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Australian Popular Culture Essay

Popular culture is a vital component in the story of humanity where history warrants exploration. Human experience is hard to define without the many facets of human behaviour, revealed from popular culture, throughout history. “Having a fair go” and the great outdoors are pivotal aspects in the formation of what is define as Australian popular culture. Australia also defines itself by its Aboriginal heritage, innovative ideas and a thriving arts scene.

But it is never mentioned or included how the influence of overseas developments have impacted Australian culture and identity. Many countries have influenced Australia’s culture. It has been especially evident that the popular culture of Australia has advanced overtime, however it is clear that the developments that have occurred over the past two decades have created a politically stagnant system due to the conservative nature of our policies influenced by the British. Politics; could it possibly be one of the most boring topics to ever talk about? ave previously agreed with the fact that it is, however understanding the basic fundamentals of politics, its cultural identity and its impact on Australia’s popular culture can be very important.

It is vital to understand that in a consumerist, technological based multicultural society we still have a British based democratic political system. Popular culture, by definition, requires that the mass of people – be engaged in practicing and consuming something, thereby making it popular. To fully understand popular culture I have a few pictures and questions to ask everyone.

Put your hand up if you have facebook: Put your hand up if you have Instagram: Put your hand up if you’ve ever eaten at McDonalds: Okay now put your hand up if you’ve ever seen The Simpsons: These are all things efined as popular culture as nearly everyone at least has an account to this site, has eaten at this place or has watched this show. Australian politics has had its moments of downfall and humiliation. Australia’s first female Prime Minister (Julia Gillard) did not win the position by the usual method.

Just months before a Federal election, then Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was confronted with a challenge by his deputy (Julia Gillard) who claimed to have ‘the numbers’. Many people saw the change in leadership from Rudd to Gillard and had many speculations. Many people saw this change in power as a backdoor grab for ower, a political stab in the back by Julia Gillard. This not only presents Australia as a laughing stock but it also portrays the major flaws involved with our Prime Ministers. Why is it that we can’t hold a Prime Minister for more than 4 years? Is it all those fake ‘promises’ that we obliviously believe in?

Why are we voting for leaders who don’t stand up to their job at hand? Is it because of the fact that no matter who wins, we still lose? The next video is a mashup of clips in which effectively show how lucky we are as a country to not have Tony Abbott as a Prime Minister any more. https://www. youtube. om/watch? v=ldmm1_2gAfY As much as Australian politics have been influenced by other countries, it seems to be the case that they never learn. Australia’s current system of government is grounded on the liberal democratic tradition, which comprises of religious tolerance and freedom of speech and association.

Its institutions and practices reflect British and North American models. The Commonwealth of Australia was created on January 1, 1901 – Federation Day – when six former British colonies – now the six States of Australia – agreed to form a union. The Australian Constitution, which took effect on January , 1901, lays down the framework for the Australian system of government. The Australian Constitution is the foundation of societal ideologies such as the White Australia Policy and the dictation tests. These are both very fundamental.

Even today we still sometimes think and believe that we, as individual’s and as a country, are better than those people trying to seek asylum. This is all from a very narrow minded constitution that was put into place by the British. It was evident that the influence of the White Australia Policy was an example of how we don’t keep up with modern day society and the change of values. Things like rotectionism and assimiliationism were put into place as a result of British ideology that had intentions to help but really ended up wrecking everything based on the standard point of view that we all think “we’re better than everyone else”.

Why do white people think that they are for some reason more superior then others? It’s because it comes from Great Britain who were trying to colonize the whole world based on the fact that they were Christian people who were “better than everyone else. ” To rewind further into history to help understand the significance of the British influence in Australia, in the 1800’s British settlers ominated the complex and diverse societies in the colonies of Australia. British settlers arrived in Australia in 1788 and the extent of the British influence is still evident today.

New South Wales was the first colony which was settled as a penal colony – a place where Britain could send convicted criminal’s because their prisons were overcrowded. In 1810, a British man founded a system of labour in which people, whatever their crime, were employed according to their skills. From 1810, Australian convicts were seen as a major source of labour to help advance and develop the British colony. The British Union Jack is a feature that is shown predominantly on our national flag. As well as this is the Queen, Australia’s Head of State.

The domination of the British extended beyond the legal, civil and political systems. British pastimes such as drinking tea, playing cricket, eating yourself silly, and bell ringing, cultural activities such as maypole dancing, bog snorkeling and gurning, and also religious practices, dominated society. Up until World War 2, Britain remained the dominating cultural influence in Australia dominating the make-up of Australian society. It has been bvious that Great Britain has and is playing a major role in not only Australia’s system of government and culture but also Australian political beliefs.

The British have had a large impact on the political system of Australia with “thatcherism” being one main well-known element in the transformation of Australian society and economy during the 1980s. “Thatcherism” and British MP Margaret Thatcher’s local influence reflected the persistence of British-Australia into the 1980s on both the left and right sides of politics. Both sides of Australian politics were influenced by the example of Thatcher, but her influence was ost significant on the Labor party and broader left. Even in 1976, three years before she became prime minister, there was an Australian fascination with Margaret Thatcher.

Since then, her governing philosophy and economic creed have come to be enthusiastically embraced by Australian politics. In a country more than 10 000 miles away from Westminster, the legacy of Thatcherism can be found. Australian popular culture has proven to be influenced by many different countries in many different aspects. It is evident how the British have largely influenced the conservative nature of Australian politics due to he developments over the past two decades and beyond, causing a politically stagnant system.

Many implements such as the White Australia Policy, the dictation tests and ‘thatcherism’ have affected the advancement of the popular culture and the political situation of Australia. It is clear how Australian politics is stagnant in the past and leaders are unable to learn from their mistakes with the large amount of backstabbing and breaking of promises throughout government. Let’s hope that in another 4 years’ time our government has improved to become stable and successful.

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