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My Mother Pieced Quilts Analysis Essay

How does your culture influence the way you look at the world and others? A person’s culture always influences the way they see the world and others. The Literary texts “My mother pieced quilts” by Teresa Paloma Acosto, the short story “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker and the letter “An Indian Fathers Plea” by Robert Lee. Each of these Literary Works show how a person’s culture is always effects the way a person looks at the world or other people. The poem “My Mother Pieced Quilts” by Teresa Paloma Acosto was a literary work that showed that peoples culture always effects the way a person looks at the world and others.

The quote “Sewn hard and taut to withstand the thrashings of twenty-five years stretched out they lay armed ready shouting celebrating knotted with love they sing on. ” This quote means that the quilts were made for the author and her family by her mother. The quilts were made by the authors mother and they made the author feel safe like anything was possible. This quote is connected to the poem because it shows how when she was growing up she counted on theses quilts and used them against the thrashing of the worlds words action and anything else that it could throw at her.

Another quote that can be used is “They were meant as covers in the winter as weapons. ” In the winters these quilts physically covered and protected them when they used them against the cold but, these quilts also figuratively protected the author and her siblings from the thing that world brings. The poem “My Mother Pieced Quilts” supports my claim because the quilts that were made by the Authors mother for the author and her siblings were made so that they were literally and figuratively protected from the world no matter how they saw the world they knew hat the quilts would be able to protect them. The quilts were a safe haven for the Author and her siblings. The authors tone was appreciative in this poem, because she never speaks negatively about the quilts she speaks positively of the quilts and how they helped her and got her through the first twentyfive years of her life. Without the quilts she would have nothing to keep her warm for the cold temperatures of the world and protect her physically from the world. ““Everyday Use” a short story by Alice Walker supports the claim that a person’s culture influences the way one see the world and others.

Dee directed this towards her mom and her sister “You ought to try to make something of yourself, too, Maggie. It’s really a new day for us. But from the way you and Momma still live you’d never know it. ” Dee’s culture is different from her Mom’s and Maggie’s. Dee is living the more modern lifestyle and Her family still living that farm style lifestyle. Dee’s culture has caused her to be more independent to put herself on a higher footstool than others. Dee let her culture influence the way she looked at the world and others in it.

Dee let her culture get in the way of her relationship with her family she looked at her family as if she were beyond them like she was better them. She treated them as if they were nothing more than a distant memory. The first quote shows how Dee states that she and her family are separate and how she believes that they live in two different worlds with two different cultures. Another quote “She can always make some more,” I said “Maggie knows how to quilt. ” This quote was directed towards Dee from the Mom.

The mom speaks of these quilts as they are no big idea because she feels as if she doesn’t need these quilts physically with her to stay connected with her culture with same way that Dee was struggle so hard to find. This Literary text had many different tones but one that stood out the most was Selfish. Selfish because Dee was all about herself and what she could get out of her visit to see her family. An Indians Fathers Plea is one of the Literary Text that shows how a person’s culture truly influences how a person looks at the world and others.

This Literary Text shows how at a young age your culture can influence the way you look at the world and others. “He asks why the other kids in school are not taught about the power, beauty and essence of nature or provided with an opportunity to experience. ” Wind-Wolf’s culture has always taught him to look for the good in things nature people. When Wind-Wolf goes to this school with people he is not familiar who have different ways of seeing thing then him he does not understand why. He was taught to accept people love the world and everyone.

He is not culturally “disadvantaged,” but he is culturally “different. ” Another quote taken from WolfWinds father about his son. Wind-wolf and his family is all about culture everything they do can some way be related back to culture. Wind-Wolf is expected to look at people a certain way in his culture so he is not able to understand why everyone else does not see the world the way he does. This Literary Text shows how a young Indian Boys Culture is Influences the way he looks at his classmates and the way he talks to them.

The tone of this letter is respectful. The tone is respectful because the father is approaching the teacher in a respectful showing him that he respects what the teacher has to say but there is another side to Wind-Wolf then he sees. Something that always influences the way a person see the world and other people is Culture. The Literary texts “My mother pieced quilts” by Teresa Paloma Acosto, the short story “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker and the letter “An Indian Fathers Plea” by Robert Lee. Each one of these Literary texts prove that one way or another.

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