North Korea Human Rights Violations

North Korea is one of the most mysterious countries in the world due to its relative reclusiveness from world affairs, but behind this veneer lies a history of horrifying and disgusting abuse of human rights. The country, formed in 1948 in the wake of the Korean War, is ruled by the communist Kim regime, which … Read more

North Korea Authoritarianism

North Korea in Japanese is written as “朝鮮民主主義人民共和国”. Japanese people generally use this name when they refer to North Korea, but this name is really controversial because of the meaning of the Chinese characteristics “民主主義 (min-shu-shu-gi)”. “民主主義” means democracy in Japanese. To begin with, what principle does North Korea try to achieve? Generally, people seem … Read more

North Korea Hermit Kingdom

The country of North Korea, which lies in the most eastern portion of Asia, is a country that has prided them with isolating itself from the rest of the world, therefore also known as the Hermit Kingdom. Due to the fact of being a country, which metaphorically walls itself from the rest of the world, … Read more

North Korean Human Rights Violations

North Korea has historically been known as a country that violates many human rights of North Korean citizens, motivating them to seek refuge in another country such as China. However, China is actively contravening its international obligations toward North Korean refugees by infringing upon international human rights laws such as violating the commitment to adhere … Read more

Virtual Attack Case Summary

A good case example to showcase US actions in virtual warfare took place in 2014 with the alleged hacks by North Korea on the US companies Sony Pictures. Although not committed on the US government directly, the 2014 Sony Hack represents an indirect virtual attack on US interests. This episode of virtual conflict is one … Read more

Korean War

Despite the total victory and unconditional surrender in the recent World War II, the Korean War was not along the same lines whatsoever. The Korean War began when the North and South were divided at the 38th parallel; suddenly, the Communist North invaded the south and most of it was consumed except for a final … Read more