Home » The Human Mosaic 1-9

The Human Mosaic 1-9

A grouping of like places or the functional union of places to form a spatial unit
The study of spatial patterns and of differences and similarities from one place to another in environment and culture
Human Geography
The study of the relationships between people and the places and spaces in which they live
A total way of life held in common by a group of people
Physical Environment
All aspects of the natural physical surroundings
Term to connote the objective, quantitative, model based typed of geography that seeks to understand spatial systems and networks through applications of the principles of social science
An imaginary situtation, proposed to simulate laboratory conditions so that geographers can isolate certain causal forces for detailed study
Term to connote the subjective, humanistic, culturally oriented type of geography that seeks to understand the unique character of individual regions and places
The Love of Place
Formal Region
A region inhabited by people who have one or more cultural traits in common
Border Zones
Areas where different regions meet and sometimes overlap
Concept based on the tendency of bother formal and functional culture regions to consist of a core/node, in which defining traits are purest or functions are headquartered, and a periphery that is tributary and displays fewer of the defining traits
Functional Region
An area that functions as a unit politically, socially, or economically
The central point in a functional culture region where functions are coordinated and directed
Vernacular Region
A region perceived to exist by its inhaitants
Name the 3 perspectives of geography
Spatial models, sense of place, power & ideology
Name the 5 geographical themes.
Cultural landscape
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