Home » Human Mosaic Chapter 1

Human Mosaic Chapter 1

Seven cultural geographical ideas that changed the world include maps, spatial organization, central place theory, megalopolis, human adaptation, human transformation of the Earth, and…
sense of place
The word “geography” is a Greek word meaning literally..
to describe the Earth
During Europe’s Dark Ages, the field of academic geography was taken over by the…
In the 1700s, German scholars came to view geography as the study of…
landscape interpretation
The primary interest of Alexander von Humboldt was physical geography, while that of his associate Carl Ritter was…
cultural geography
The authors of your textbook define culture as…
learned human behavior
Cultural geography is the study of the spatial functioning of society and…
spatial variations among cultural groups
A culture region is a geographical unit based in…
vernacular characteristics
A French-language culture region is an example of a…
formal cultural region
T or F: Formal regions in geography often display a core/periphery pattern.
Cultural homogeneity is the hallmark of a…
formal culture region
Nodes, or central points where activities are coordinated and directed, are a common characteristic of a…
functional culture region
Clearly defined borders are a common feature of a….
functional culture region
….is not an example of a functional culture region.
Korean-language area
A vernacular culture region is often considered to be a region…
perceived to exist by its inhabitants
The geographer best associated with humanistic geography is…
Anne Buttimer
Torsten Hagerstrand is usually associated with his ideas concerning…
The wavelike spread of ideas primarily involves the concept of…
contagious diffusion
The study of the interaction between culture and environment is called…
cultural ecology
Environmental determinism was a common doctrine of belief among geographers during the…
early twentieth century
The belief that cultural heritage is at least as important as the physical environment in affecting human behavior is usually associated with…
Geomancy is…
a traditional system of land-use planning
The theme of cultural integration, if improperly used, can lead the geographer to…
cultural determinism
Model building, theory, and space are terms and devices usually associated with the…approach in cultural geography.
social science
Place, topophilia, sense of place, and subjectibity are terms and ideas usually associated with the…approach in cultural geography.
Most geographical studies of the cultural landscape have focused on three principal aspects: land-division patterns, architecture, and…
settlement forms
The authors of the textbook are Jordan-Bychkov and…
The practical aspects of geography first arose among the ancient Greeks, Romans,_________ ,_________
Mesopotamians, Phoenicians
Whereas Alexander von Humboldt is usually associated with _________ geography, Carl Ritter was often considered a father of modern _________ geography.
physical, cultural
the study of spatial variations among cultural traits and the spatial functioning of society
cultural geography
The Five Geographical Themes in Cultural Geography
1) culture region
2) cultural diffusion
3) cultural ecology
4) cultural interaction
5) cultural landscape
geographical unit based on characteristics and functions of culture
culture region
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