These are some of the characteristic phases of development of pre-historical humanity. Before civilization more than 9,000 years ago, the people of a town that developed in Catalogue grew crops, made weapons and tools, raised and domesticated sheep and goats, painted on walls of their homes, and hunted and gathered. They were an egalitarian society with life-span only lasting up to age 30-34. Then there was the Stone age which was divided into two separate eras, the Paleolithic and the Neolithic era.
It was named the Stone age because the hominids made the majority of their tools out of stone. During the Paleolithic era, they were able to control fire and use it to make tools. They also painted on cave walls and made Jewelry. In the last stage of the Paleolithic era there’s evidence that populations were expanding from new technologies. Homo sapiens sapiens produced more intricate tools such as sewing needles and arrowheads. With these advanced tools, what is now a famous cave painting at Lascar, France was discovered.
This was also evidence of development of language and musical ceremonies due to the paintings being located where sound was echoed the greatest in the cave. In the divide teen the Paleolithic and Neolithic Age, also known as the Neolithic Revolution, climate changes occurred that favored crop production. They were able to manage food and trade with other settlements short and far distances. Wealth along with status and rank were developed as their interactions grew.
Then there was the Ice Age where certain cold loving animals were abundant. But as the glaciers moved so did these species of animals. Some humans followed them and some stayed behind with the warm climate. After the Ice Age, instead of food gathering, humans made a huge switch to food production. Better climates led to increased food supply. During the revolution, women were able to bare more children and let go of their male counterparts while men gave up an equal role in childcare.
Increase in population was countered by terminal infectious diseases. They learned ways to produce surplus amounts of food supply for the growing population and animals that were domesticated. They discovered they could plant seeds and store them in case of flooding or unfavorable weather. This brought on many benefits including animal power to transport food and goods and to power mills. This Neolithic Revolution was the last phase before these stable settlements eventually grew into cities.