Destruction Of North American Wetlands Essay

As per U. S. EPA estimates, every year in the U. S, 1. 2 trillion gallons of sewage from households, industries, and restaurants is dumped into U. S. waterways. Urbanization, agriculture, and sewage discharge are major contributors in the loss and degradation of North American wetlands, resulting in an increasing amount of pollutants in the … Read more

Riparian Zone Environmental Analysis Essay

The temperature of the Riparian zone affects the physical and the chemical properties of the water and largely influences the organisms affecting their feeding, metabolic rates and reproduction. It also affects how much oxygen can be dissolved in the water and how quickly the nutrients will be cycled through the water. Oxygen is better dissolved … Read more

Environmental Effects Of Red Tides Essay

Red tides have been an ongoing environmental problem for our ocean waters wildlife. Red tide is a phenomenon caused by harmful algal blooms that occur when colonies of algae (simple plants that live in the sea and freshwater) grow so numerous that they discolor coastal waters (resulting in the name “red tide”). These large algal … Read more

World’s Population

The worlds population is an important issue. The earth is a sphere, which means that it has certain limitations and in particular, there are limits to growth of things that consume the earth and that live on. Many people believe that that the resources of the Earth and of the human intellect are enormous that … Read more

The Grey Tree Frog

The Grey Tree Frog is about two inches in length. Its head is short and broad and its body corpulent (Dickerson, 1969). With a white belly, white rectangular spot under both of its eyes, yellowish orange markings on the inside of the hide legs and black blotches including one that looks like an irregular shaped … Read more

Pollution Throughout History

Describe Your Own Environment Consider the natural environment or boom found in the geographic area where you currently live. For example, if you live in the Midwest, the natural boom for this area is the grassland. If you live in Alaska you are likely to live in either the tundra or the boreal forest. Describe … Read more