Do Muslim Women Need Saving Analysis

While women’s oppression exists in virtually every society around the world, issues pertaining to women vary by culture, race, religion, economic status, and geographic location as well as many other variables and attributes that makes us individual, but separate us and our experiences. Global feminism is often separated into two groups, the global North which … Read more

Religion In Somalia Essay

Somalia has been known for a country that is not developed and is unsafe to live in. However, what holds people together in the country is religion. I will discuss how paramount religion is to the individuals in the country and the values they hold as a society. Along with what ethnic groups are in … Read more

Religion: The Five Senses Of Religion

“Without the senses there would be no religion, for religion is founded on a relation between embodied beings and the world around them. ” (IRS, 69) The senses help us construct and allow us to partake in the world’s religions. The faiths of the world are deeply fixed in the customs of culture and connect … Read more

Worldview Of Islam Research Paper

In our ”Global Class”, we discussed about different topics consisted of learning how to live in a complex world as global citizens. After writing my first reflection on worldview of Afghanistan, I decided to do my final assignment on worldview of Muslims. The topic discusses about the different prospective that other people and Muslims may … Read more

Iran Gender Roles

Religion is known to have varying effects on different cultures throughout the world. Cultures cause changes in the way religion is practiced and viewed throughout different countries. Culture specifically causes inconsistences in monotheistic religions, and when they are compared between western countries and eastern countries. The manifestation of Islam in different countries changes socially and … Read more

Creative Writing: The Cold War

Arriving home, his meeting with Abda Afridi had triggered a fresh wave of inner conflict. His, sweats and nightmares returned with a fury unleashed. No matter how hard he tried to escape to his secret place, all he found was an uncontrollable shivering. His hair-raising escape from the Syrian farmhouse, played back like a horror … Read more

What Role Did Qutb Play In Shaping This Movement?

Sayyid Qutb is often cited, by both his admirers and his detractors, as the father of contemporary Islamist thought. In order to assess this claim, there are two questions which must be addressed: firstly, what is meant by the term “Islamist” in this context; secondly, what role did Qutb play in shaping this movement? “Islamism” … Read more

On Liberty By John Mill Essay

John Mill is a British philosopher, has been called the most influential English-speaking philosopher of the 19th century (John Mill Biography). John Mill published his on liberty book in 1859, In “On Liberty” book by John Mill he discussed and he debated the concept of personal liberty, and the limitation of the discussion (On Liberty … Read more

Seljuk Empire Essay

II. The decline of the Ghaznavids and rise of the Seljuk empire, 1040-1200 it was a new dynasty that was no longer run by a caliphate or family member of a religious background it was run by the sultan. The relationship of the sultan and the caliph relationship started when the Turks entered Islam. The … Read more

Dbq Essay Islam And Christianity

Trade as well as religion has always been a part of world history. However when you put the two side by side, it is often questioned whether trade is encouraged or advocated in a specific religion or not. Within the time period of 600 CE to about 1500,Islam and Christianity were able to be the … Read more

Pros And Cons Of Sharia Law Essay

In terms of the legal ban of Sharia law. I think I’m leaning towards supporting the ban because the bill mentions that it should only be excluded from the legal courtroom setting as should not be used in forming legislative decisions. The bill does not infringe on being practicing from in the private sector and … Read more

Pillars Of Islam Essay

Shahada, Salat, Zakaat, Sawm, Hajj The word “Islam” translates to “submission” or “surrender” to the Will of God. It derives from the word “salam”, which means peace. The Pillars of Islam are five basic acts, considered obligatory for all practicing Muslims. The Qur’an presents them as a framework for worship and a sign of commitment … Read more

Wealth In Juan Jose Arreola’s If Not Higher Essay

Through the long, and complicated course of history, religion and the different aspects on it have been key to the way the world is today. Several people have different opinions on different cultures and populations, and how these conflicts affected, them; these people also include their own personal opinion. A couple of them, are authors, … Read more

Why Did The Ottoman Empire Fail Essay

The Ottoman Empire joined World War I in search to save themselves and avoid risk of destruction, but the exact opposite happened to them causing their ultimate downfall. The Ottoman Empire began in the year 1299. The empire stood for about 600 years and was established by Turkish tribes in Anatolia, Turkey. The name “Ottoman” … Read more

Islam The Straight Path

An evaluation of the book by John L. Esposito: Islam The Straight Path. In this book , Esposito provides a succinct, up-to-date survey of the Islamic experience, an introduction to the faith, belief, and practice of Islam from its origins to its contemporary resurgence. He traces the emergence and development of this dynamic faith and … Read more

Islamic terrorism

When the Soviet Union collapsed and the cold war came to an end, the world felt as if it were on the edge of unlimited peace and prosperity. Unfortunately, new issues came to light, such as terrorism. Terrorism is defined by Title 22 of the United States code, section 2656(d) as “the pre-meditated, politically motivated … Read more

Islamic Religion

The word “Islam” is an Arabic word which means “submission to the will of God”. This word comes from the same root as the Arabic word “salam”, which means “peace”. As such, the religion of Islam teaches that in order to achieve true peace of mind and surety of heart, one must submit to God … Read more

What is Islam?

It may seem similar and it may not, but what we do know, is that they both believe that they are Muslims. The Islamic beliefs of the black American male and the males of the Middle East are the same. My argument lies in the question of whether or not Africans can call themselves true … Read more

An evaluation of the book by John L. Esposito: Islam The Straight Path

In this book , Esposito provides a succinct, up-to-date survey of the Islamic experience, an introduction to the faith, belief, and practice of Islam from its origins to its contemporary resurgence. He traces the emergence and development of this dynamic faith and its impact on world history and politics. He discusses the formation of Islamic … Read more

Medieval Islam

Islam is a religion that is complete. It has a rich culture and without any interference or flexibility in its basis it has turned out to be a complex, and dynamic steady in the world. Yet, the least is known about it in the West. It rose dramatically to popularity in the seventh century A. … Read more

History of Islam

Islam Out of the many interesting religions, Islam has uniqueness to it. The name, Islam stems from the word “Salam” that means peace. The word “Muslim” which means a follower of Islam refers to a person who submits him or herself to the will of God. Muhammad founded Islam in the year 622CE. This particular … Read more

Study Guide: The World History of Islam

Important because Caliph: The successor of the prophet Muhammad; important because caused he religion to split into two factions based on who they believed should become the next Ca liph (Sunni and Shi’ite). Sunni: A faction of Islam that believed the next Caliph should be the most qualified Muslim to take the position; larger of … Read more

Brief History of Jamia Millia Islamia

Jamia Millia Islamia, an institution originally established at Aligarh in United Provinces, India in 1920 became a Central University by an act of the Indian Parliament in 1988. In Urdu language, Jamia means ‘University’, and Millia means ‘National’. The story of its growth from a small institution in the pre-independence India to a central university … Read more