North American Culture Essay

Art is a complicated subject in the archaeological record because of how inherently vague the definition of art is. There are various ways and mediums in which to express creativity, making it difficult to interpret the different forms, or to understand and deduce the meaning or reasoning behind it, especially before the invention of writing … Read more

From Human Prehistory to the Early Civilizations

Chapter Review Human migration began in eastern Africa, where remains of the earliest types of human remains were found to originate. Gradual migration was caused by the need to find scarce food and slowly caused the spread of the human population across to the Americas and Australia. Agricultural societies first emerged in the middle east. … Read more

Women in prehistory

The agriculture revolution change the production of food and the division of labor change due to fact that great emphasis was placed on animals and the oleos they played in agriculture which was owned by men, hence the roles of men and women shifted. Men was responsible for the majority of farming, while the women … Read more

Women in prehistory

The agriculture revolution change the production of food and the division of labor change due to fact that great emphasis was placed on animals and the oleos they played in agriculture which was owned by men, hence the roles of men and women shifted. Men was responsible for the majority of farming, while the women … Read more

Ancient History and Prehistory

Ancient history is the study of the written past[1] from the beginning of recorded human history to the Early Middle Ages. The span of recorded history is roughly 5,000 years, with Cuneiform script, the oldest discovered form of coherent writing, from the protoliterate period around the 30th century BC. [2] This is the beginning of … Read more