Vegetarianism: Why it is the Better Choice

The trend of abstaining from eating meat and other animal products is a rapidly growing one. According to David Bender in Animal Rights Opposing Viewpoints, Today, nearly twenty million Americans are vegetarians, and many more have greatly reduced their meat consumption (139). One meat-eating person may ponder why these non-meat eaters would deprive themselves of … Read more

Indonesia’s Crisis: The Lesson for China

Indonesia, as we have long predicted, is coming apart. This process has a great deal of relevance to China, whose army, like Indonesia’s, was accustomed to making lots of money and now resents the fact that the good times are over. In both countries, making money became the basis for military loyalty to the regime, … Read more

International Law Ireland

Ireland is the fastest growing economy in Europe today. It is amazing to think That this is true after so many years of being a struggling nation and people Forced to pay high taxes in order to keep the economy from collapsing. All that has changed since we joined the EC. A lot of people … Read more

Animal Rights

At the University of Oregon, Barbara Gorden-Lickey, Ph. D. , sewed kittens’ eyes shut and forced them to jump from a height onto a platform surrounded by water so she could study the effects of sight deprivation on the brain. Cruel and inhumane experiments like this one is an excellent reason why people should recognize … Read more

Presenting Laurence Yep

Laurence Yep is noted for creating vivid and complex characters based on his own experiences. Yep’s most famous work is Dragonwings. It has won several awards, including the Newbery Honor for 1976, the International Reading Association’s Children’s Book Award for 1976, and the American Library Association’s Notable Children’s Book Award for 1975 (Johnson-Feelings 353). The … Read more

Transgenic plants

For the past 30 years Scientist have searched desperately for the answer to salt toleration within plants. The damaging effects of salt accumulation in agricultural soils have influenced both ancient and modern day civilizations alike. Worldwide, an estimated 24. 7 million acres of once agriculturally productive land are being lost annually due to irrigation-induced salinity, … Read more

Creation and its Path to Destruction

When early civilization needed an explanation for something found in earth, they created a story to explain it. Prometheus, the creator of man in Greek Mythology, was used as a tool to show how man was created. His story demonstrates the consequences that come along with such a task, also. In the novel Frankenstein, by … Read more

Alexander the Great – king of the Macedonians

Alexander the Great was king of the Macedonians and one of the greatest generals in history. As a student of the Greek philosopher Aristotle, Alexander was embedded with lasting interests in philosophy, politics and warfare. As king, he settled problems by immediate action, making quick decisions and taking great risks. His armies overcame these risks … Read more

AIDS: A U.S.- Made Monster

In an extensive article in the Summer-Autumn 1990 issue of “Top Secret”, Prof J. Segal and Dr. L. Segal outline their theory that AIDS is a man-made disease, originating at Pentagon bacteriological warfare labs at Fort Detrick, Maryland. “Top Secret” is the international edition of the German magazine Geheim and is considered by many to … Read more

Leonhard Euler Life

Leonhard Euler, (born April 15, 1707, died Sept. 18, 1783), was the most prolific mathematician in history. His 866 books and articles represent about one third of the entire body of research on mathematics, theoretical physics, and engineering mechanics published between 1726 and 1800. In pure mathematics, he integrated Leibniz’s differential calculus and Newton’s method … Read more

Clara Schumann Life

Clara Schumann was born in Liepzig Germany on September 13, 1819 and died on May 20, 1896. Claras parents were Friedrich Wieck, a music teacher who married one of his students, a soprano named Marianne. Claras father made claims before she was even born that she would be a great musician and child prodigy. Her … Read more

Should Steroids be banned from society

It’s amazing what athletes will do to achieve higher levels of performance and to get an edge on the rivaled competition. Often people do not realize the long-term effects that result from the decisions they make early in life. This resembles the obvious phenomenon with steroids. Steroids became a spreading exposure to athletes in the … Read more

The sources of energy

There are sources of energy that are renewable and do not cause so many pollutants, however they only contribute a smaller amount to the energy pyramid. These sources include hydro-electric power, wind power, solar energy and biomass energy. Most of these fuel sources do not produce as much energy as efficiently as the majority of … Read more

DNA – Deoxyribonucleic Acid

DNA – Deoxyribonucleic Acid – the material that codes for amino acids which form proteins, which in turn carry out functions of the cell. DNA is responsible for building life. Our physical characteristics, susceptibility to some diseases and disorders (e. g. breast cancer, sickle cell anemia), and a few behavior characteristics are passed from generation … Read more

The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter is a movie that has changed many times and in this summary I will try to stick to this one movie, even though I may compare it to the novel. As you already know, The Scarlet Letter was written by Nathaniel Hawthorne dealing with the times of the Salem witch trials and … Read more

Why The North Won The Civil War

The American antebellum South, though steeped in pride and raised in military tradition, was to be no match for the burgeoning superiority of the rapidly developing North in the coming Civil War. The lack of emphasis on manufacturing and commercial interest, stemming from the Southern desire to preserve their traditional agrarian society, surrendered to the … Read more

United States of Mexico

Mexico, officially the United States of Mexico, is a huge country rich in cultural diversity where the past plays an important role in shaping the present day development. When discovered Mexico was home to 10 million people living in highly disciplined and organized societies. The native civilization became the foundation upon which the colonial empire … Read more

Virgil And Dante

In Dante’s Divine Comedy, Dante incorporates Virgil’s portrayal of Hades from The Aeneid into his poem, and similarities between the Inferno and Hades can be drawn, however Dante wasn’t attempting to duplicate Virgil’s works. Although the Hell depicted in Dante’s Inferno is essentially based on the literary construction of the underworld found in Virgil’s Aeneid, … Read more

Convergence of Internet with Other Technologies

The Internet is a significant part of our everyday life. Ever since it was invented by the Department of Defense while the Cold Wars were still raging, during the 1970s, it had been advancing dramatically in its importance in our society (The Dynamics of Mass Communication, by Joseph R. Dominick, p. 326-327). The advantages of … Read more

Smart Houses

The world of computer technology is continuously advancing each and every day. We look back at what we had 5 years ago and are amazed to see how far we have come in such a short time. To know what to expect in the upcoming years is impossible, for technology is at such a constant … Read more

Ernest Hemingway a major American novelist and short story writer

Ernest Hemingway was a major American novelist and short story writer whose principal themes were violence, machismo, and the nature of what is called now ‘male bonding. ‘; His renowned style for his firmly non-intellectual fiction is characterized by understatement and terse dialogue (Riley 231). Hemingway had a life that included him running away several … Read more

Causes And Affets Of Alcoholism

Alcoholism is the continued excessive and usually uncontrollable use of alcoholic drinks. There are many symptoms, complications, treatments and ways of prevention for alcoholism. Certain groups of people may be at a greater risk than others for several reasons. There are numerous factors in how people may become addicted. More than thirteen million Americans abuse … Read more

School Violence Essay

School violence remains a serious American problem, especially in America’s inner-cities. Mainstream strategies to reduce school violence have focused on combinations of upgrading school security postures (more guards, metal detectors, etc. ) and in improving student intervention programs (peer counseling, conflict resolution, etc. ). This paper investigates another aspect of school violenceschool cultures of violencethat … Read more

The impact of the Heliocentric Theory

Heliocentric: Relating to the sun as a center; appearing as if seen from the sun’s center. (Webster,447) The heliocentric theory was first introduced to the world by a Polish astronomer named Nicolaus Copernicus. Copernicus published his views on the heliocentric theory in his book Commentariolus, in 1514, which sparked the time period now known as … Read more

Jeffersonian Republicans vs. Federalists

As the young colonies of America broke away from their mother country and began to grow and develop into an effective democratic nation, many changes occurred. As the democracy began to grow, two main political parties developed, the Jeffersonian Republicans and the Federalists. Each party had different views on how the government should be run. … Read more

Chromosome Probes at the University of Toronto

Sensitive chromosome probes recently discovered by a University of Toronto geneticist will make it easier to detect certain types of genetic and prenatal diseases, as well as being used to determine paternity and provide forensic evidence in criminal cases. Probes are short pieces of DNA which bind to, and actually pinpoint, particular sites on a … Read more

Declaration of Human Rights

“Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work. . . Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social service. ” These are … Read more

Capital Punishment Report

The Debate over the merits of capital punishment has endured for years, and continues to be an extremely indecisive and complicated issue. Adversaries of capital punishment point to the Marshalls and the Millgards, while proponents point to the Dahmers and Gacys. Society must be kept safe from the monstrous barbaric acts of these individuals and … Read more

Timothy Leary Life

Timothy Leary, also known as Uncle Tim, The messiah of LSD, and The most dangerous man in America, was born on October 22, 1920, in Springfield, Massachusetts. He went to a public high school where he discovered girls and the ability to attract attention from those in authority. After high school he attended Jesuit College … Read more

William Faulkners A Rose for Emily

The Reason the main character, Emily Grierson, in William Faulkners A Rose for Emily murdered her lover, Homer Barron, was a combined contribution of the society she lived in. The cousins snootiness and high expectations of the Grierson family legacy made it difficult for Emily and Homer to be together as a couple. The two … Read more

Great Gatsby: Theme And Character Anlysis Of Tom And Daisy

The characters’ search of their own identities and the struggle that ensues is the most suffusive theme throughout The Great Gatsby . The fact that we never really know the characters, and the corrupt immoral things they do, directly represent the 20’s high society lifestyle. The characters continued to cheat on their spouses, let money … Read more

A Tennessee William’s play

A Tennessee William’s play based on the depression decades of the thirties. Set in a small cramped apartment of St. Louis. A simple four characters whose lives seem to consist in avoiding reality more than facing it. Where each characters escape clearly defined by the aura of the ‘memory play. ‘ This is so because … Read more

Juan Carlos I

Juan Carlos I, the current king of Spain, was crowned on November 22, 1975. The crowning of Juan Carlos restored democracy to Spain after the dictatorship of Francisco Franco. Juan Carlos was born in 1938 in Rome. In 1947 Franco announced that Spain was a kingdom and that he had decided that Juan Carlos should … Read more

The Red Badge of Courage

The Red Badge of Courage is the story of a young man named Henry Fleming. The novel concerns only two days in his life and he is a boy when the novel begins, a man when the novel ends. He enlists in the 304th Regiment of New York Volounteers against his mother’s wishes, and spends … Read more

Stranger Than Fiction

The task of predicting the future is as impossible as finding a needle in Texas. Huxley’s predictions of the future has proven to be eerily accurate in several areas; his predictions with regards to sex, our obsession with youth and beauty closely resemble societies’ views on these issues today. However his prediction on the futures … Read more

Oedipus Rex Character Analysis

Sophocles’ Oedipus the King perpetuates this ideology that the title character pursues a path which happens to be foretold. Oedipus was determined to save his city and discover his identity, however he ultimately assists in his own downfall. Oedipus’ fall from his kingly status was not by accident or because of some other person. Oedipus … Read more

A Biography of the Continent Africa

A Biography of the Continent Africa, written by John Reader is an extensive chronological and topical study of Africa. Support reveals the earliest corroboration of the existence of human antecedents was discovered in east Africa at locations scattered north and south of the equator. The discovery shows fossilized bones, stone tools, and the most significant … Read more

A Comparison and Contrast of the United States Presidency

As a truly beaten Richard Nixon sat in the Oval Office the walls of his presidency closed all around him. The Watergate Scandal had been so exhausting to President Nixon that some feared that he might take his own life. Special Prosecutor Leon Jaworski was closing in on Nixon, he had received White House tape … Read more

Workaholism report

The official working week is being reduced to 35 hours a week. In most countries in the world, it is limited to 45 hours a week. The trend during the last century seems to be unequivocal : less work, more play. Yet, what may be true for blue collar workers or state employees is not … Read more

The Great Gatsby: The Futility of the American Dream

The ideal of the American Dream has hardly changed over the past century. The dream is a unique American phenomenon. It represents a nebulous concept that is exemplified by a number of American values. Many deem wealth and success to be the means to this paradigm. When stability, security and family values also become part … Read more

Asia’s Globalization Essay

In business today there are many companies and countries conducting global business. The Japanese, Chinese and the South Koreans are all very aggressive in this growing trend among countries and corporations. Whats interesting is the present state of our political relations with the Chinese and our direct investment in them. Its no secret that if … Read more

Carnegie Institute of Technology

A University should be a place of delight, of liberty, and of learning, remarked Benjamin Disraeli, an English author, as if he had Carnegie Mellon in mind as he placed his thoughts in writing. How could the Institute of Technology help me achieve intellectual independence and assist me in pursuing a life of ideas? Being … Read more

The Second Coming Vs. Things Fall Apart

Things Fall Apart , by Chinua Achebe , is very similar to the poem , The Second Coming by William Butler Yeats. A comparison of The Second Coming to Things Fall Apart will show many corresponding aspects between both of these literary masterpieces. Seeing the line Things fall apart in the poem , Achebe makes … Read more

The Beauty Myth

Both Virginia Woolf, in a speech addressing a graduating all women class, and Naomi Wolf, in her text The Beauty Myth, contemplate feminism from an economic viewpoint. While Woolf believes women need money and a room of their own to have economic independence, Wolf gives credence to the fact that the beauty industry is hindering … Read more

Advertising and Alcohol

Alcohol manufacturers use a variety of unscrupulous techniques to advertise alcoholic beverages to children. Perhaps the worst example is Anheuser-Busch Co. , the world’s largest brewer, which uses child-enticing cartoon images of frogs, dogs, penguins and lizards in ads for Budweiser beer. These Budweiser cartoon characters are hugely popular with children, just like Joe Camel … Read more

The Hunter gatherer era

The Stone Age was a time early in the development of human cultures before the use of metals when tools and weapons were made of stone, and human food was mainly produced from hunting and gathering. The dates of the Stone Age vary considerably for different parts of the world and even until very recently … Read more

Emperor Charles V

Born at Ghent, 1500; died at Yuste, in Spain, 1558; was a descendant of the house of Hapsburg, and to this descent owed his sovereignty over so many lands that it was said of him that the sun never set on his dominions. Charles was the son of Philip, Duke of Burgundy, by Joanna, daughter … Read more

Did Racism cause enslavement of African Americans

To answer this question you have to determine what a slave is? And what Racism is? By my views and believes, slavery is any type of duty somebody does for you. You own them so they work for you otherwise they will get punished. Now Racism is a negative attitude towards another race. After these … Read more

Canada At War

Any war is a horrific event that may last years. Wars leave a legacy of death and destruction. They arent just for soldiers and battlefields but for new weapons that make destruction possible on our lands, beneath our seas, and in our air. They bring suffering and death to all families, races and nationalities. No … Read more

Business Law Antitirust

Because the field of Business Law is so great, this paper will examine a single aspect of Business Law, that of antitrust action. Specifically, as it is applied to Microsoft, antitrust litigation is raising eyebrows in both the legal and business worlds. There is a hue and cry that antitrust laws as they exist today … Read more

The Fires of Heaven

The Fires of Heaven is the fifth book in the series The Wheel of Time that I started a while back. It is by Robert Jordan and is fantasy. In this book, Rand alThor, now hailed as the Dragon Reborn, decides to attack Illian. Rand does not know that he is being lured into a … Read more

Deontological theories and Teleological theories

In this paper I want to show the importance of the distinction between Deontological theories and Teleological theories. First, let me define the basic types of deontological theories: Act-deontology takes the rightness of an act as having to be decided by the individual on the basis of what the particular situation demands of him or … Read more

The Subjection of Women

It was in the mid-1800s when the first signs of the feminist movement came about. In 1861, a man named John Stuart Mill wrote The Subjection of Women, which was said to have spawned the ideology of the Women’s Rights Movement (Ryan 11). He discussed the role of women is society during that time, pointing … Read more

Australia’s Economy Essay

Australia became a commonwealth of the British Empire in 1901. It was able to take advantage of its natural resources to rapidly develop its agricultural and manufacturing industries and to make a major contribution to the British effort in World Wars I and II. Now, Australia has a prosperous Western-style capitalist economy, with a per … Read more

Charles Dickens A Tale Of Two Cities

One might believe that because capital punishment plays such a large role in Charles Dickens A Tale Of Two Cities, that Dickens himself is a supporter of it. This just simply is not true. Dickens uses capitol punishment as a tool to define the evil embodied in both the French ruling class, and the opposing … Read more

The novel Wuthering Heights

I would like to analyze the conflicts that Heathcliff faced throughout the novel Wuthering Heights. Heithcliffs character was very complex. He lived a troubled childhood that is never completely revealed to the reader. All we know is that he was abandoned at a young age and when Mr. Earnshaw discovered him, he was sickly looking. … Read more

Nathaniel Hawthorns The Scarlet Letter

In Nathaniel Hawthorns torrid tale of The Scarlet Letter, Arthur Dimmesdale, a main character, is confronted with a number of circumstances, both in and out of his control, that lead to his ultimate demise. Dimmsedale is a weak cowardly man. Arthur Dimmesdale, a minister, lives his life under the watchful yet admiring eye of the … Read more

The African Diaspora

The study of cultures in the African Diaspora is relatively young. Slavery and the trans-Atlantic slave trade brought numerous Africans, under forced and brutal conditions, to the New World. Of particular interest to many recent historians and Africanists is the extent to which Africans were able to transfer, retain, modify or transform their cultures under … Read more

The Matrix – symbolism, mythology, philosophy, and psychology

The Matrix Interweaves much symbolism, mythology, philosophy, and psychology. On the surface, the movie challenges the dominance of technology in our culture and predicts an apocalyptic result from the use of artificial intelligence. Yet, behind the human struggle for survival is a mythical backdrop upon which are backlit some of C. G. Jung’s basic ideas … Read more

What is a clone

In the last five years, the science of cloning, has come to realization. What is a clone? A clone is a duplicate – much like a photocopy is a duplicate, or copy, of a document (Kolate, 238). A good example of copies that occur in nature are identical twins, which are duplicates of each other. … Read more

Malaysia Country Report

As the world prepares to move into the twenty-first century, many nations are rapidly developing their agricultural and manufacturing sectors. As these burgeoning industries become a larger part of the nations economy, the nation finds its population restructuring and streaming to the areas of growth. Just as the people are trying to compete for their … Read more

The Drug Issue in Australia

The drugs issue is a major problem in Australia. A simple solution cannot be found to solve this great problem because there are so many decisions, thoughts and sacrifices that need to be made. All sides of the issue must be considered when making such a large decision. To find a solution, several tests, meetings, … Read more

Psychology: Dreams and Dreaming

Dreams, a nightly gift and a part of the natural process of being alive, are being rediscovered by our publisher. The meaning and value of your dreams will vary according to what you and your society decide. Our society is changing. We used to only value dreams in the context of psychotherapy. There are also … Read more

Victorian Social Reform in Britain

When considering the changes brought about in the social policy of Great Britain, in the decades immediately either side of 1900, one must look at the nation ‘s industrial history. The position as the world’ s premier industrial nation had been cemented by the mid nineteenth century, achieved in part, as it was the first … Read more

Adolf Hitler The Beginning

At half past six on the evening of April 20th, 1889 a child was born in the small town of Branau, Austria. The name of the child was Adolf Hitler. He was the son a Customs official Alois As a young boy Adolf attendated church regulary and sang in the local choir. One day he … Read more

The Importance Of Being Earnest

While Algernon Moncrieff and his manservant prepared for a visit froi-n his aunt, the formidable Lady Bracknell, their conversation turned to the question of marriage. Observing the servant’s somewhat lax views on the subject, Algernon declared, “Really, if the lower orders don’t set us a good example, what on earth is the use of them? … Read more

Al Gore for President

I would like to see Al Gore be our next president. Clinton has done a good job and Al Gore was right there helping to make it happen. As a Vice President, Al Gore has been the most active and involved in history. Most Vice President’s do little or nothing but give political speeches when … Read more

Mystery Cults

Mystery cults greatly influenced the development of Pythagoreanism as Pythagoreans adopted many of their traditions, behaviors and beliefs. Pythagoras, the founder of the Pythagoreans, established a school in which he developed and taught these adopted cultural behaviors and beliefs. “The nature of daily living in the school, both its moral and its intellectual disciplines, can … Read more

The moving to California

Because of the devastating disaster of the dust bowl, the Joad family was forced to leave their long-time home and find work and a new life elsewhere. They, like many other families, moved to California. “The land of milk and honey”. The people in the dust bowl imagined California as a haven of jobs where … Read more

Nikola Tesla – the greatest inventor

Few people recognize his name today, and even among those who do, the words Nikola Tesla are likly to summon up the image of a crackpot rather than an authentic scientist. Nikola Tesla was possibly the greatest inventor the world has ever known. He was, without doubt, a genius who is not only credited with … Read more

Optical Storage Mediums

The most common way of storing data in a computer is magnetic. We have hard drives and floppy disks (soon making way to the CD-ROM), both of which can store some amount of data. In a disk drive, a read/write head (usually a coil of wire) passes over a spinning disk, generating an electrical current, … Read more

Development Of Computers Over The Decades

A Computer is an electronic device that can receive a set of instructions, or program, and then carry out this program by performing calculations on numerical data or by compiling and correlating other forms of information. Thesis Statement:- The modern world of high technology could not have come about except for the development of the … Read more

Apartheid In South Africa

Apartheid is the political policy of racial segregation. In Afrikaans, it means apartness, and it was pioneered in 1948 by the South African National Party when it came to power. Not only did apartheid seperate whites from non-whites, it also segregated the Blacks (Africans) from the Coloureds (Indians, Asians). All things such as jobs, schools, … Read more

Parasitic Wasps Essay

Malaria is one of the most prevalent and dangerous diseases known to man. It has existed for centuries and affects a myriad of people in the tropical region. Even today, with our newly discovered treatments for many of the tropical diseases, over 10% of the people that are infected with malaria each year and do … Read more

Representations of Gothic Power in Karl Freund’s Mad Love

In Karl Freund’s 1935 film, Mad Love, many themes of Gothicism are addressed, such as the dichotomy of science and supernaturalism, the romance of suffering and the intrigue of insanity. However, one particular themepower through means of superiorityis addressed in thorough detail. In defining this power, Freund specifically utilizes the motifs of sadism, helplessness, and … Read more

Julius Caesar – Analyses Of Characters

Julius Caesar is very much a warrior and he thinks that he is above every one else and that he is more than an ordinary man. As a result he is very arrogant and takes very little notice of the people around him. As far as he is concerned, they are meaningless and not worth … Read more

Scene V of A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Theseus More strange than true. I never may believe These antic fables nor these fairy toys. Lovers and madmen have such seething brains, Such shaping fantasies, that apprehend More than cool reason ever comprehends. The lunatic, the lover, and the poet Are of imagination all compact. One sees more devils than vast hell can hold: … Read more

The Greek Contributions

The Greeks contributed many things to todays society. Their ideas were extremely innovative and they lived in a time of great discoveries. Their influence has touched on subjects such as philosophy, politics, medicine, math, and art, to name just a few. The men who developed these important ideas many years ago benefit each one of … Read more

Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory

The purpose of this paper is to analyze whether the needs of the employees, of HRD Department of the company, I used to work for, are relevant with the Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory or not. In order to analyze above purpose, I have concentrated on five employees, after dividing them into four groups by the … Read more

Social and Political Reactions to Mormon Polygamy

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is one of a few odd Christian religions. Many of its practices have created much persecution and political reaction, polygamy being one of these. It created much social and political persecution of the Mormons. Most of this persecution had come from anti-polygamist Christians. This is ironic because … Read more

Transcendentalism: In The 19th Century

Transcendentalism revealed itself in the beginning of the 19th century with talented writers such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, and Walt Whitman. These well-educated men brought such ideas as individualism, imagination, and nature to life through their works. Many writers in the transcendentalism period included such characteristics in their pieces. Some of the … Read more

What is Body Language

Body Language is communication through gestures or attitudes. (Webster’s Dictionary, 1997)Why is it important for teachers to know and use? Most people remember more of what they see than what they hear. We retain vivid images of facial expressions and body behavior. Body language usually dose not lie. We can build trust with our students … Read more

The Grapes of Wrath: biblical comparison

Many novels written contain parallels to the Bible. This couldnt be truer in the case John Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath. Steinbeck alludes to Biblical characters and events with the use of Rose of Sharon, Jim Casy, and also the Joads journey to California. There are other events in the book that parallel the Bible, … Read more

The word “privateer”

The word “privateer” conjures a romantic image in the minds of most Americans. Tales of battle and bounty pervade the folklore of privateering, which has become a cherished, if often overlooked part of our shared heritage. Legends were forged during the battle for American independence, and these men were understandably glorified as part of the … Read more

Should drugs be legalized

For several decades drugs have been one of the major problems of society. There have been escalating costs spent on the war against drugs and countless dollars spent on rehabilitation, but the problem still exists. Not only has the drug problem increased but drug related problems are on the rise. Drug abuse is a killer … Read more

The Buddhist Philosophy

There are four noble truths upon which all Buddhist teaching is based. It is said that if you do not understand these truths it is impossible for you to practice Buddhism. Buddhism, like most other religions has the potential to serve the community and produce good well-natured people. To be a successful Buddhist you must … Read more

Anthropology, a social science

Anthropology is a social science that revolves around the tool of observation. Yet, for a discipline that appears rather basic it becomes relatively complicated as one examines the subsections of the science. Such is the case when referring to discipline of applied anthropology. Applied anthropologists do not solitarily research, observe and analyze a condition, but … Read more

Life Of Napoleon Bonaparte

Few individuals have come along that have captivated the imaginations of their contemporaries and of historians. Perhaps the most prolific of these characters is Napoleon Bonaparte. The part of his life often found most intriguing was his humble beginnings. Here, like some Hollywood movie is the tale of an exceptional man whose intelligence and rise … Read more

Aaron Copland – American composer

Aaron Copland (November 14 ) was an American composer of modern tonal music as well as film music. Copland’s music achieved a difficult balance between simple and effective composition. His often slow harmonies were near motionless recalling the vast American landscape. He incorporated percussive orchestration For the use of the term “orchestration” in computer science, … Read more

Why Was Richard III Overthrown

Richard III reigned for two years, two months and one day. His reign was over run my rumour and even to this day people see Richard as a tyrant. One of the rumours that plagued Richard throughout his reign, was that he had murdered his two young nephews. (one of which was Edward V, who … Read more

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

Approximately 3-5% of all American children have an Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). ADD is a leading cause of school failure and under-achievement. ADD characteristics often arise in early childhood. As many as 50% of children with ADD are never diagnosed. Boys significantly outnumber girls, though girls are more likely to be undiagnosed with ADD. “ADD … Read more

How Are Mountains Formed

Mountains are formed over long periods of time by forces of the earth. Mountains just don’t appear in any place. Most are formed when plates, or huge pieces of the Earth’s crust, pull and push against each other. Great mountain ranges are formed by the movement of tectonic plates. Convection currents deep in the mantle … Read more