Specific areas in which certain living organisms interact with their environment
Informed consent agreement
A document that lists all potential negative effects of participation in a study
Epidemiologic studies
patterns within populations to find a correlation between a variable and its suspected effects.
the ability to maintain a relatively constant internal environment.
All of the chemical reactions that occur within an organism

The tendency of a molecule to have positive and negative regions.

A substance made up of two or more elements whose properties are usually different from those of either of the two original substances.
a process that causes a three-dimensional protein to change shape, resulting in the loss of biological function.

glucose, fructose, galactose

Lipids molecules composed of one glycerol and three fatty acids that can be saturated.
Amino acids
building blocks of proteins. basic monomer of a protein that can be joined by peptide bonds using dehydration synthesis.
Tertiary structure
The overall three-dimensional shape of a protein.

These form the inner membranes of the mitochondria and are the site for energy production in the electron transport chain.

Thick hollow tubes that make up the cilia, flagella, and spindle fibers.

Cytoskeleton components that are composed of microtubules that move in a whiplike motion to propel the cell.
Citric acid cycle
completes the breakdown of glucose. completes the oxidation of glucose, yields two molecules of ATP, and releases carbon dioxide as a waste product.
adenosine triphosphate. produced along with water at the end of normal cellular respiration.
Anaphase I (Meiosis)
a phase in meiosis in which homologous pairs are separated from each other.
Anaphase (Mitosis)
a phase in mitotic division in which the sister chromatids are pulled apart by the spindle fibers.
division of the cytoplasm, occurs at the end of mitosis and meiosis.
independent assortment
the method of reshuffling genes by randomly aligning them in metaphase 1.