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History of Modern China

Wherever an evil exists it should be ate once removed, and that the laws should never be suffered to fall into desuetude. ” (2) Does he think that it’s possible to enforce the law? What stands in the way of its enforcement? (Page 98) “The laws, then, relating thereto are not wanting in severity; but there are those in office who, for want of energy, fail to carry them into execution. ” Because the office who want of power, fortune and positions did not ban the opium which let the law seems to be weaker and weaker and so did the people, they did not take the law rigorously either. 3) According to GHz, would legalization bring economic benefit to China? (Page 98-99) “Besides, if it is in our power to prevent the extortion of dollars, why not also to prevent the importation of opium? And if we can but prevent the importation of opium, the exportation of dollars will them cease of itself, and the two offenses will both at once be stopped. ” (4) How should the King manage its foreign relations? Page 98-99; 100) Banned the importation of opium; Controlled the exportation of tea and silk, the exchange of foreign dollars; Reduced the land that used to be planted poppy. (5) Is foreign currency beneficial to China? (Page 99) No, the foreign currency is not beneficial to China. “As to the proposition to give tea in exchange, and entirely to prohibit the exportation of even foreign silver I apprehend that, if the tea should not be found sufficient, money will still be given in exchange for the drug.

And if we can but prevent the importation of opium, the exportation of dollars will them cease of itself, and the two offenses will both at once be stopped. ” 6) In what ways does opium threaten the King empire? (Pages 101-102) It destroys the human constitution; When the periodical times of desire for it come around, the military will become alike unfit to advance to the fight, or in a retreat to defend their posts; The minds of men are in imminent danger; It threatens the implement of the law; (7) According to GHz, what further steps should the Duggan emperor take? Page 102) Duggan emperor should “proclaimed to the governors and Aleut-governors of all the province, requiring them to direct the local officers to redouble their efforts for he enforcement of the existing prohibitions against opium; and to impress on everyone, in the plainest and strictest manner, that all who are already contaminated by the vile habit must return and become new men, that if any continue to walk in their former courses, strangers to repentance and to reformation, they shall assuredly be subjected to the full penalty of the law and shall not meet with the least indulgence and that any found guilty of storing up or selling opium to the amount of 1000 catties or upwards, the most severe punishment shall be inflicted. ”

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