Mission Statement Analysis

Grounded in a consistent history of conquering obstacles, I vie to continue being self-motivated, consistent, disciplined, and hardworking. My mission is to remain professional in all aspects of my life as each aspect strongly reflects on the other. I will find new research-based ways to meet both my goals and goals set forth by others … Read more


What is recovery? I think recovery means hope which leads a person to cure. Principles The principles of recovery-oriented mental health practice ensure that mental health services are delivered in a way that supports the recovery of mental health consumers. They are: 1. Uniqueness of the individual recognises that recovery is not necessarily about cure … Read more

Youth Work Book Review

In Youth Work, Nichols draws on an institutional ethnography and communitybased research, which was conducted over the course of more than one year at an Ontario youth emergency shelter – ‘Street Youth Shelter, Middlesborough’. Nichols adopts a definition of youth work in the book that extends beyond the work of a “child and youth worker” … Read more

I Chose Social Work

Without disclosing personal information, what are the reasons and experiences that led you to choose social work as a profession? I have always felt a calling to help people in my life, and I never wanted to be a person without a purpose. I feel social work will help me fulfill my purpose, because I … Read more

Ethics In Social Work Essay

The Role of Ethical Social Work in the Business of Care There is a relationship between the role of ethical social worker practices and political, economic and social reforms. Economic and social changes in human services has impacted the practices of professional social work. The discourse of managerialism and privatisation has changed social work locally … Read more

Group Work Skills Paper

Development of Group Work Skills Reflection Paper Leading a group of people can often be wearisome, a difficult job, and yet many find the experience to be completely satisfying. Satisfaction is directly related to how well-functioning the group is and how to get a group of people to work together is both an art and … Read more

Critical Thinking Skills Essay

What critical thinking skills are needed for the leader committed to social justice to effectively communicate at all levels of practice? Critical thinking skills include learning the skills needed to be a leader which means thinking critically and taking action to accomplish the vision, having communication skills and interpersonal skills, having perseverance, and having self- … Read more

A Narrative Essay About Moving Away

He had never really lived a normal life, constantly moving. Either it was moving to a different home or moving to a new family since he grew up in the so called ‘system’. Michael always had to rely on himself no matter the situation growing up, he lost trust for almost everyone around him because … Read more