The Handmaid’s Tale – Feminist?

Yes, I agree with this statement. Although the theocratic totalitarian regime operating in Gilead was instigated and is controlled by men, the male protagonists in the novel are seen as caring and sympathetic. Although one or two women have become quite close through their ordeal, despite the fact they’ve had no other choice (“We’re used … Read more

The Handmaid’s Tale

The Handmaids Tale focuses itself on some past history of societies that once were and to some extent may be reality of today. The main characters face certain uncertainty unless they follow the rules of the society and accept their position within the society. One must contemplate whether there may be any risk, large or … Read more

Imagery in the Handmaid’s Tale

There are two kinds of freedom: freedom to, and freedom from. Historically, women in the United States have fought philosophical battles in and out of the home to achieve “freedom to” and have been successful. But what if society suddenly took away these freedoms? What if American women were suddenly returned to their cloistered state … Read more

Margaret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale

Atwood uses word play in this dystopian novel to reinforce themes and ideas and to create the implication of and foreshadow ideas without direct allusion to them. Atwoods character Offred also uses word play to both remember her past and as a conscious resistance to her present. The novel is set in the Republic of … Read more