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Art History Questions

Why can modern day man, not be granted authority to disclaim cultural expressions that is foreign to that of himself from/as being art? 2. Breton wrote in 1929 ‘The problem of women is the most marvelous and disturbing problem in the world’. Explain the place of woman in the surrealist movement. The place of woman in the surrealist movement is divided in two. On one hand the woman are used as muses for artists and is also a subject of desire.

On the other hand 3. What were the ideas of Cubism, Futurism and Dada? Cubism An early-20th-century avian-garden art movement pioneered by Georges Baroque and Pablo Picasso. Cubism began as an idea and then it became a style. Based on Paul CР?В©cane’s three main ingredients: geometrically, simultaneity (multiple views) and passage – Cubism tried to describe, in visual terms, the concept of the Fourth Dimension. Futurism An artistic and social movement that originated in Italy in the early 20th century.

It emphasized and glorified themes associated with contemporary concepts of the future, including speed, technology, youth and violence, and objects such as the car, he airplane and the industrial city Dada The groundwork to abstract art and sound poetry, a starting point for performance art, a prelude to postmodernism, an influence on pop art, a celebration of anti art to be later embraced for anarchy-political uses in the asses and the movement that lay the foundation for Surrealism. 4. How is Dada related to the First World War? The beginnings of Dada correspond to the outbreak of World War l.

The connection is Andre Breton, he broke with DADA in 1924 to create Surrealism: Surrealism is more constructive, with a meaningful strategy in order to sabotage modern life: logic is sterile Similarities: Both a movement Both proceed with symbolic meaning of FREUD (psychiatrist) and subconscious: fusion of dream and reality. Both mock bourgeois values; protest against capitalist society Differences: Surrealism more constructive and with a strategy; puts women on a…. Artifices: 6.

What is the difference of Post-modern & Modern art. Modernism was based on using rational, logical means to gain knowledge while postmodernism denied the application of logical thinking. Rather, the thinking during the postmodern era was based on unscientific, irrational thought process, as a reaction to modernism. Post modernism also gives more reaction to other movements n art , rather than modernism that focuses more on creating something completely 7. After the Second World War a lot changed in the arts and the view of art.

Explain how it changed and explain what the ideas were behind the new big movement and what was the difference with the movements before the war. Because of the war a lot of artists moved to America , shifting the two big artistic movements to America. The formal cystic rational purist abstract trend represented by De still and b gauss. And the anti rational emotional expressive trend by surrealists such as Ernst, Dali and Andre Breton. Both these movements were embraced by the American artists taking elements (among other of course ) from both movements creating abstract expressionism 8.

Illustrate how the African art influenced cubism. During the early asses, the aesthetics of traditional African sculpture became a powerful influence among European artists who formed an avian-garden in the development of modern art. In France, Henry Matisse, Pablo Picasso, and their School of Paris friends blended the highly stylized treatment of the human figure in African sculptures with painting styles derived from the post-Impressionist works of CР?В©Zane ND Gauguin.

The resulting pictorial flatness, vivid color palette, and fragmented Cubist shapes helped to define early modernism. While these artists knew nothing of the original meaning and function of the West and Central African sculptures they encountered, they instantly recognized the spiritual aspect of the composition and adapted these qualities to their own efforts to move beyond the naturalism that had defined Western art since the Renaissance. 9. Bruce Unman was a prominent figure in Post-modernist art.

What was the positive consequence of “true art” in his opinion? By using the mediums of mass culture (neon-signs) and of display (he originally hung the sign in his storefront studio), Unman sought to bring questions normally considered only by the high culture elite, such as the role and function of art and the artist in society, to a wider audience. While early European modernists, such as Picasso, and borrowed widely trot popular culture, they rarely displayed their work in the sites of popular culture.

For Unman, both the medium and the message were equally important; thus, by using a form of communication readily understood by all (neon signs had been widespread n modern industrial society) and by placing this message in the public view, Unman let everyone ask and answer the question. 10. Give two examples of movements and artists that express Faculty thoughts below, and describe how their art practice went beyond the confines of the studio and into our lives.

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