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History: Essential and Worth Studying

The Introductions for the topic “what Is history”, one written by Edwin Fenton and the other by Peter N. Stearns each depicts why history is something essential and worth studying and the significance of history as how events from the past impacts the behavior of Individuals and changes In society. From the point of view of the introduction written by Peter N. Stearns on the importance of history, he demonstrates examples such as how history allows us to understand change and the society we live in plopped, the importance of history in our own lives, and how history contributes to moral understanding.

He provides numerous examples regarding the benefits of history such as demonstrating how rates of alcoholism from the past allows us to realize why the variations of rates for alcoholism to change and occur and establishes trends alcoholism as how addiction evolved into a social problem. He also signifies how can be of great Importance In our own lives as discovering the ways people constructed their ways of life previously contributes to another perspective human life and society.

He also suggests reasons on which why history proves Identity, contributes to good citizenship, and individual skills a student can develop when learning history. Some examples he presents in his introduction includes encouraging habits of mind which are Volta Tort responsible puddle Detonator Ana now analytical data provides a Dados Tort understanding how a family has interacted with larger social change. Peter N. Stearns’ concluding response to “Why study history? ” are to gain human experience, acquiring useable habits of mind basic data which affects our own lives, the development of salable” skills, and the ability of interpretation.

The introduction that Edwin Fenton presents proposes that history is incomplete and many developments that we desire to know of can never be known. Iodine’s idea differs from the statements proposed by Peter N. Stearns addresses history as something that benefits knowledge and behavior of individuals and improvement towards from society historic facts where as Edwin contradicts Pewter’s idea stating that history is inaccurate as only there are only proportions of all the events that took lace and infer historical knowledge is incomplete. As Peter N.

Stearns says that historical knowledge of old statistics contributes to the understanding of previous occurrences, Iodine’s infers the exact opposite stating we have few accurate statistics on matters such as population or trade or government income. The majority of Iodine’s introduction establishes the idea that the amount historical knowledge is inadequate, inaccurate, and biased, whereas Peter manifests the importance of history throughout his entire introduction. There are however a few things the agreed upon a few ideas on why study history.

They both agreed that studying history develops skill in interpretation and the TTY to Interpret logically towards analytical events Also, teen Don agree Tanat studying history properly manifests an active mind and skills in reasoning which contributes to an useful attribute. I believe studying history is valuable as it contributes to many beneficial factors such critical thinking, responsible public behavior, understanding why changes occur for pacific problems, and the ability to assess evidence.

These fundamental skills will become truly beneficial in many situations such as applying for a career, technological innovations, and understanding how societies function. Bearing those fundamental skills will great improve one’s intellectual knowledge and interpretation which as well enhances the understanding about the society we live within. The kind of history Peter N. Stearns opinionated are the types that describe about forces that arose in past and continue to affect the modern world.

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