Food Irradiation Research Paper

If there is one thing that everyone loves to do, and needs to do, it’s eat. When people worry about what they are eating, they worry about how many calories are in their food, if there’s glucose in it, or something else along those lines, but what consumers generally think about when they eat is … Read more

Theories Of Stress Eating

When stress enters my life, I begin to eat… a lot. The more stressed out I become, the more I eat. It is this mindless eating that occurs as I work on projects or school work. School work and similar activities seem to trigger the eating more than any other stress, although, family and social … Read more

Personal Narrative: Stoicism

Living like a stoic was hard, let me tell you. Stoicism takes a lot of self control and restraint to execute properly. I chose to not overindulge myself, and to focus on applying negative visualization and self-control to my life. At the end of the night I would write down if something was hard or … Read more

The Pleasures Of Eating Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Aristotle once defined rhetoric as “an ability, in each particular case, to see the means of persuasion” or in a simpler term, “persuasion. ” The use of rhetoric dates back centuries all the way to ancient Greece. Rhetoric is simply used for everyday communication. It can be defined by three concepts: Logos, Ethos, and Pathos. … Read more

Essay on Ending World Hunger

For as long as humans have existed, we have needed food to survive. From our humble beginnings as hunter gatherers to the now extravagant, new age restaurants, we as humans have come a long way in how we consume our food. In Lizzie Widdicombe’s article about Soylent and its creator’s hopes and dreams, we are … Read more

Social Norms And Eating Essay

Food intake, both in quantity and type has been found to be affected by social influences. Social norms have been found to be very influential on our consumption of food, both on choice and intake (Higgs, 2015). There is evidence that eating with just one other person can influence our intake of food by 44% … Read more

Personal Narrative: The Joe Louis Arena Essay

When asked to name a favorite place, some people’s brains may be flooded with memories of different spaces and experiences they have had. But for me, it is easy. Only one place comes to mind—the Joe Louis Arena. The home of the Detroit Red Wings is a dome rich in history and uniquely located in … Read more