Auto Wreck by Karl Shapiro Analysis

Karl Shapiro’s “Auto Wreck” is a poem about a car accident. The speaker in the poem describes the scene of the accident, and the aftermath. The poem ends with the speaker reflecting on the event, and its potential significance. “Auto Wreck” is a powerful poem that speaks to the fragility of life, and the importance … Read more

A Study Of Reading Habits Analysis

A study of Reading Habits is a poem by Philip Larkin that explores the idea of how reading habits can change over time. The poem begins with the speaker talking about how, as a child, he used to love reading poetry. However, as he got older, his interests changed and he began to read more … Read more

The Whipping By Robert Hayden

The Whipping is a poem by Robert Hayden. The poem tells the story of a boy who is whipped by his mother. The boy’s mother is angry at him for playing with a white girl. The boy’s father tries to stop the whipping, but the mother continues. The boy’s mother eventually stops and the boy … Read more

Singapore Mary Oliver

Mary Oliver’s poem “Singapore” is a beautiful poem about the city of Singapore. In the poem, Oliver describes the city as a place of great beauty and wonder. She writes about the city’s many different cultures and how they come together to create a unique and vibrant place. The poem is a celebration of the … Read more

Coming Into Language Summary

Jimmy Santiago Baca is an American poet who is known for his work about the immigrant experience. One of his most famous poems, “Coming Into Language”, tells the story of a young boy who is struggling to learn English in school. The poem explores the child’s frustration and confusion as he tries to make sense … Read more

A Fig For Thee Oh Death

Edward Taylor’s poem “A FIgg For The Oh Death” is a haunting and powerful exploration of death. The poem centers around the speaker’s fear of death, and their attempts to rationalize and come to terms with their own mortality. The poem is both dark and hopeful, offering a unique perspective on death and what comes … Read more

Golden Retrievals Analysis

Golden Retrievals is a poem by Mark Doty. The poem is about a golden retriever who loves to fetch things. The speaker in the poem is the dog, and he talks about how he loves to retrieve things for his owner. The speaker in Hawk Roosting is the hawk itself. The hawk is talking about … Read more

South Poem

Kamau Brathwaite’s poem “South” is a beautiful and powerful piece that speaks to the human experience in a way that is both relatable and unique. The poem explores the concept of home, and how it can be both a physical place and an emotional state. Brathwaite’s use of language and imagery creates a vivid picture … Read more

Here Follows Some Verses

Anne Bradstreet’s “Here Follows Some Verses upon the Burning of Our House” Anne Bradstreet was a prolific poet and writer, who is considered to be one of the early pioneers of American literature. Her poem “Here Follows Some Verses upon the Burning of Our House” is a perfect example of her rhyming style and ability … Read more

Authority In Little Girl Lost

William Blake’s “Little Girl Lost” exposes authority for being predators that feast on those who lack power in order to urge the vulnerable to break the cycle of power and realize the danger around them. The images of the lion and the beasts illustrate the negative power-mongering qualities authority figures possess while the image of … Read more

In Japan Beyond Poem

The poem “In Japan Beyond” by Yone Noguchi, talks about the issue of immigration that goes on in America. It deals with the struggle all immigrants have when they leave their homeland to venture off to a new land in hopes for finding opportunity and a better lifestyle; which can summarize the situation for many … Read more

Anna Laetitia Barbauld Is Right Essay

Malala Yousafzai once said, “I raise up my voice—not so I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard… we cannot succeed when half of us are held back”. This quote depicts the audacious voyage of one of the most influential poets, with a focus on woman’s empowerment, Anna Laetitia Barbarald. … Read more

Cold In The Earth By Emily Bronte Analysis

In “Cold in The Earth”, Emily Bronte seeks to explore the dramatic psychological journey of losing a loved one. Bronte emphasises the speakers’ inner struggle and pain which she attempts to overcome throughout the poem as well as demonstrating the stages required to reconcile herself to the truth. Bronte also analyses the dualistic thoughts whereby … Read more

Metamorphosis By Edith Sitwell Essay

[Slide 1] Edith Sitwell was a British poet whose writing was looked favorably upon by many prominent authors and poets of the 1920’s. Her poetry, which was influenced by her life as a child, evolved exponetially over the years. In her final period of poetry, Edith Sitwell formed her writing around “traditional values, spiritual matters, … Read more

An Analysis Of Washington Irving’s The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow

Alexander Isayevich Solzhenitsyn once said “Literature transmits incontrovertible condensed experience… from generation to generation. In this way literature becomes the living memory of a nation. ” Literature was not created “in a vacuum. ” Literature was created in an open environment, it expands and reaches places that not everyone believes it will. Literature is made … Read more

Dulce Et Decorum Est, Dover Beach, And Patterns

“War is the best thing in the world,” said no sane or knowledgeable person, ever. Whatever reasons there are to go to war, such as benefiting or protecting the way of life, the outcome is inevitably devastating. War affects not only the people intimately involved who are in combat, but also civilians who live near … Read more

Beowulf Historical Values

Beowulf, an epic poem takes place around 500 AD. Many of the characters in the poem, the Swedish and Danish royal family members, correspond to actual historical figures. Originally pagan warriors, the Anglo-Saxon, and Scandinavian invaders experienced a large-scale conversion to Christianity at the end of the sixth century. Though still an old pagan story, … Read more

Still I Rise By Maya Angelou

A metaphor is defined as being “the transfer of a quality or attribute from one thing or idea to another in such a way as to imply some resemblance between two things or ideas” . The key features of metaphor ranges from exaggeration and extension to the resemblance and connection between ideas within the poem, … Read more

Mark Twain’s Life

Mark Twain, toward the end of his life, was characterized as . . . speaking candidly in his last years but still with a vitality and ironic detachment that kept his work from being merely the fulminations of an old and angry man. 1 Growing up around slavery, discrimination, and loss, Mark Twain was bombarded … Read more

Picasso And Duchamp

The act of masterfully capturing an audience’s attention to gaze upon a piece of artwork and feel a sense an interest, is achieved as artist’s endorse the role of crafting unprecedented work with the use of conventional materials. This notion will be explored through use of the following artists: Pablo Picasso a Spanish cubist, Marcel … Read more

No Worst There Is None

Line 1: No worst, there is none. Pitched past pitch of grief, For an overworked and alienated priest, Gerard Manley Hopkins was able to exert an immense amount of creativity during and memorable lines into his poem ‘No worst, there is none. ’, as its named in short. Let’s begin the analysis right away at … Read more

Compare And Contrast Shelley And Rilke Essay

Shelley and Rilke use contrasting syntax to describe the impact of environment on a child’s development. Whereas structure provides a child with basic social skills, a child in an unstructured environment does not learn these skills and consequently faces problems communicating with others as he grows up. In his poem, Rilke favors short, commanding sentences, … Read more

Identity In Jane Hirshfields Poems Essay

Through the literary techniques of personification, paradox and imagery of simple experiences or objects, Jane Hirshfield manages to simplify the complex emotions and ideas within society by utilizing symbolisms of everyday items and experiences to convey her perceptions about nature and regrets in life as well as analyze the complexity of one’s identity. Perhaps Hirshfield’s … Read more

A Breakfast For Barbarians Analysis Essay

To live is to die; this is the message both poems convey, a somber reminder that without death there cannot be life, and without ignorance there cannot be knowledge. These poems represent a duality of two opposing forces, akin to how shadows are born by light, and how change will always be a positively and … Read more

Thomas Sterns Elliot Influences Essay

Thomas Sterns Eliot, an influential poet and literary critic that caused massive change with his work in social and cultural theory. According to the article “T. S. Eliot” in Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Elliot had such a unique view on the social and political world that he was able to create many works of art that … Read more

Judge Of Honor Essay

Another poem by Philips called, “To the truly competent Judge of Honour”, genuinely goes in-depth in the trials and tribulations of the abuse of a women’s honor in everyday situations. The whole reason Philips wrote this poem was to provide damage control to her friends on a rumor that J. J. started. Philips begins by … Read more

The Mill Poem Analysis Essay

Working has become part of the norm in today’s society for both men and women in the American culture. People waste so much of their life and time in their occupation, that it seems that is the only part of their life that is significant. Jobs revolve around the world and people are so caught … Read more

I Started Early-Took My Dog Research Paper

The speaker of Emily Dickinson’s “I started Early – Took my Dog -” dramatizes the conflict between nature and man. The speaker dramatizes her need to unite with nature, but with the ever present reluctance of humanity, by describing a scene in which she is friendly with the ocean and they both yearn for each … Read more

Behind Grandmas House Poem Analysis Research Paper

How cool is your grandmother? Nikki Giovanni, Gary Soto, and Lorna Dee Cervantes share poems with their audience about their grandmothers and the lessons they have been taught. Throughout the year as we grow most of our grandparents get to see us change into the person we are today. “Lord these children”, Grandparents do not … Read more

Essay about Ogden Nash Tone

Changes in a poet’s life often impact the topics of their writing, but a poet’s unique tone can survive the transformations. Ogden Nash, a New Yorker born in 1902 grew up in several cities and towns along the East Coast of the U. S. Nash left his job as a copywriter and editor relatively early … Read more

Essay about Injuries In Out And Out, Out By Robert Frost

How are injuries and their effects explored in the poems Disabled by Wilfred Owen and Out, Out by Robert Frost? “Out, Out” and “Disabled” both represent physical injuries and their effects in several ways. Robert Frost and Wilfred Owen both show the consequences of injuries, for example they demonstrate how injuries caused physical pain due … Read more

Manets Bar At The Folies Analysis Research Paper

Various Perspectives: Manet’s Bar at the Folies-Bergere Manet’s Bar at the Folies-Bergere effectively speaks volumes without requiring words, or even a detailed analysis by professionals. With anything longer than a quick glance, the viewer can extract from the painting an air of boredom, separation, and perhaps even contempt. The composition of the painting pulls us … Read more

Analysis Of Titanic By David R Slavitt Essay

The poem “Titanic” by David R. Slavitt is related to one of the most significant yet terrible point in time, of the world shipbuilding. David R. Slavitt, goes into great description in order to help the reader imagine the terrifying situation. The author creates a unique impression of power and money, but shifts gears to … Read more

Relationship Between Dickinson And Higginson Essay

The Relationship Between Dickinson and Higginson Emily Dickinson’s poetry expresses her feelings of love and life which seemed so different then how her life really was. Thomas Wentworth Higginson, a literary friend, gave insight into who Emily Dickinson was as a poet from his correspondence through written communication with Miss Dickinson, and a personal meeting … Read more

Hero Of War Poem Analysis Essay

We only see what we are shown but not what the soldiers know. The theme “People in power lie to persuade civilians to do their their dirty work without them knowing the true aftermath of war”, is seen evidently throughout the four texts I have chosen. The song Hero of War by Rise Against, the … Read more

Essay about Ee Cummings I Carry Your Heart With Me Summary

As an advocate for individuality, E. E. Cummings flooded pages with his thoughts and transformed traditional poetry into his own. Varying from topics of love to death, Cummings never restricted himself with strict rules, but rather expressed his feelings through innovative poems. He often included aspects of nature into his poems to express its ever-changing … Read more

Poetry Comparison Essay

Poetry, whether written in 1877 or 1922, has a brilliant effect of diving into one’s mind and unfolding latent meanings that otherwise remain undiscovered (Browning and Cousin 242-243, 331). Coming from two opposite worlds, Gerard Hopkins and Robert Frost have both left their imprints on the universal galaxy of poetry. “Pied Beauty” written by Hopkins … Read more

Rwandan Genocide: Poem Analysis Essay

In his poem, “Rwandan Genocide,” William Cheesman states, “all the shouts every night, screams of pain, screams of fright, screams for mercy, to see morning’s light, to pardon them and to stop this fight. ” Illustrated in the poem is the general perspective of a victim facing genocide, the pain is incomprehensible, and the urgency … Read more

Gary Soto Tone Essay

many people can recreate what life was like in a Spanish speaking, neighborhood, barrio, like Gary Soto. Gary Soto was born in Fresno, California to working-class Mexican-American parents in 1952. Soto’s father died when he was 5 years old from a work accident. Soto used this tragedy to help him write later on in life. … Read more

Poem For You Poem Essay

“First Poem for You” is a poem by written by Kim Addonizio, an American poet. This poem “First Poem for You” is a closed-form poem but written as an English sonnet. The poem a person who loves the tattoos in his or her lover’s skin. At the same time the tattoos scares him or her … Read more

I Wanna Be Yours Poem Essay

‘Both these poems are love poems with a twist. ‘ Do you agree? ‘i wanna be yours’ by Cooper Clarke and ‘Stop all the Clocks’ by Auden are both unusual romantic poems. To judge whether they’re both love poems, and if so, if they have a twist, we’d have to analyse classical love poetry. Cooper … Read more

Nothing Gold Can Stay Poem Analysis Essay

Gold Turns To Grey As humans, throughout our lifetime we will be faced with a moment of life altering decisions, these decisions we make will impact how we live our life. As time passes and we grow older, closer to death, it is the question of have we preserved our gold throughout the years. Poet … Read more

A Separate Peace Poem Analysis Essay

A soldier’s suffering holds no refrain from anyone, no matter what title or identity they have. In both the worlds of soldiers in those in the poem entitled “losses” by Randall Jarrell and at Devon school in “A Separate Peace” by John Knowles, there are several relationships that they share. Both center around the lives … Read more

Dancing In The Nutcracker Ballet Essay

The Paper Fan is a piece of art that in its time has been in the presence of princesses, ninjas, and college students. Taking on several roles both in an imaginary and reality. Each experience aging the paper that stretched across bamboo frame. Opening it reveals a water color and ink print covering the face … Read more

War Poetry Analysis Essay

Text Response: War Poetry Dulce et Decorum est by Wilfred Owen and Homecoming by Bruce Dawe are about the disaster of war, yet they speak of different wars with different mindsets of the soldiers. In the following essay I discuss the history behind the poems, the poetic devices that Owen and Dawe used. Each poem … Read more

Sunset Reflection Essay

Meghan Giudice Exercise I – Observation and Mediated Technology (September 30th 3. Reflect on how the medium you used to document your subject impacts your overall message (how the form is integral to the meaning) as well as respond to the following questions in a one-page reflection paper: The medium I used to document my … Read more

Analysis Of The Poem 300 By Osip Mandelstam Essay

In Osip Mandelstam’s poem numbered “300”, and in Marina Tsvetaeva’s poem “you loved me” both speakers are struggling with a loss of love. For Tsvetaeva’s speaker, the loss stems directly from a love built in a relationship and partner and the sudden feeling of betrayal and loss. For Mandelstam’s speaker however, the loss of love … Read more

Poem About Jair Poem Analysis Essay

It all begins with a blank canvas, copious amounts of emotion and insight, and a sixth sense. These are the elements needed to get started on Jair’s philosophy of life and to better comprehend his ideology you will feel what he feels and know what he knows, I am deprecating and collecting dust like furniture … Read more

Essay on Barbie Doll Poem Analysis

Death is a very serious topic something we all must deal with. People all choose to deal with it in the different ways. Poets like to tackle this subject in their own unique ways. The two contrasting portrayals of death could not be further on further realms from the spectrum. “The Vacuum” by Howard Nemerov … Read more

Flying Eagle Creative Writing Essay

Through the hot, cloudless days in the back of North Queensland there is always something beside the sun watching you from the sky. Over the line of the hills or above the long stretches of plains, a black dot swings round and round: and its circles rise slowly or fall slowly, or simply remain at … Read more

My Mother Pieced Quilts Analysis Essay

How does your culture influence the way you look at the world and others? A person’s culture always influences the way they see the world and others. The Literary texts “My mother pieced quilts” by Teresa Paloma Acosto, the short story “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker and the letter “An Indian Fathers Plea” by Robert … Read more

Dear Straight People Denice Fohman Analysis Essay

I remember when I first experienced goosebumps raise on my arms and send a shiver through my body, simply because the words leaving the speaker’s lips left such an imprint on me. I didn’t think that a simple sentence could bring tears to my eyes, could cause me to react in any physical way. I … Read more

Discovery In Allan Bailie’s The Road Not Taken Essay

Discoveries and discovering can offer new understandings and renewed perception of ourselves and others. By broadening and deepening our perspectives on the wider world, discovery can lead us to new worlds, values and future possibilities. However the process of discovery can be conflicting with our personal beliefs. Whilst Allan Bailie’s The China Coin examines the … Read more

As Above So Below Analysis Essay

Jack Nguyen Ap Art History 20th, August 2015 AP Art History: As Above, So Below by Rudy Rucker In the extraordinary and fictional novel, As Above, So Below, Rudy Rucker exquisitely used the very little-known historical facts and paintings left behind by the renown painter, Peter Bruegel, to create a lasting depiction of this Flemish … Read more

Woodchucks Poem Analysis Essay

In Maxine Kumin’s poem “Woodchucks”, the reader is led into a short tale of a woman whom is dealing with a family of woodchucks that are eating away at her garden. While this poem appears to be a simple tale following this woman’s methods to exterminating the pests, it rather is a poem that uses … Read more

Episode of hands

The first thing that comes to mind upon reading this poem is a sense of calmness and relaxation. Described well is an attempt at reminiscing at one’s past, and how it may have affected life at present. It is a poem of truth, and the joy that comes with the realization of one’s self, the … Read more

A Prose Analysis on “Sonnet XIX”

John Milton, a poet who was completely blind in 1651 wrote “Sonnet XIX” in 1652; this sonnet is his response to his loss of sight. The theme of the sonnet is the loss and regain of primacy of experience. Milton offers his philosophical view on animism and God. Furthermore, “Sonnet XIX” explores Milton’s faith and … Read more

The Poetry of E. E. Cummings

E. E. Cummings, who was born in 1894 and died in 1962, wrote many poems with unconventional punctuation and capitalization, and unusual line, word, and even letter placements – namely, ideograms. Cummings’ most difficult form of prose is probably the ideogram; it is extremely terse and it combines both visual and auditory elements. There may … Read more

Gods Grandeur

As a Jesuit priest who had converted to Catholicism in the summer of 1866, Gerard Manley Hopkinss mind was no doubt saturated with the Bible (Bergonzi 34). Although in “Gods Grandeur” Hopkins does not use any specific quotations from the Bible, he does employ images that evoke a variety of biblical verses and scenes, all … Read more

Poetry Explication

The second sonnet in Mark Jarman’s group of sonnets entitled The Word “Answer” can be interpreted two different ways. Is there a “right” way from which to view this poem, or is the poet simply exercising his God given right to ambiguity? Sonnet 2, as I will refer to it, revolves around someone sitting in … Read more

Comparative Analysis Poetry

All three of these poems explore a mans love for a woman and the complexities and changes that relationships may bring, be they for the good or the bad of the lovers involved. Marvell portrays the passionate pleading of an unacknowledged lover in his bid to win a womans heart; Keats dramatises the effects of … Read more

The Oven Bird – Compared to 4 Other Poems

I think Robert Frost is a understandable, but yet an unconventional poet. Frost wrote in his own style, and as a result, he took quite a bit of heat from the critics of his period. Frost has an elegant style of writing descriptive and understandable poems. I am going to tell you about the five … Read more

Sonnet 130

In our class we have been discussing sonnet cxxx. Many of my classmates believe that Shakespeare was saying that, although this girl is ugly, he still loves her. While others claim that he was not making any statements about her looks, but instead being realistic. It is my view that he was making a point … Read more

Emily Dickinson

Emily Dickinson is an important poet principally because of the distinctiveness of her writing. Though only 7 out of her 1,200 poems were published critics still classify her as one of the principle poets of her time. In Dickinson’s life the most important things to her were love, religion, individuality and nature. While writting about … Read more

“Ode to A Nightingale” by John Keats

The Poem “Ode to A Nightingale” by John Keats is a unique poem, written sometime during the 1815- 1820’s while he was visiting at a friend’s house. This Romantic Age poem is well known for the way it is written. The main writing style Keats uses is imagery. This style is an excellent example of … Read more

Analysis of Sonnet 118

Like as, to make our appetites more keen, With eager compounds we our palate urge; As to prevent our maladies unseen We sicken to shun sickness when we purge: Even so, being full of your ne’er cloying sweetness, To bitter sauces did I frame my feeding; And, sick of welfare, found a kind of meetness … Read more

The poem The Nymphs Reply to the Shepherd

The poem The Nymphs Reply to the Shepherd, is a look into the mind of a realistic (or some may even say pessimistic) person. It was written as a response to the more idealistic poem, The Passionate Shepherd to His Love, by Christopher Marlowe. The Passionate Shepherd is the story of a man trying to … Read more

Is It Better To Have Loved And Lost

In La Belle Dame sans Merci: A Ballad, John Keats, the author, relates feelings of heartache to the reader by using metaphors of somberness and sorrow. The poem is set around a knights story of how his heart had been broken when he was left by a woman whom he had recently fell in love … Read more

The Bistro Styx

Rita Dove has written many different kinds of poetry. She also wrote books, short stories plays and all types of literature. This essay will focus on specifics of her writing by analyzing three pieces of poetry that Rita Dove has written. The works we will be looking at are In the Old Neighborhood, My Mother … Read more

Robert Frost Compare/Contrast

Robert Frost takes our imagination to a journey through wintertime with his two poems Desert Places and Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening. Frost comes from a New England background and these two poems reflect the beautiful scenery that is present in our part of the country. Even though these poems both have winter … Read more

A Prose Analysis on Milton’s “Sonnet XIX”

John Milton, a poet who was completely blind in 1651 wrote “Sonnet XIX” in 1652; this sonnet is his response to his loss of sight. The theme of the sonnet is the loss and regain of primacy of experience. Milton offers his philosophical view on animism and God. Furthermore, “Sonnet XIX” explores Milton’s faith and … Read more

The Mysteries of the Sonnets

William Shakespeares sonnets may have been the best poetry ever written. The sonnets are beautifully written with many different feelings expressed in them. Although they may have been the most autobiographically written poems of all time, they still present a number of questions. Many Elizabethan historians and Shakespeare enthusiasts often wonder who Shakespeare was writing … Read more

Allen Ginsbergs Poetry

Allen Ginsberg started his infamous life as a revolutionary and poet of the beat generation when he began attending Colombia University. While at Colombia Ginsberg met friend and mentor Jack Kerouac whom he would later join to form the School of Disembodied Poets. During his education at Colombia University Ginsberg started his highly political and … Read more

18th Century Poem Analysis

The differences between eighteenth-century literature and romantic poems, with respect to history is constituted here. This is seen through the influential works of John Keats and Alexander Pope. These works are acknowledged as, “The Rape of Lock” and “The Eve of St. Agnes. ” Alexander Pope takes his readers on a hatred filled epic. A … Read more

Could I be an artist

I always thought I had some flare for the arts. I’ve always been considered a creative person. I decided to put my creativity to a different use, however. I opted for a career in helping others get the most out of their careers. Tonight will be my testimony to helping the real artists get recognized. … Read more

Sonnet 29 by William Shakespeare

Despite popular belief, William Shakespeare was considered a great poet before a great playwright. He accomplished writing at least 154 sonnets and other poems of love. In this paper, I will analyze one of his greatest sonnets. One of the most famous of his sonnets is number XXIX. This sonnet is one long sentence, but … Read more

Celebration Of The Lizard

“Celebration of the lizard” by James Douglas Morrison is a helpless labyrinth of insanity. The poem is a murder that results in insanity. The speaker is the murderously insane madman. In this outrageous maze, the poet is running from his chaotic problems. In the first three stanzas, it starts out as a bad dream that … Read more

Robert Herrick and Robert Frost

Centuries apart Robert Herrick and Robert Frost wrote poems illustrating the brevity of life. “To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time” by Herrick and “Nothing Gold Can Stay” by Frost are the two poems which address the limited time humanity, especially the time of youth, has to spend in this life. Both authors use … Read more

Coleridge and the Explosion of Voice

Coleridge is so often described in terms which are akin to the word, “explosive,” and by all accounts he was at times an unusually dynamic,charismatic and unpredictable person. His writings themselves could also betermed “explosive” merely from their physical form; a fragmented mass, some pieces finished but most not, much of his writing subject to … Read more

Edgar Allan Poe, The Raven

Once upon a midnite dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary. Edgar Allen Poe, The Raven, This poem is mainly about his wife dying and her being sick and his depression and anger. Nameless here forevermore, Only this and nothing more, Darkness there and nothing more, Tis the wind and nothing more. While I nodded … Read more