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Family Genetic History Form Agapi

Evaluate the impact of the familys genetic history on your adult participant’s health. For example, if the adult participant’s mother and both sisters have diabetes, hypertension, or cancer, what might that mean for the adult participant’s future health? After constructing the genogram of the participant C. M. it is obvious that the risk factor in his family is cardiovascular. Most of his family died from stroke or heart attack. His father had a heart attack too, which confirms the cardiovascular risk factor present in this family.

The risk actors in the two younger generations were modifiable with intervention and change in health and diet habits. Despite the cardiovascular risk factors, the two older generations lived well beyond 70 of age. After the evaluation of the participant’s genogram the conclusion is that the participant risk factor of dying of a heart attack or a stroke is high and there is lifestyle changes necessary for the participant to avoid having the same fate

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