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American History Timeline

For example, if a topic is divided into 3 subtopics, you may write a maximum of 250 per subtopic listed. Be sure to cite all sources. Major Event/Epoch in American History I Time period/Date(s) I Description and Significance of the People/Event(s) to American History 1) Describe three different American Indian cultures prior to colonization. | 1200-1900 C. E. The Algonquian were the first to encounter the Europeans. They lived on the Atlantic coast and hunted and fished for their foods and lived in wigwams in the summer but lived in closer areas in the winter and basically elided on what was stocked up to live on.

The Nazis lived in the Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico area and were great at trading between the tribes. They made fabrics, baskets and art made of stone. They were farmers and grew crops and lived off the land with livestock plus they were astronomers. The Iroquois were one of the largest and also known as the Headcounts or the People of the Longhouse were based in what are now New York and the upper states. They were comprised of the Mohawk, Oneida, Tuscarawas, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca nations. They had vast multidimensional welling | 2) The effects of British colonization on the Native Americans.

I In the sass’s The biggest problem for the Native Americans would have to be the spread of diseases which the Natives had not come in contact with because they had no immunity. But also they were forced from their lands and had to fight because as the Europeans moved inward they started to force the Natives from their land. | 3) The evolution of the socio-political milieu during the colonial period, including Protestant Christianity impact on colonial social life. 1600-1 7001 Even though they came to avoid persecution he Puritans started to discount other religions.

Even with this control they divided and this in turn made other religions come to America in search of their own religious freedom. This caused more people of different origins to come to America. This caused the Protestant Reformation society to see itself as pieces to one big giant puzzle. Religion became the central part of politics which resulted in the First Amendment. | 4) The effects of the Seven Years’ War. 1 1756-17631 The war helped make Britain into one Of the world’s leading colonial powers. During the war, Britain took power over parts of

Africa, India, America, Canada, the Middle East and many other territories in the world. After the war, Britain had control of many parts of America. This was what led to the Revolutionary War. | 5) The evolution of the concept of “God-given freedom of the individual” stemming from the Protestant Reformation and developing through the American Enlightenment and the Great Awakening, and culminating with the Declaration of Independence. 1600-1776 | people came to America because of religious persecution and wanted religious freedom. Protestantism emerged at the heart of advancing his new society and promoting individual freedom.

The Great Awakening was sermons that encouraged all of the colonists to live according what their own God tells them. But with so many new religions it was necessary to break from the British. | 6) The evolution of the socio-political and cultural milieu that created the conditions necessitating and including the formation of the: a) Declaration of Independence b) U. S. Constitution (including the Bill of Rights) I a. ) 1 776 b. ) 1786-1788 | a. ) The British was going broke after the French and Indian war so they pushed back on America for taxes on Sugar, Tea, and even on Money.

This was so they could keep control over the colony but they pushed too much with restrictions On the colonist themselves (Intolerable Act). B. ) The 2nd Congress gave the rights for the land rights, voting rights, and money rights. This did not deal with taxes so a new article was needed but this new bill would need to have certain rights that the states wanted. This was the beginning of the Bill of Rights and the first 13 amendments of the constitution. | 7) The character of George Washington and his precedent-setting impact for future presidents. 788-1 7891 The first resident on the United States. He also established the first cabinet. He established the first American bank and the national debt that we still use today. The biggest would also have to be the limit of the president to serve only Non terms. | 8) The evolution of Jeffersonian Democracy and its legacy, including: c) The Louisiana Purchase d) The Second Great Awaken ins e) The Embargo Act f) Issues with the courts I a. ) Despite the desire to limit foreign trade and stay separate from Europe the Purchase of land in Louisiana was something that Jefferson could not pass up.

Since the institution did not limit this but this opened up the entire west. We have to remember that He believed in small government and this would make it bigger. B. ) For Jefferson government was a threat to freedom. That’s why he believed in smaller government to protect these rights. With this as his reason that he allowed new and old religions which brought about ideas of democracy and the abolishment of slavery. C. ) This was brought on by Jefferson belief that America should remain neutral. This stopped America from selling supplies to both sides but we were fighting for the British navy. . Mammary vs.. Madison was a ruling that earlier Judiciary Acts were unconstitutional. This gave the Supreme Court greater power because President Adams had used “midnight judges’ to kind of be handpicked judges by him to keep the Federalist in complete control of the Supreme Court and the smaller courts. This allowed them to remain independent. | 9) The War of 18121 1812 | This war was because of America having a major problem with Britain forcing our soldiers into service for them. Also they were in favor of Native American land holdings so Britain was basically giving it to us on two fronts.

The Star Spangled banner was also discovered. Our biggest victory was in New Orleans and lead to the Treaty of Ghent. In the end no one really won but the war did help to settle boundaries. 10) The Monroe Doctrine | 1823 Stated that the US would intervene if any European countries tried to colonize or interfere with states in North or South America. This would be considered an act of aggression and we would retaliate. I 11) The evolution of Jackson democracy and its legacy including: g) The Nullification crisis h) The bank crisis I) The Trail of Tears j) The socio- political effects of Manifest Destiny ICC. 1 830-1 Dodd. )1 ass’s I a. ) south Carolina declared that the federal Tariffs of 82nd 1832 were unconstitutional and therefore null and void in that state. While the two sides (South Carolina and the Federal Government) made preparations to go to war over this a new tariff was enacted and peace was established. B. ) Jackson started a war with the banks when he vetoed the 2nd bank of the U. S. He did this to send a message that they were only trying to make the rich get richer. He believes they violated the liberty of people and states.

Doing this he diverted money silver ND gold to state banks and establishing that these three are the only things of value. This eventually caused a financial depression that lasted until the mid-1 sac’s. ) American Indians were forced to relocate to Oklahoma. They won in court against the state of Georgia but President Jackson ignored the decision which in essence took their land from them and still forced them to move to Oklahoma in what is known as the “Trail of Tears. ” The 800 mile journey by the Cherokee Indians cost over 8000 lives. D. ) Manifest Destiny allowed Yeoman farmers to expand American landholdings to the West.

But what about the slaves and having enough people in the east for work. These were the questions that lead to the war with Mexico. American expansion was meant to be by Providence and therefore a natural right to spread democracy across the continent. I 1 2) The causes and effects of the Mexican-American War (1846-1848). 1846-1848, ; 1850 | Texas broke from Mexico in 1836 but they would not recognize them as an independent republic. The US annexed the state which for Mexico was a justification for war. So try to avoid war the US made an offer for Texas and California which was refused.

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