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Reasons For Imperialism

Imperialism is the act of one country impressing themselves upon another. There are numerous reasons countries do this. Usually, it is because they feel highly empowered and wished to spread the wealth of impressive quality of their countries to others. They want to showcase how good they are others.

Africa years prior to this war had been dominated by European settlement. It was a race to conquer and acquire the valued materials that flowed from the rich countries of Africa. (Vanotterloo, Howard) France, Great Britain and battled over territory for decades. This caused mistrust between the countries as they had quarrelled over land before. “World History Online Textbook) Also once war as full swing this gave countries chanced to acquire new territories or conquer old ones once lost.

For Germany this would a major hit, in the Asia, Japan quickly captured many of their outpost in the islands and in China. Additionally the English and French sent troops to take German colonies. Not only did this remove resources and wealth for Germany many colonies proved hep to the nations in hopes of winning their independence. (“World History Online Textbook) By this time war was in full swing, counties had tuned to a term called total war.

This is when countries diverted all their attentions and resources to the war. Factories were altered to produce war materials efficiently and as fast as possible. Rationing was installed and propaganda popped up everywhere. (“World History Online Textbook) War didn’t just involve the men on the field it affected those at home as well. The women of Europe and especially in America were graced with slender opportunities they hadn’t had before. Thousands upon thousand of women replaced men in factories.

They built tanks, ammunition, plowed fields paved streets and ran hospitals. “World History Online Textbook) They were the workforce of the country while the men were away. And even though when the war was over and the men came back to reclaim their jobs, the women were not forgotten. This showed society that women were more than cable of doing a man’s work and working a job every day. This paved the way for them to seek equal rights in the workforce. Now as previously discussed how imperialism, nationalism, and aliens all led to the war there is one more. Militarism, militarism is the glorifying of one’s military power. Counties were richer because of industrialization, which led to bigger and better military.

They had more guns, ammunition, and more factories to produce these military materials. This caused a disquieting feeling among nations. If their rivals and competitors were building up their military they needed to as well, they had to be able to compete. This competitiveness drove many to establish militaries or reinvent them. This also led to advances in the war. This is one way that Great Britain got involved in the war. When they saw Germany building up their navy they joined the allies. (Hickman, Kennedy) Secondly, militarism had a bigger impact on Russia. Russia was lagging behind all of the europe in industrialization.

They were still a rural, farming base society that lacked favourites which caused a lack of food, guns, ammunition, blankets, clothes and guns. (Hickman, Kennedy) They don’t have as many factors so producing material took longer, this caused the Russian army a lot of problems. Their soldiers were cold, starving and didn’t have adequate weapons to compete with the central powers. (“World History Online Textbook . ”) Also, they lacked railroads. Railroads were essential to transporting troops quickly and efficiently to enemy lines or defensive positions and it also caused major problems transporting the already lack of materials.

Now Russia had allies that contributed to their supplies but receiving this material was difficult. The only problem was the waterways that connected Russia to its allies were controlled by the germans and ottomans, because of this Russia struggled. (“World History Online Textbook . ”) They couldn’t compete with the modernized European countries which ultimately allowed them to be forced out of Germany, Austria hungry and led to Russia retreating into a revolution. (Vanotterloo, Howard,) The Russian people were starving and upset, and in 1917 Russian Czar Nicholas stepped down and a provisional government was instated.

Vladimir Lenin stepped up and led the country in ending the war. In 1918 the treaty of Brest-Litovsk ended Russia’s involvement in the war. (Vanotterloo, Howard,) This led to the end of the war because Germany delivered all of it attention to France. The germans made a last stride towards Paris and were once again within 40 miles but the trek there had worn them raw, they were exhausted and then the U. S launched a counter attack. In the sensing Battle Of the Marne, American stopped Germany’s advancement. “World History Online Textbook) Slowly Germans retreated and the Bulgarian and Ottomans surrendered.

In Austria Hungary’s there were relations calling for kaiser Wilhelm II to step down, in 1918 he finally did. Shortly after, France and Germany signed an armistice, which is an agreement to stop fighting. (“World History Online Textbook) All that was left was to sign a treaty. After France and Germany’s armistice, the Paris Peace conference was pulled together. There were four big contenders, the big four they are called, Woodrow Wilson of the U. S, David Lloyd George of great Britain, Georges Clemenceau of France and Vittorio Orlando of Italy.

Russia was in the midst of a civil war and Germany and their allies were not invited to the conference. (Hickman, Kennedy) Willow Wilson processed the fourteen points, this detailed that there should be no secret treaties, open water and a free trade policy, a reduced military for Germany and more rights are given to colonies and also establish new borders in Europe, he also wanted an organization all the nations. “World History Online Textbook) France and Great Britain only wanted National security and for Germany to pay for the war. (“World History Online Textbook)

Eventually, all the nations came to a decision and in 1919 the treaty of Versailles was signed. Wilson’s 14 points were adopted, the league of nations was created, Germany’s military was shut down and they were in charge of paying for the wars destructions and there colonies were confiscated. Austria hunger became Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia.

The Ottomans were left with today’s turkey, and the colonies were divided out between Great Britain, and France. Romania and Poland got some of Russia and Finland, Estonia, Latvia Lithuania became independent. (“World History Online Textbook) Now, these were the direct consequences of the treaty, bet they sent off a ripple effect that would lead into World War II. Germany was destroyed, poor, in debt and at an all time low, they were ripe for the picked for a doctor to come along and inspire the country to fight back. World War I was a catastrophe that shocked Europe.

For years before there were minor wars that countries fought one on one. They fought for land using one shot guns and before that, they rode in on horses carrying swords. This war was modern and much more dangerous. With the use of trench warfare, u-boats, poison gas, machine guns, and tanks the causalities were overbearing and military tactics were completely new. World war I shaped Europe into a new world, because of nationalism, imperialism, alliances, militarism and would ultimately lead Europe into a second world war.

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