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The History Teacher Billy Collins

The War of the Roses took place in a garden and the Enola Gay dropped one tiny atom on Japan The children would leave his classroom for the playground to torment the weak and the smart mussing up their hair and breaking their glasses, while he gathered up his notes and walked home past flower beds and white picket fences, wondering if they would believe that soldiers in the Boer War told long, rambling stories designed to make the enemy nod off. The History Teacher Questions . The title is The History Teacher. What do you think its about? 2. What does the poet want us to change? 3.

What don’t understand? A. Vocabulary b. Allusions c. Structure d. Anything else? 4. What images are in the poem? 5. What examples of diction choices do you see? What words could have been used instead? 6. What “unlocking” questions can you ask yourself about the text? (Unlocking questions are prompted by the text and can be answered by the et Ext. When answered, they will help you understand the poem. ) (e. G. , Why does Collins point out that the teacher walks past ‘White picket fence sees”? Or “Why is the teacher trying to protect his student’s innocence? ‘) 7. Where’s the poem’s shift?

Describe the shift. Prove this Claim Claim: The author believes that education must make us aware Of humanity capability for evil and destruction. To prove this statement, find three (3) specific examples (I. E. , actual quotation s) from the poem AND explain how each example supports the claim above. You may write your response in the form below. 1 . Specific example one. Explanation of HOW this example supports the claim above. 2. Specific example two. Explanation of HOW this example supports the claim 3. Specific example three. Explanation of HOW this example supports the claim m above.

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