An Essay About Pet Peeves

Tam a collector of things I hate. In kindergarten, I knew I would grow up to be a scientist. I was so sure of it that I drew a crude picture of myself standing over a lab table surrounded by beakers filled with mysterious, colorful liquids in my journal. By fifth grade I dreamt of … Read more

Smart Goal Definition Essay

Goals are a fundamental part of success in collage and beyond. Some of the most effective goals are SMART goals. This mnemonic device stands for Specific, Meaningful (Measureable), Actionable, Realistic, and Timed. I have noted the importance of these types of goals and have decided to apply it to a goal of my own. My … Read more

Sustainability Of Rugby Essay

Rugby is regarded around the world as a high intensity, physical, and challenging sport. In the United States, it is regarded as a barbaric, un-regulated, and foolish sport. This misconception comes from the widely inaccurate notion that concussion among other injuries is inevitable in the sport. Rugby is beginning to take hold in high schools … Read more

Essay on Personal Narrative-Trape, Scrape

“Scrape, Scrape, Scrape” high pitched screeching sounds fill the tiny cabin. I turn to the other three girls who wore an identical petrified look in their eyes. “Scrape, Scrape, Scrape” penetrates our eardrums, once again adding to the growing panic. I attempt to evaluate the situation as best as my 4th-grade self can. We are … Read more

Essay on 24 Karat Club Case Study

Thank you, Niveet, for that lovely introduction. It’s a pleasure to be with all of you tonight at the 24 Karat Club of Southern California. This organization shares many of the values and visions of the American Gem Society, such as a commitment to excellence and business ethics. Al Woodhill, who was our executive director … Read more

Examples Of Deviance In Sports Essay

Jay Coakley dedicated a whole chapter on deviance in sports and how it differentiates than being a part of society. According to Coakley, deviance in sports affects mostly male college athletes lately because of the talking back they do towards their coaches, breaking violations and rules in the game, drawing fouls on the field and … Read more

Virtual Teen Reflection Essay

My Virtual Teen Reflection Assignment Questions 15 years (17 points) 1. Mia is very active for her age, and seems to enjoy this fact. Mia goes on nature hikes for fun and is not reluctant to doing so. Mia has also showed great skill in all of the sports that she has been involved with. … Read more

Essay on School Board Meeting Reflection

Across each district monthly school board meetings are held to discuss different issues within the community and schools. The school board members discuss items such as budget, employee contracts, academic services, school choice, teacher and student conduct, etc. Locally elected school board members are responsible for discussing and voting towards the decisions that impact educators, … Read more

Materialism In Rebekah Nathan’s Taking My Parents To College Essay

Technology like any other resource has its limitations. Individuals, such as college students are one of the main reasons for materialism. A problem with society that has lingered for years is the distinction people cannot make between a need and a want. Now, in the twenty first century, many items are considered a need but … Read more

Personal Narrative: Growing Up In High School Essay

The last time I remember something as huge as starting in high school was having to move to Oregon from Alaska, but for better or for worse, here I am, attempting to make my mark on this big blue Earth. However, Highschool was never always just peaches, cream, rainbows and unicorns. If I’m to be … Read more

Race In Education Sociology Essay

To many, race is political. It’s something to re-blog or debate in Facebook comments. The sad truth, though, is that race is still an enormous issue in our society. Race is a part of our identity, and whether or not we are aware, it affects each and every one of us. Racial issues are particularly … Read more

Essay about Colors Of The Mountain Summary

The book Colors of the Mountain by Da Chen is about the his experience in China during and after the Cultural Revolution. Chen walks us through what it was like to be a child during the Cultural Revolution and how it felt to be under the rule of Chairman Mao. His accounts are each shocking … Read more

Essay On Book Banning

Books have a numerous amount of ways to get banned. Book banning can cause the books not to be presented in certain places. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, was banned and challenged due to inappropriate language, rape, sexually explicit, racism, and not appropriate for certain age groups. Banning the books means to remove the … Read more

Tam Thanh Swot Analysis Essay

I was born in 1972 and named Dang, Tam Thanh. My biological mother is Vietnamese and my biological father is AfricanAmerican, who served during the Vietnam War. I do not know who my biological parents are, or if, they survived the Vietnam War. Nevertheless, I am grateful I was adopted in 1973. My mother is … Read more

Essay On Racial Cliques

As unusual as it can be processed, apparently students make friends from being in class amongst each other. Michigan State University researchers stated, “Students who take the same set of courses tend to get to know each other very well and focus less on social status, such as how “cool” someone is. ” Also, “They’re … Read more

John Gill Case Study Student Essay

John Gill In Mr. Freedman’s first honors math class, he noticed a student, John Gill, who looked similar to the students he had grown up with in New York, sitting alone in the middle row. Mr. Freedman decided to talk to him and they had a great relationship. It was only two months in to … Read more

Stereotypes Of Work Essay

The Meaning of Work: Have Stereotypes and Media Ruined Our Chance at Enjoying Work? As people living on this earth, we are all influenced by work. Whether we are in a poor country or a rich country, whether we are living on the streets or living in a mansion we are all influenced by work … Read more

Argumentative Essay On Safe Space

The Safe Space Network defines a safe space as, “A place where the rules guard each person’s self-respect and dignity and strongly encourage everyone to respect others. ” Many college campuses across the country has these “safe spaces”. In Brown University, their safe space includes cookies, coloring books, bubbles, a video of puppies, and other … Read more

Transition Planning Case Study Essay

2. At what age is transition planning required under the IDEIA? (5 points) According to IDEIA, transition planning is required at the “beginning not later than the first IEP to be in effect when the child turns 16, or younger if determined appropriate by the IEP Team, and updated annually thereafter” (IDEA 2004). One can … Read more

Ordinary People Reflection Essay

“It would be comforting to have something to look up to. Instead, the walls are bare. They have been freshly painted pale blue. An anxious color. Anxiety is blue; failure, grey. He knows those shades. ” This short phrase describes the anxiety level Conrad Jarrett has towards his self being. Throughout the novel there are … Read more

Descriptive Essay: Mike The Tiger

On a relatively cool Tuesday afternoon, as I took the short walk from Allen to North Stadium drive, the hustle of students attempting to gain access to the buses gave the insight that today’s classes were coming to a close. Those selective few whom decided to make that tortuous walk to the commuter parking lot … Read more

Bystander Intervention Essay

In this assignment, I will critically evaluate 8 research articles relevant to my topic of “Do gender, culture, and age groups influence the way society acts as a described by the bystander effect”? Bystander Intervention in a Crime: The Effect of a Mass-media Campaign Leonard Bickman, 1975 Two studies were performed in order to investigate … Read more

Black Lives Matters Reflection Essay

Prompt 1 Last summer I went on a mission trip with the church and found myself in West Virginia. We stayed in McDowell County at an old school building, and this is the county we did most of our work in. McDowell County is the poorest county in West Virginia and one of the poorest … Read more

Essay on College Career Goals

Describe your college and career goals. Explain how LBCPA will help you to attain them. As a child who has the most opportunity in my immigrant family, I wish to pursue the American Dream and my first step is to get an excellent college education. My goals for college is to attend either Harvard University, … Read more

Lean on Me

East Side High School was labeled a “cauldron of violence. ” After they were designated this harsh term, Joe Clark becomes the head principal and changes it all around or does he? Lean on Me is a story of hope, development, love, hate, and dependence. As a father figure and friend, Clarks strict disciplining and … Read more

Life in a high school

Cliques are small groups of between two and twelve individuals. Cliques are small enough that the members feel that they know each other better than do people outside the clique. Members of a clique share common activities and friendships. They are social settings in which adolescents hang out, talk to each other, and form closer … Read more

Breathalyzers in school

Recently at Longmeadow High School it became mandatory to pass an alcohol-screening test before entering a school dance. This breathalyzer will detect alcohol on ones breath. No student that has been drinking will be admitted to the event. Longmeadow High School has recently purchased breathalyzers which teacher chaperones administer to all students entering a school … Read more

School Lunches

A visit to a school lunchroom at noon would quickly dispel any preconceived view of how lunch goes down in children. Most youngsters will dive for the cookies first eat a bite or two out of the sandwich and the apple, throw away the rest, and turn to the serious business of snack foods. There … Read more