Dare Essay Examples

I learned that drugs and alcohol are not good for you while participating in D.A.R.E. I also learnt that smoking or consuming any other drug can harm your physical health in various ways. Marijuana causes breathing difficulties, short-term memory loss, slowed coordination and reflexes, as well as impairing distance, speed, and reaction time abilities. It … Read more

Camel Cigarettes Essay

“There are approximately 600 ingredients in cigarettes. When burned there are more than 7,000 chemicals. At least 69 of these chemicals are known to cause cancer, and many are poisonous”(American Lung Association). Tobacco was introduced in Europe in the late 1500s/ early 1600s, but did not become popular in America until after the Civil War. … Read more

Essay on Smoking Cigarettes: A Theoretical Analysis

Suppose you are watching television, a commercial comes on and portrays a man with a whole in his throat, with a breathing mechanism keeping him alive and a voice box speaking for him. He says that smoking cigarettes were the cause of his cancer, which then he needed this surgery to stay alive. After watching … Read more

Smoking Informative Essay

Did you know smoking is the leading cause of death in America? Has anyone you’ve known or loved been effected by smoking. Such as my grandpa dying when I was nine, mine has and I do not support it at all and here’s why. Health Cigarette smoking is the number one cause of preventable disease … Read more

Tobacco Effects On The American Indians Essay

The history of tobacco shows nothing but the positives but tobacco is actually harmful and potentially deadly. Tobacco was discovered by the American Indians and believed tobacco to be more than it actually was. It was used in many ways and all of them was thought to be totally positive effects, not knowing how harmful … Read more

Argumentative Essay On E-Cigarettes

About ten million cigarettes are sold around the world on a daily basis. Facts like that make one wonder of the effects that come along with smoking cigarettes. Although cigarette consumption is a growing market around the world, its production and sale should be made illegal due to its addictive additives, the physical toll it … Read more

Vaping Should Be Banned Essay

A current problem I see that has not been fully aware or solved is vaping or the use of e-cigarettes. There are places where vaping is accepted but, there other countries that are trying to ban the use of vaping. Before vaping was getting popular there was no signs stating you can’t vape, like how … Read more

Argumentative Essay On Electronic Cigarettes

Believe it or not the Electronic Cigarette has been around for a long time, like since the 1960s. However, in 2013 electronic cigarette became a hot item and had many new smokers and regular tobacco users switching to this new way of smoking. This new found technology even has a new term, individuals no longer … Read more

The illegal drug in the United States

There is a large drug problem facing the United States today, and this problem extends to all citizens. Its not just the poor and the uneducated who are effected by this problem. The most largely used illegal drug in the United States is Marijuana, and thus is the drug law enforcement and the media tends … Read more

Smoking War

The war on smoking has existed for decades. With the advent of more tenacious laws prohibiting smoking in public locations, and most recently Minnesota’s historic tobacco settlement, many actions against “Big Tobacco” have become more successful. Anti-smoking campaigns have become more confrontational, directly targeting tobacco companies in an effort to expose its manipulative and illegal … Read more

Cigarettes – Addiction and Product Dangers

It is clear that businesses have an obligation to inform their customers about their product’s ingredients and dangers. Looking at the case of Rose Cipollone we see that she was a heavy smoker. Her doctor’s had to remove part of her right cancerous lung and informed her that she had to quit smoking. Unfortunately, she … Read more

The Tobacco Issue

When deciding where the responsibility lies in the case of tobacco, the facts can be turned to favor either side on the issue. However, the tobacco industry has followed the government’s guidelines, since guidelines have been established, while the government seems to want to place blame for peoples’ habits on the manufacturers of products that … Read more