characteristics and ethnicity with the three different types of child maltreatment; neglect, physical abuse, and sexual abuse. In the research about child maltreatment reports in Israel, the researcher claims in the hypothesis that socioeconomic and demographic … Read more

American Education Pros And Cons Essay

In the United States, the K-12 education system serves as a pathway to abundant intelligence for students. Students are provided with the right tools to learn and flourish. Despite the benefits that it provides, there is a problem with the education system being insufficiently democratic. Several characteristics in the system depict a weak democracy, which … Read more

I Just Wanna Be Average Summary Essay

How do teachers get students in American to become motivated? How can teachers make students feel as though they can actually put their stamp on this world? How can teachers help students discover their deep potential that lies in everyone? One could argue that all teachers have to do is care. There’s a disconnect in … Read more

Manga Vs American Culture Essay

Manga is the Japanese correspondent to comic books in the West and has been able to gain a large international following in the past 20 years. However, it is still a niche culture in America. Many people do not understand manga and create false assumptions regarding the topic. People do not understand the cultural differences … Read more

Moral Values In Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter Essay

Moral values are the fundamental core of the human being, affecting nearly every aspect of life. Too often, parents of students attempt to shelter their children from being exposed to morals that contradict those of their family. Although the content of the book raised questions and concerns regarding ethical principles, The Scarlet Letter should not … Read more

Achievement Gap In Education Essay

In American schools the level of achievement between private and inner city public schools varies greatly. The achievement gap in education refers to the disparity in academic performance between students of different socioeconomic make up. An average of a 22% difference between white and black students exists on the achievement gap scale. The no child … Read more

Argumentative Essay On Modern Slavery

Jimmy Carter emphasized, “Globalization, as defined by rich people like us, is a very nice thing… you are talking about the Internet, you are talking about cell phones, you are talking about computers. This doesn’t affect two-thirds of the people of the world. ” It’s difficult to give a rigorous definition for globalization and to … Read more

Grade Inflation Gone Wild Essay

Straight A’s are hard to come by, reserved only for the social loaners who devote all of their time to reading textbooks and writing essays, right? Well, not exactly. Recent studies have shown that, over the past few decades, a trend of A-giving has manifested itself in higher education. This process is now commonly known … Read more

Academic Probation Essay

‘F’ the College Standards: a Closer Look into Academic Probation Horton’s (2015) research states “that nationally only 70% of all students in public high schools graduate and only 32% of all students leave high school qualified (or “college ready”) to attend four-year colleges (p 83). ” This means that a large portion of incoming students … Read more

The Lessons Of Classroom 506 Analysis Essay

The article “The Lessons of Classroom 506” by Lisa Belkin is focused on the single experience of a family living in New York with their 5-year-old son Thomas, who has cerebral palsy. The family is trying to construct a classroom that would be appropriate for their son. Thomas was unable to speak and he needed … Read more

School Sports Research Paper

One of the all time best coaches of the Duke Blue Devils, Mike Krzyzewski ,once stated,”In high school, in sport, I had a coach who told me I was much better then I thought I was, and would make me do more in a positive sense. He was the first person who taught me not … Read more

Utopian Community Essay

According to Webster’s Dictionary, a utopia is defined as “a place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions. ” For years, many people have attempted to create Utopian communities across the world. Some were founded with faith-based ideas, including the Mormon and monastic communities. Others were simply founded around similar beliefs and … Read more

Classroom Management Plan Essay

Ms. Daniels Classroom Management Plan Good Morning, Thank you so much for covering my kindergarten classroom for today. Below is my behavior management plan where I have mapped out everything you need to know in order to make it through the day. Morning Routine 1. When you first arrive in the morning, open the daily … Read more

Benefits Of Segregation In Public Schools Essay

One course of action is to try to limit or even completely get rid of the segregation between students with disabilities and those without. Currently, there are still numerous public schools around the nation that have not developed a method towards transitioning to non-segregated classroom styles for individuals with disabilities. This exclusion between students with … Read more

Essay on LD/EBD Student Analysis

I currently teach LD/EBD students at a 9-12 level. A lot of my students struggle with reading and read at lower level then their peers that are mainstreamed into the general education setting (most of my students read at a 4-6 grade reading level). The biggest struggles I see with them is their understanding of … Read more

Scavenger Hunt Case Study Essay

Scavenger Hunt English Language Learners Legislation 1. Fill in the chart below by following these directions: Choose a school district. Identify the six subsections of the Florida Consent Decree (LULAC et al. v. The State Board of Education of Florida, 1990). Explain how your local school district is complying with each of the six subsections. … Read more

Early Childhood Education Essay

LeapFrog. Cool Math. Fisher Price. All of the above mentioned are programs and toys that have been created to enhance the learning of children, especially ages three to ten years. LeapFrog offers educational games that encourage reading and writing skills. Cool Math integrates math with multiplication and division games. Fisher Price incorporates fun with educational … Read more

American Education System Analysis Essay

The education system in America is a topic that I have put much thought into. I have several friends who aspire to be teachers, and occasionally I hear about the flaws in the teaching system similar to the issues Henslin explained. I come from an uppermiddle class town with an award winning public education system, … Read more

Essay on Personalized Learning Analysis

In the current educational reformation facing the world, personalized learning is the up and coming pedagogy for teaching. Childress and Benson described personalized learning as “student learning experiences- what they learn, and how, when, and where they learn it-are tailored to their individual needs, skills, and interests, and that their school enables them to take … Read more