Fiscal Policy Canada

According to Keynesian methodology, there are two powerful tools the government and The Bank of Canada can employ to direct the economy in a positive direction: fiscal and monetary policy. Both policies, when used correctly, can be employed to stimulate the economy during times of recession or slow down the economy during times of inflation. … Read more

Essay about Grade Inflation Effect

A Study on Grade Inflation: The Inflation of Grades in American Educational Institutions An epidemic is what one might call the trend of the slowly increasing average in the grades of colleges all across America. It is a particularly subtle ascension, albeit a troublesome one. Grade inflation is a major issue in the American educational … Read more

Grade Inflation Gone Wild Essay

Straight A’s are hard to come by, reserved only for the social loaners who devote all of their time to reading textbooks and writing essays, right? Well, not exactly. Recent studies have shown that, over the past few decades, a trend of A-giving has manifested itself in higher education. This process is now commonly known … Read more

The term “hyperinflation”

The term “hyperinflation” refers to a very rapid, very large increase in the price level. Measurement problems will be too minor to notice on this scale. There is no strict formal definition for the term, but cases of hyperinflation tend to be expressed in terms of multiples rather than percentages. “For example, in Germany between … Read more

Impact of Inflation

Inflation is the most commonly used economic term in the popular media. A Nexis search in 1996 found 872,000 news stories over the past twenty years that used the word inflation. “Unemployment” ran a distant second. Public concern about inflation generally heats up in step with inflation itself. Though economists do not always agree about … Read more

Hyper inflation report

Hyper inflation has plagued most of the worlds developing countries over the past decades. Countries in the industrialised world, too, have at times duelled with dangerously high inflation rates in the post WWII era. With varying degrees of success, all have employed great efforts to bring their inflation rates within acceptable limits. Generally, a moderate … Read more