Naloxone Addiction

With all this going on physically, the mind itself is also taking a harsh beating. Heroin easily ruins relationships with significant others, family members, friends, and even between the user and themselves. Many users will either choose to live very secluded lives; whereas others are forced to do so when the people around them decide … Read more

Macular Degeneration

Blotchy shadows cloud the vision of over ten million Americans in the form of an incurable disease. This disease, known as Macular Degeneration, is the leading cause of vision loss. The topic of Macular Degeneration stood out to me because my grandfather is one of the people suffering from this condition. In order to understand … Read more

Prescription Drug Abuse: A Case Study

In a 1999 report, nurses were surveyed anonymously about drug abuse and 20% admitted to misusing at least one prescription drug. In another 1999 report, nurses were surveyed anonymously about drug abuse, and 20% admitted to misusing at least one prescription drug. Easy access was highly correlated with drug misuse. Nurses reported to use: opioids … Read more

The Jellinek Curve

“I have absolutely no pleasure in the stimulants in which I sometimes so madly indulge. It has not been in the pursuit of pleasure that I have periled life and reputation and reason. It has been the desperate attempt to escape from torturing memories, from a sense of insupportable loneliness and a dread of some … Read more

Caffeine Essay

The way we observe and interact with our world happens through our nervous systems. It is how we learn about our surroundings and how we function within those surroundings. But what would happen if something was affecting our nervous systems in ways that could both help us and harm us? Truth be told, there is. … Read more

Research Paper On Addiction

Has America become a nation full of addicts? In today’s current generation everyone’s addicted, from the abuse of prescription medication to the use of social media. The human brain is susceptible to addiction very easily. Addiction is what drives people to make decisions, it alters a person’s behavior based on a developed dependence to a … Read more

Substance Abuse: Heroin

Substance abuse means abusing the power of various drugs, alcohol or chemicals to the point at which the user can’t stop. This can usually result in physical, mental and/or emotional harm to the users and others. Teenagers are more in the risk of the substance abuse as they don’t acknowledge the consequences of their actions; … Read more

Cause Of Addiction Essay

“I have absolutely no pleasure in the stimulants in which I sometimes so madly indulge. It has not been in the pursuit of pleasure that I have periled life and reputation and reason. It has been the desperate attempt to escape from torturing memories, from a sense of insupportable loneliness and a dread of some … Read more

The Drug Overdose Problem Essay

A big problem some people face each day is drug overdose. Many people have been addicted to drugs and in some cases it has lead to death. Drug overdose can cause a lot of effects of someone’s mind and body. Many lives are lost because of overdosing on drugs such as smoking, painkillers, and even … Read more

Essay On Prescription Drug Abuse

Prescription drug abuse is a modern-day disease. In an estimate, over six million Americans have abused prescription medication. However, there is no completely accurate way to measure prescription drug abuse. Many people suffer from addiction because of certain doctors’ carelessness in writing prescriptions. When doctors’ are caught intentionally over prescribing abused medications, they are typically … Read more

The Short History of Sex Addiction

The article Inventing Sex: The Short History of Sex Addiction looks at sexual addiction from the perspectives of today to the perspectives of the past. Many things have changed such as the growing acceptance of “sexual addiction” and the now ever growing ways of coping and handling sexual addiction. This article Illustrates the evelopmental process … Read more