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Essay about The American Dream: Life, Liberty And The Pursuit Of Happiness

Many immigrants from different parts of the world move to the United States to find the American Dream. They move to find liberty, rights, opportunity, equality. They often look for a life here, because their life in their country was not going well for them. Some often move so their children can grow up and obtain a good education and career. For example, Adam states, “That dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for every man, with opportunity for each according to his ability or achievement” (Adams).

This quote shows that people come to the United States with a dream that their life ould be better in a land that life should be great with freedom, rights and many opportunities. Things that make the American Dream is that the people should have a life of their own that makes them happy in a society where it is possible to do that. The American Dream could be anything that you that you could want it to be. American Dream to some fathers can be going to a baseball game with their son.

The Declaration of Independence is a part of the American Dream in which the Declaration of Independence states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are ndowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. ” This shows that if the people are free and happy, they are living the American Dream. The American Dream protects the happiness of the American people. It allows the people do of their greatest in the society.

Any person irrespective of where they were born or their race they come to obtain their own success in a civilization where it is possible for everyone to live a life they would like to live and to achieve success. Some say that their American Dream is to work two jobs to assure their amily’s survival and life. Some say, that the American Dream became the hunt of material wealth, that people work more jobs and more hours to get more cars and bigger homes for their family but have almost no time to enjoy what they have, because they are always working. “… dream of motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position. ” (https:// www. thebalance. om/what-is-the-american-dream-quotes-and- history-3306009). The history of the American Dream is the Declaration was destined to white property-owners, but the idea of this protracted these rights to slaves, women, and non- property owners.

The American Dream could mean the world to people, people come from many different countries to seek success in American with great life with a family. It all comes down to how hard you work and how hard you are willing to work to achieve the life that you are looking for. It is always possible but it is on how much you are determined to do for what you want. The American Dream offers an opportunity to make major and minor decisions that make them delighted, the freedom to seek to bigger and better things and the opportunity of accomplishing them. Steve Jobs is a good example for the American Dream.

Steve Jobs has showed to many people that anything is possible if you work hard. He has started the Apple company in his garage and from there grew to be one of the greatest companies today. He never gave up, because it was his dream to build this company into something great. Another great example for someone who has made their American Dream is Jim Carrey. Jim Carrey lived in a camper van and tents for years. He says these conditions got him where he is today. Carrey’s is known for his sense of humor; his sense of humor is a trait that he established as he lived in these tough conditions.

Wisegeek. com states that people came to find a better life for their children, “Some people say that the American dream represents the desire to live a better life than the previous generation did and that there is a legitimate opportunity for this to happen. The desire among many parents is for their children to lead happy lives. This is especially true among mmigrants, because many of them fled extremely difficult circumstances in their native countries” (http:// www. wisegeek. org/what-is-the-american-dream. htm).

Some things that stop the people from achieving their American Dream is the discrimination of the person’s race, religion, gender and others. To certain people the American Dream can be personal motivation rather than success in a big house or better cars. Payment from accidents is another way some Americans try to achieve the American Dream, by making money off legal arguments. Many people in America blame their own disasters on bad manufacturing on the company that roduced the means of their accidents. Mr. Redlin decided it would be an intelligent choice to become drunk and then attempt to pilot his friend’ s motorcycle.

Unfortunately, he ended up crashing into a median in the road that happened to be unmarked. Redlin sued the city for his own inattention, claiming that the city had no signage declaring the occurrence of the median whatsoever. Thomas Redlin made about six million dollars off the lawsuit. This is an example of how some Americans deed the legal system to gaining wealth quickly like the revised American Dream seems to carry, instead of chieving prosperity through demanding work and lots of purpose like the original idea of the America dream.

It shows how American have gone from being gracious and hardworking, to lazy and ignorant. Some people deed the system because they know it will be an easier way to make a fortune than it would be through hard, honest work. There is divergence over the meaning of the American Dream today. Some think we’ve understood the End of the American Dream. But this motivating image from the Founding Fathers will remain to evolve. The right to pursue happiness and the right to oppose about what that eans are what makes the American Dream so influential.

The nation’s leaders expressed the development of the American Dream. President Lincoln approved the Dream’s equality to slaves. President Wilson sustained the voting rights of women. It directed to the clause of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution in 1918. President Johnson encouraged Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. That concluded segregation in the schools. It protects workers from judgement based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin. In 1967, he protracted those rights to people over 40.

President Obama supported the egal welfares of the marriage agreement nevertheless of sexual orientation. Due to Donald Trump being the new president people believe that the American Dream has come to an end. People believe it has come to an end because President Trump wants to build a wall and stop immigrants from crossing into our country. He claims to keep our country safe from possible terrorism. According to thequint. com, they state, “Does it mean that America is moving towards the end of democracy? George Washington, Tom Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Roosevelt Fredrik’s dreams have come to an end?

Will there be a rise of ew America, where democracy will be replaced by dictatorship, where will, equality, freedom and fraternity will be buried in the tomb, which will prohibit people from breathing freely, who will only speak for men, who will push out migrants from the US, who will be a terror for Muslims, who will break relations with China, who will not have pity on the poor countries, and might resort to nuclear weapons if terrorism is not controlled. So, on and so forth. ” The American dream has drove the hopes and goals of Americans for generations.

It started as a simple but innovative idea: everyone has the right to pursue happiness, nd the freedom to strive for a better life through hard work and fair ambition. But over time, this vision has come to represent a set of prospects about having things and making money. A feature is that America is Gods’ chosen country all Americans must bring “The American Dream” to the residue of the world, for example Democracy and American ideals. Also, the impression that immigrants of different races, different cultural backgrounds and different religious beliefs can be bonded into a new realm without leaving their varied cultures.

The impression of America being a melting pot where everyone an exist peacefully together. “The American Dream” has a lot to do with America being a country of immigration, and the immigrants all expected to live an improved life in the new world. American Dream was first publicly explained in 1931. Historian James Truslow Adams used the quote in his book Epic of America. Adams’ repeated quote is, “The American Dream is that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. ”

Adams went to say that it is not, “… dream of motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of ocial order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position. ” The American Dream is guarded by the Declaration of Independence, in this quote: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

The Declaration sustained, “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, eriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. ” The Founding Fathers put into act the revolutionary plan that every person’s aspiration to pursue happiness was not only dissolution. It was a piece of what manages ambition and creativity. By legally guarding these benefits, the Founding Fathers set up a nation that was very engaging for those aspiring to a better life. (Source: “The American Dream: A Biography,” Time Magazine, June 21, 2012. ) The Declaration also precisely states that a country must be permitted free trade. Source: “The Declaration of Independence,” U. S. National Archives. )

The American Dream lawfully defends every American’s right to attain their potential. That allows them to sponsor their greatest to society. It is the certainty that the best way to guarantee national progress is to defend citizens right to better lives. (Source: “Creating the American Dream,” American Radio Works. ) American Dream is “the charm of anticipated success. ” Said the French historian Alexis de Tocqueville in his book Democracy in America. He reviewed American civilization in the 19th century.

This appeal has brought millions of immigrants to U. S. shores. It’s also been a convincing dream for other nations. Sociologist Emily Rosenberg recognized five components of the American Dream that have revealed in countries around the world. At first, the Declaration only protracted the Dream to white property-owners. However, the impression of inalienable rights was so influential that laws were added to spread these rights to slaves, women, and nonproperty owners. In this way, the American Dream changed the sequence of America itself. In the 1920s, the American Dream started transforming from the right to make a better life to the wish to acquire material things.

This change was defined in the F. Scott Fitzgerald novel, The Great Gatsby. In it, the character Daisy Buchanan shouts when she spots Jay Gatsby’s shirts, because she’s “never seen such—such beautiful shirts before. ” This ambitious version of the Dream was never achievable. Someone else constantly had more. The Dream of The Great Gatsby was “an orgiastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter — tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther… ” This voracity ran to the stock market crash of 1929 and the Great Depression.

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