The swelling population of urban poor, whose miniscule [sic] wages could hardly sustain them, heightened the need for police protection]Len the united States In the 19th entry: The police role was only minimally directed at law enforcement. Its primary function was serving as the enforcement arm of the reigning political power, protecting property, and keeping control of the ever increasing numbers of foreign immigrants(http://wick. Ask. Mom/Law_enforcement_and_society) In 1690 John Locke[5] wrote that:[t]he great and chief end of men’s uniting into commonwealths, and putting themselves under government, Is the preservation of their property Similarly, Adam Smith[6] described how:.. As the necessity of call government radically grows up with the acquisition of valuable property, so the principal causes which naturally introduce subordination gradually grow up with the growth of that valuable property Wherever there is great property there is great inequality.
For one very rich man there must be at least five hundred poor, and the affluence of the few supposes the indigence of the many. The affluence of the rich excites the indignation of the poor, who are often both driven by want, and prompted by envy; to invade his possessions The appropriation of herds and flocks which Introduced an inequality of fortune was that which first gave rise to regular government. Till there be property there can be no government, the very end of which is to secure wealth, and to defend the rich from the poor. Http://wick. Ask. Com/ Law_enforcement_and_society) The first modern police force, commonly said to be the London Metropolitan Police, established In 1829, promoted the preventive role of police as a deterrent to urban crime and enforcement however has only ever constituted a small portion of polling actively. [2] Polling has Included an array of activities in different contexts, but the predominant ones are concerned with the preservation of order and the provision of services. A Nucleons, Mark (2004). Fabricating Social Order: A Critical History of Police Power. Pluto Press. Up. 93-94. ISBN 978-0-7453-1489-1. There are several types of Law Enforcement agencies In the US, these are the mall ones each having different levels of Jurisdiction: Federal Police Federal Police report at the highest level and have full authority given to them by the U. S. C (United States Code). They have full Jurisdiction for all federal law enforcement.
State Police State Police may also be known as Highway patrol, their main purpose is to oversee traffic safety and compliance, they are responsible to assist with road traffic accidents and securing the scene and providing first aid If needed. Their Job Is to County Police are generally only found in city counties and have countywide jurisdiction. In some counties you have County police as well as a sheriffs department. Sheriffs Police A Sheriff is the top law enforcement of the county. The law enforcement agencies that have a Sheriff are known as Sheriffs department or Sheriffs county.
There are over 3000 Sheriffs departments in the US, some very small rural areas with only two or three members. The largest Sheriffs department in the US is Los Angles, with over 16,000 members with approximately 400 reserve deputies. Municipal Police Municipal Police range from very small agencies to the largest is the New York City Police department with up to 40,000 members. Municipal police are controlled and paid by the local government; they often have fewer rights than the state police and have restrictions on what arms they are allowed to carry. Http://www. Blurt. Com/ 4648957. HTML) There are different law enforcement agencies you have: Federal agency-federal law enforcement agencies are in place to work with certain types of crimes, Local agency- Local law enforcement agencies are in place to provide routine patrol of the communities within their Jurisdictions, and State agency-State law enforcement agencies are charged with many different roles as well. State police are charged with keeping the state’s highways, rural areas, and many other areas within their state safe.
The duties of various law enforcement agencies vary according to the branch f government which sets them up. For instance, the federal agencies are not especially concerned with state laws. They are more concerned with the federal applications of a particular law. Thus, in a “traffic stop” application, the local agency, the state agency, and the federal agency would each have a different view of the stop. The local agency would be concerned with the speeding ticket. The state agency would be concerned with the legality of the place concerned, I. E. If it were a state highway or if there were transportation of excess weight. The federal agency would e concerned with the transportation of illegal substances, as in finding an illegal substance in large quantities. (http://wick. Answers. Com/Q/ What_is_the_distinction_among_the_multiple_functions_of_modern_law_enforcement_ agencies) In this case, the federal agency would have precedence because the substance would be a federal crime, although the state agency would also have Jurisdiction as a state crime also. But since the federal overrides a particular state, the higher enforcement agency would have priority.
If there is a conviction on the federal level, hen the matter is done. But if there is no conviction on a federal level, then the state does have the option to press charges. While it is illegal to press charges twice for a single crime, the same stop can violate several laws. So the state might have peculiar laws for a particular crime that the federal does not have. In this case, the state could successfully press charges where the federal agency could not. ( (http:// wick. Answers. Com/Q/ concerning the same offence. Each presides over a type of crime that would not necessarily be an offense at each level.
For instance, a local law would make speeding at 40 miles an hour an offense. At the state level, this speed would not be excessive on a highway. At the federal level, the only reason to call this an offense would be if there were hazardous materials being transported. Each has a “slant” on the same offense. Depending on the severity of each offense each agency could or could not become involved. Multiple functions in law enforcement. (http://wick. Answers. Com/Q/ There are three major functions of law enforcement agencies. They are 1 . Immunity retention- protecting a community or town/city from violent or dangerous crimes 2. Service- to serve a population by eliminating high-profile offenders and ensuring the safety of said population 3. Deterrence- to deter criminals and crimes from occurring by showing a highly visible police presence. Http://wick. Answers. Com/Q/ What_is_the_3_main_functions_of_law_enforcement#ixzz1susP8Qmc The duties of various law enforcement agencies vary according to the branch of government which sets them up. For instance, the federal agencies are not especially concerned with state saws.
They are more concerned with the federal applications of a particular law. Thus, in a “traffic stop” application, the local agency, the state agency, and the federal agency would each have a different view of the stop. The local agency would be concerned with the speeding ticket. The state agency would be concerned with the legality of the place concerned, I. E. , if it were a state highway or if there were transportation of excess weight. The agency would be concerned with the transportation of illegal substances, as in finding an illegal substance in large quantities