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The Hypocrisy Of Diversity

‘Diversity’. It’s everywhere you look these days. When you switch on your TV set, you open up a newspaper, or you just look out your window – it’s there. It seems everybody has a lot to say about diversity, but what does it mean, what does it really mean? And what does the future hold for a racially ‘diverse’ America? Well.. let’s look at the fine people who are pushing for the ‘diversity’ line. Who’s opening the borders to hordes of illegal aliens in order to ‘diversify’ the racial makeup of the United States and allowing these criminals to collect welfare and vote?

Who’s saying we should have to make way for Blacks and Mexicans in our own society, forcing us to change our ways, our culture, in order to accommodate these people, and their cultures. Who is saying that we should bring these Negroes and Mestizoes into predominantly White places and institutions, and we should have to be ‘tolerant’ and ‘sensitive’ to the cultural and racial attitudes of these people. Isn’t it mainly the left that’s saying we should have to accept more ‘diversity’, that we should have to change our ways and become more ‘sensitive’ towards these people when we are dealing with them?

Isn’t it mainly these leftists, the Marxist-Communists, the professional class- and race-warfare artists, that are always crying out about the ‘oppression’ of the Negro and the Mestizo, and how we need to help these people by giving them free healthcare, free welfare, free houses. Just last year that proud moral example, that wonderful honest man who’s word was his bond, that embodiment of patriotic Americanism, president Bill Clinton stated proudly to a cheering audience that “by 2050, Whites will be a minority in the United States”.

Yes, it’s mainly the left, but most Republicans are not much better as they do a fairly good job of sitting back and watching it happen, since they know that it drives down the cost of labor to have a such a large unskilled population. But really, what kind of benefits do ‘diversity’ and ‘multiculturalism’ bring to our society and to the average Joe White guy. After all, it’s not at all necessary to bring people from other races and from other cultures to our country just for the sake of having them here, and it’s not necessary for us to have to bend our customs, culture and values in order to accomodate these people.

This is really only a new trend, I mean, 60 years ago nobody really cared about how ‘diverse’ schools were, and how many ‘minorities’ a particular business employed. Nobody cared to how these people felt in our community because of exactly that: it was OUR community and if they were going to live here they were going to have to accommodate US. 60 years ago they didn’t care about these people because they had no reason to.

There was no reason then and there is no reason now, there is no possible benefit for us in bringing these people into our country; to feed them, to clothe them, to house them, to educate them and then after that to find jobs for them. That’s exactly what’s happening right now though; the first two, food and clothing are taken care of by welfare, housing is taken care of by the huge housing projects you will find in any big city, and everybody knows the color of people who tend to live in those.

Education is taken care of by our ‘integrated’ school system and by bussing poor Black kids into well-to-do White schools just for the sake of ‘diversity’. And after all that, they are either employed through the racist ‘affirmative action’ programs, or they sit back and collect welfare off the taxpayer for the rest of their lives while they find an equally ‘diverse’ wife, and keep her spitting out kids like a roman-candle. One can look at any study on crime in the more ‘diverse’ areas of cities, counties, or states, and you will see that as the ‘diversity’ level rises, so does the crime rate.

The same is true with the spread of AIDS, syphilis, and other venereal diseases. So why the push for this ‘diversity’, because, I’m sorry, I just don’t see any benefits of it. All I can see is that it brings a low-class, struggling, disease-prone underclass of social leeches, who want to take from the average White guy who breaks his back to make a living, and gives it to the Negro or Mestizo drug-dealing pimp on the street so he can use it to buy himself another line or two of crack cocaine, or another few bottles of cheap liquor.

So, on one hand you have the left, the liars, cheats, scoundrels and crooks, who will give money to the lazy poor man and tell him that he could have had just as much chance in life, and therefore has just as much a right to be have that money as the hard-working man who busts his ass to make a living. You have these people, these self-proclaimed ‘champions of the underclass’ importing and distributing all manner of diseased and lazy low-lifes for the sake of ‘diversity’.

And on the other hand you have the money-hungry right who are making a fast buck off these immigrants and social misfits in the form of cheap labor so they don’t have a reason to do anything to stop it. They don’t have to live with them, they don’t have to send their kids go to school with them.. but they are more than happy to employ them for a couple of dollars an hour when they want someone to make their tennis shoes, or to assemble their children’s toys.

Neither side wants to do anything to stop it because they are both profiting from it at the expense of the middle-class Whiteman. Just take a second and look at the hypocrisy in it – ask yourself this: why aren’t these proponents of more ‘diversity’, more ‘multiculturalism’, and more ‘tolerance’ concerned about making, say; West Africa, a more ‘diverse’ place?

After all, they complain about the ‘disgustingly white’-ness of, say Iowa, Idaho or Colorado, yet you don’t hear them complaining, for example, about the ‘disgustingly black’-ness of Kenya, Somalia or Mozambique, or the ‘disgustingly yellow’-ness of Korea, Japan or China, despite these fact that all these nations have an almost homogenous population. I wonder why, why these people feel that they need to bring ‘diversity’ to Australia, to England, to America, to all the Nordic Aryan nations on earth, when there are so many Negro, Arab, or Asian nations in a far less ‘multicultural’ state than any White nation.

When was the last time you heard about the Jew Abraham Foxman and his “Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith” making one of their “tolerance” drives down to Zimbabwe, in order to teach the local Negroes how to be more ‘tolerant’ of the White Nordic Aryan farmers, and maybe try to stop some of these Negro savages from raping, disembowelling, and eventually murdering another White family.

The N. A. A. C. P. esn’t seem too concerned about the Negroes that are being enslaved right now, right at this very time, by their own Black ‘brothers’ down there in Mozambique – they don’t seem to care too much about the ‘civil rights’ of those enslaved Negroes, and they don’t seem to be working to ensure their release and ensure the abolition of the entire institution of slavery. No, because in their eyes slavery is only bad when it’s White on Black, when it’s Nordic Aryan on Negro.

I mean, without the racial aspect, where would people like the A. D. L. and the N. A. A. C. P. be right now. If they couldn’t get a crowd whipped up with outside agitators over the nasty evil ‘racist’ ‘homophobic’ White boogeyman that these organizations hold up all the time, who would send in all the donations that they currently line their pockets with? Because that’s the whole hypocrisy of this ‘diversity’ scam. Money. It’s all about the almighty dollar and who can get the biggest piece of the Whiteman’s pie.

They know there’s no money for them in trying to ‘diversify’ Kenya, Mozambique, Iran, India, China or any of those non-White non-Nordic Aryan nations. There’s no money in it if you haven’t got a population that prefers being called a murderer to being called a ‘racist’. No money if you haven’t got a minority that’s so used to having the carrot of the Whiteman’s hard-earned money hung in front of their face, so used to it that they will vote for whover proposes the next socialistic income redistribution program around, and then denounce whoever opposes it as a ‘racist’ and a ‘hater’.

There’s no money in the game if you haven’t got a White society working hard to make the bread that the neo-Communists will use as the bait to snag the next election on the Negro vote, or a White society to create and support the companies which employ Spanish-speaking Mestizos in their assembly-line jobs. And that’s why this whole game of ‘diversity’ and of ‘tolerance’ and of all the other crazy catch-phrases that have appeared over the last ten years is only played on nations with a good percentage of Nordic Aryans.

Really, why the hell should we have to change our ways in order to accomodate people who don’t want to fit into our society, when you think about it – it’s quite a nutty idea. Think of it this way: would a doubling of the Negro population in America be a good thing for our society? How about a doubling of the Mestizo population, would that benefit our society? We both know that neither of those things would be good for our nation, but that’s exactly what these multi-culti ‘diversity’ people are trying to soften you up for. Maybe you can see what’s going on now.

We at the N. A. A. N. A. P. can see what is going on, we can see as our nations become increasingly more ‘diverse’, as our people are vilified, and hated, and cast as the eternal ‘persecutor’ for resisting this mongrelization of our society. I have looked, and I can’t find any benefits of ‘diversity’ for our people. So when you hear of ‘diversity’ these days, remember, it’s only ‘diversity’ against Nordic Aryans- you don’t hear about the ‘diversifying’ of anywhere else, because having ‘diversity’ anywhere else would not make any money for the neo-Communist class- and race-warfare agents.

We at the N. A. A. N. A. P. are standing up against these Bolsheviks who set to agitate the population, and who set to use our hard-earned money to buy off votes in the form of handouts and wealth redistribution programs. We are also standing up against the right-wing hacks who profit from this ‘diversity’ in the short term, and do nothing to stop it destroying our society in the long run. We are standing up against ‘diversity’ because we believe in *unity*, unity as a race, as a people and as a nation.

Through unity we can work together to make our nations stronger and to make our societies better places to live – through ‘diversity’ we are only working apart, we’re going every which way but ahead, and that’s due to the fact that for the last 50 years we have spent too much time fighting each other in our ‘diverse’ society, to notice that the real enemies may be already at our gates. We at the N. A. A. N. A. P. work to make America a better place for our children to live. We don’t want Nordic Aryans to be a minority in their own country in 20 or 30 years.

We don’t want our people to be led around in ignorance by the television set, and we don’t want our people to have to sit back and tolerate their neighborhoods being turned into graffiti-laden gang war zones. We want to awaken our people into standing up against those who would seek to have us as slaves, financial or otherwise, bearing the burden for having a large percentage of illiterate, unskilled, anti-social third-worlders in our country so the liberal leftists can have a voting support base in order to maintain their power.

This society was created by us, not so we could have a ‘diverse’ society made up of third-world hottentot savages, but so people like you and me – hardworking decent Americans – could live in a free society with rights above those of the Government. We need your help to awaken more people, to snap them out of this idiotic idea that this ‘diversity’ is good for our society.

We need your help by lobbying your congressmen to restrict border controls, to restrict the rights of illegal aliens, and to abolish this trend for a mongrelized ‘diverse’ society. We need your help and we need the help of other independently-minded Nordic Aryans like you in stopping ‘diversity’ from destroying our society and re-establishing America as the home of the American Dream and the land of prosperity and success.

We need this help because if we’re going to make America a great place to live in twenty or thirty years time, and not the next South Africa, we’re going to have to awaken as many people as we can into taking a stand and fighting as well. It’s not enough just to say “you know, I agree with what you’re saying”, you have to say “I agree with what you’re saying, and I’m willing to fight to make it happen”. To merely believe is not enough, you must have the will to fight, and to fight hard to make this change which will decide the future of our nation.

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