Gun Control in the United States

In the wake of all the school shootings in the past two years gun control has become a more serious issue than before. Gun control has always been a concern in the United States, but not until the first major school shootings at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado did this topic become a reality … Read more

Gun Control in United States

The United States of America is the most heavily armed population in the world. There are 200 Million guns and 60 to 65 Million legal owners who have one or more guns. In the United States, more than half of the households have guns. In 1974, nearly two million guns were produced in the United … Read more

Gun control laws

The United States of America is the most heavily armed population in the world. There are 200 Million guns and 60 to 65 Million legal owners who have one or more guns. In the United States, more than half of the households have guns. In 1974, nearly two million guns were produced in the United … Read more

Gun Control Essay

That giving someone the wrong look or cutting someone off on our dangerous roadways would take you to your grave. The problem that would cause this worry is guns. The focus of this paper is to inform you about gun control, how much it is needed and that it guns need to be much more … Read more

Gun Control in America

One of the biggest issues facing our nation today seems to be gun control. The government is constantly proposing legislation for more and more gun laws. There are people that feel strongly on both sides of this issue. Neither side wants more gun violence; the question is how to control gun violence. The Second Amendment … Read more

Gun Control Laws

Gun Control you recently picked up a newspaper or turned on to see the news you may have question what is happening in our schools and begin to think whether our schools are still safe places for children. Recent school shootings have set feared in many parents about their children’s safety in our schools. Since … Read more

Argumentative Againts Gun Control

Hundreds of law-abiding citizens were able to take up arms against lawless mobs to defend themselves, their family, their homes, and their businesses. They did the job police simply could not do. Lives were saved. Robberies were prevented. Homes and businesses were defended and left intact all thanks to our constitutional in the Second Amendment, … Read more

Gun Control, Why or Why Not?

I say all guns are good guns.  There are no bad guns.  I say the whole nation should be an armed nation.  Period.@ This rather bold statement was made by Joseph Foss.  Former Governor Joseph Foss, a former fighter pilot for the US Air Force, is the current President of the NRA, or National Rifle Association … Read more

Gun Control: Overview

Gun Control: Overview The issue of gun control has been debated for a long time, probably ever since they were invented. The gun is a small, rather easy to obtain, weapon that is lethal if used in the right (or wrong) way. This makes the gun an extremely dangerous factor in our lives. If used … Read more

Gun Control Essay Examples

Gun Control A problem that has developed recently in our society is the debate over gun control. Many questions arise concerning who should be able to own guns, and how those particular guns are obtained. One major debate is over our Constitutional right to own guns. I want to know when the government should draw … Read more

Gun Control misc8

Since the days of the pioneers of the United States, firearms have been part of the American tradition as protection and a means of hunting or sport.  As we near the end of the 20th century the use of guns has changed significantly.  Because of fast and steady increase in crime and the fight for … Read more